Julia's accountability thread

Yuck! Sorry the cravings are hitting… remember they don’t last and how amazing it will be to wake up sober to celebrate 1 month tomorrow.

Hope the meeting helped. Here if you need to chat or vent…stay strong :muscle:t4::pray:t4:

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Thank you @JazzyS and @One4theroad and all of you who read this. I really appreciate this app and all of you replying and reading. Like this I never feel alone…
I did go to the meeting and I was the first one to share and it felt so good and everyone said keep on going and just for today. And YES! it helps! Oh it does. I had no cravings anymore. Made the dinner and night sober and lying in bed now. I’m so so so grateful for this app and AA and my sponsor. Life saver!!!


Thanks for the update Julia :pray:t4:

So grateful for the support tools you are utilizing and how much work you are putting into your recovery :people_hugging:.

Another day in the books :tada: :tada:. ODAAT


Yay! You made it, Julia! So proud of you for using all your tools.


Celebrating my 30 days in the Alps with snow and slides and my kids and husband. Thank you higher power, AA, this App and all my sober friends in life


Fantastic! Congratulations on 30 days!
What a nice way to celebrate.

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Hey beautiful… lovely to meet you! Congratulations on your 1 month milestone :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::tada:

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Congratulations :tada::blush:

This looks like some nice winter weather

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Day 35 here, went to my home group meeting on Tuesday, my sponsor was there too, she asked me if I took on a service position yet and no I hadn’t… She kinda “forced” me to stay for the business meeting afterwards and yes I did choose a 3 month long commitment now… One year ago I would have never even thought of me sitting in the business meeting and taking a service. My best excuse was always oh Gosh I never have time for this, even the meetings were too much for my schedule, yes of course because my schedule was about drinking and getting more and being “comfortable” sitting at home and getting more to drink… So now I have this service every week for the next 3 months. It’s ok, it’s ok how my life is developing without alcohol. It is becoming much calmer, but much clearer and steadier. I’m grateful for AA and the programme and all of you guys on here


Oh that’s amazing Julia :pray:t4:. Very happy for you. Grateful to see you flourishing in your sobriety and finding new healthy ways to fill your time with. Awesome work my friend :people_hugging:… keep stacking them days :muscle:t4:

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All good stuff, Julia! I hope you find service beneficial to your sobriety like I have.


Day 38 here. Happy 1. Advent. All is good. My mind and body are clear. It’s a miracle to be sober today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: