July workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️

It’s organised quite regularly depending on the motivation. We would like to motivate as many people as possible and stick but it’s easier said than done. You can search challenge+month. I think we had one almost every month last year if I remember correctly.


Great, thank you!

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Want to but feel unable to do in this humid heat. Feel trapped in hell. 37 days to go. :sob:

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Day 18 done! I’m splitting the lunges and crunches in sets, otherwise I lose count and it gets boring. Push-ups 8 reps, little break, and then the other 8 with my legs + body combat at the gym! :boxing_glove: I’m done for today! tomorrow’s forecast again 38C with approx 70% humidity… :roll_eyes:

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As Franzi already mentioned there has been a challenge almost every month. But if you are totally motivated, you can also start your own challenge e.g. for August, and we’ll join you! Feel free! :grin:


Day 15 and 16 completed, sprinkled in with some more stacking of wood. I have maybe 30-45 minutes left on this delivery.

You do me wrong to take me out o’ th’ grave.
Thou art a soul in bliss; but I am bound
Upon a wheel of fire, that mine own tears
Do scald like molten lead.
William Shakespeare, King Lear.


Day 19 done half… I went for a 7K walk (combined with intervals) and once I got home I was soaking wet! I did the push-ups with my feet in 2 sets, and the rest 1/2 of each… That was enough! Still happy I got my ass out there with 35C! I can’t even complain about this challenge, cause I chose it! :face_with_peeking_eye:


Did Day 4 today since I started over! I’ve been all the place each day and mostly just getting outside and giving it my best if not too hot and TIRED! I am feeling stronger though and charged up more days than usual.


Day 17 done at the gym. I did more, but not enough for me to qualify it as a second day. I am really close to getting back on track.

@Jesile - we’re going to institute the “Jenny” rule. - any challenge has to have at least one day off for every 10 on! This is brutal!

Faith, I have been a truant in the law,
And never yet could frame my will to it,
And therefore frame the law unto my will.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI Part I


Day 18 to 20 done. 23 min. Raised humidity by 3 %, from 81 to 84%. :zipper_mouth_face:


Yep, next challenge the “Jenny Rule” is mandatory!!


Day 20 done! :white_check_mark: + 7K walk. Push-ups in 2 sets with my feet, lunges normal, and the crunches I did 50 + I swapped the last 25 with a 60 secs plank to give some more variety

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Day 18 done :white_check_mark:

It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.
Queen Elizabeth II


Day 21 done using resistance band and dumbbells.

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Beast mode - on!

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Day 21 not done!! I plead guilty… I feel asleep on the couch after work, and after that I just took a shower… Tomorrow I’ll be back at it! :smiling_face:


Day 22 done! :white_check_mark: I did a 9K walk, and in the middle of that I stopped to do the exercises out in the woods where nobody can see me, I hope… :sweat_smile: I did change some of the 100 something squats for triceps dips and abdominal exercises, otherwise it just gets never ending! Push-ups done with my feet in 2 sets, so I’m improving with that! :call_me_hand:t2:


Day 22 and 23 done. 16 min. I am grateful for my fingers to help counting when my mind wanders.


Day 23 done, with some slight changes I made to add some more variety! :white_check_mark::blush:


Day 24 done! :white_check_mark: Did a bit of everything; push-ups, lunges, squats, triceps dips, crunches. To give it a bit more variety!