July workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️

Lol! I’m gonna look for my six pack at the lost and found… :roll_eyes: Cause it’s nowhere to be seen! :rofl::rofl:


I’m pretty sure under that deep layer of fat I have a neat hard like a stone six-pack, it’s just covered with this squeezy soft fatty, probably for safety reason :sweat_smile:

Yeah! I guess mine is feeling very safe too, and doesn’t wanna come out for that reason!! :rofl:

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Day 26 done.

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Day 26 done :white_check_mark: Broke it up in 3 sets, I’m happy when July is over! :rofl:


Day 27 done! :white_check_mark: Broke it down in 3 sets.

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Today I pass :frowning:
I have some weird pain in my knee and I don’t want to risk.


I seem to cannot make it every day, so I’ll make my circle every other day. Which now adds up to a loooong workout. :see_no_evil: Checking in later as I enjoyed the cool morning to do Yoga. My body needs this more.


Day 27 and 28 done in three circles. 17 min


Day 28 done :white_check_mark: in 3 sets! + 25 minutes lane swimming at the public pool, after that it became mission impossible with all the kids!
I’m still hesitating to launch an August challenge, if I do, it’s gonna be more light! :grimacing: Probably a tabata challenge!


Day 27 :white_check_mark:
I’m two days behind :frowning:

My left knee still hurts but I think I will give it a try with jogging. If pain will get stronger I will crawl back home :wink: Tomorrow my husband is leaving for 2/3 days so I won’t have occasion to run, and I hate to lose my pattern (2 days running, 1 day break).


Just do whatever you can, this is not mandatory! Don’t stress out! It’s just to keep moving and for the fun! Don’t push yourself! You’re doing great! :muscle:t2:

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Day 29 done! :white_check_mark: looking forward to the end of the month!! Tomorrow last day! :call_me_hand:t2:


This looks like fun. I’ll join in the August challenge :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 29 done. Back to normal humidity= :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::hot_face::zipper_mouth_face::scream:

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Soon it’s August :grimacing:

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Day 30 still pending… I’m still on time tomorrow! Today I did nothing! I must confess…

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Day 30 done. 2 sets. I am happy I finished. Like working on my recovery or other tasks, it can be repetitive and boring. I am glad I broke it into 2 sets instead of stubbornly getting frustrated to not being able to do over 30 pushups in one row over several days.


Well done Franzi! :clap:t2::clap:t2: Day 30 done too, split up in 3 sets. I’m happy the July challenge is over! :grimacing: Bye bye July, hello August!

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I finished at day 27 and gave up, I’m satisfied anyway, it was long journey.
Bye bye July ;*