Kevin's accountability log

To-Do list

Prayer 1
Bible 1
Floss Teeth 1
Family 1
Forum 1
Outreach 1
Job Search

Love Challenge

Tell wife I love her 1

Give compliment

Avoid negative 1

Unexpected kind

Call from work

Special greet

Pray w/ her

To-do list 6 points
Love Challenge 2 points

This is eye opening for me. I was with my wife most of the day. I had plenty of opportunities to show love and didn’t take them. I could choose to include her in my life or not. But it takes effort which will be worth it. Do some things tomorrow.


To-Do list

Bible 1
Floss Teeth 1
Forum 1
Job Search

Love Challenge

Tell wife I love her 1

Give compliment

Avoid negative 1

Unexpected kind

Call from work 1

Special greet

Pray w/ her

To-do points 3
Love Challenge points 3

Not the best day. I feel pretty exhausted after working both jobs. My eyes are watering from fatigue.

Tonight, I have the opportunity to go to CR.

It’s been soooo long since I’ve been to a meeting. Miss the friends I made there so much. Looking forward to it a lot. I can tell that my wife feels a little uncomfortable about me going. Doesn’t talk about it much. But she doesn’t want to go against our pastor. So I should be able to make this a consistent practice.

For those people that feel that meetings are not for them, just be grateful that the resources are there and available and practically free. Makes no sense to me why one wouldn’t go if he’s still struggling. If nothing is holding you back, why refuse the help?

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Well said Kevin. Enjoy your meeting my friend. And try not to worry about your wife. I feel that she has to sort this herself. As long as you are true to yourself. We can’t help what other people think. But I do understand that it is hard when you feel a lack of trust from the person you love. I have it myself. But ultimately, I was responsible for that trust dying. So all I can do is keep making myself a better person.
Stay safe.


And now I’m going to reiterate.

If I can go into a meeting and admit to a population of general addicts that are religious that I’m a porn addict,

it can’t be that much harder for an alcoholic or any other addict to do the same.

I really don’t have much sympathy for addicts that refuse the help of a meeting simply because they are a little embarrassed.

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Thanks Geoff.

I will enjoy my meeting. :grinning:

Finally got the book after work today.

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Hi Cate,

Prayer, to me, is simply communication with God.

Simply taking at least 10 minutes in my day uninterrupted to listen to God or to bring Him my requests or to thank Him.

Worship consists of bringing out my guitar and playing and singing sings to Him.


Done with the CR meeting.

I feel so good to have done that and will incorporate that every week.

My honest opinion is that it doesn’t replace TS, not even close.

I feel so fortunate to have so much help around me. Thank you everyone.


I’ve been busy, overly busy. Haven’t done my To-do list and I think I’m noticing a difference. Today is going to be different. I’m choosing to make it count.

I’ve been carrying around my old 6 month SAA medallion.

This was from my first 6 months of sobriety that I celebrated about 23 years ago. I’ve had multiple stretches of sobriety lasting over 6 months. I’ve only had 2 lasting over 9. So these next 3 months will be very defining for me.

The SAA medallion is my favorite of all the recovery chips that I’ve seen.

I love the serenity prayer on the back.
I love it’s unique shape.
I love the words From Shame to Grace on the front, and the picture of the sun appearing behind the clouds.

Looking forward to my 2nd CR meeting tomorrow. Yea!

I’ve started reading This Naked Mind. And I’ve already determined that this is going to be very relevant to sex addiction.

The book describes that my mind is comprised of 2 different parts, the conscious and the unconscious.

The unconscious is the part I’m not aware of. It’s emotional and often not logical. And it’s the part where most of my decision making lies.

My unconscious draws information from my experiences and observations. It makes assumptions, and draws conclusions. And these all impact my beliefs.

Oftentimes, this process goes against my conscious. For instance, when I consciously decide to stop acting out, it creates an internal battle within myself because my unconscious is still set on getting its fix.

The book makes an attempt to get my unconscious to line up with my conscious by breaking down my observations and experiences, my assumptions, and my conclusions.

Thus, when I’m done, I should have no desire to act out. No desire equals no temptation. Thus, I could be around porn but not use it because I’ll have no desire to use it.

This promise seems a little lofty for me. I’m a little skeptical but also intringued. I’m going to read with a positive open mind. This does make a lot of sense.


Chapter 2 of This Naked Mind discusses the importance of having a right perspective on what causes addiction.

We become addicts not because of a lack of willpower or because of some genetical makeup.

We become addicts because we are partaking of a substance or behavior that is knowingly addictive.

The fact is that anyone can become addicted if they use long enough.

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Chapter 3 reiterates that alcohol is an addictive substance.

When one uses it, the body craves more and develops a tolerance to it. Thus, the drinker needs to drink more.

In other words, alcohol abuse is degenerative.

At first, drinkers feel like they have control. They look at alcoholics as inferior, having a weakness, until they discover that alcohol starts to make life unmanageable. By the time it’s realized, its too late. They lost control sooner than they realized. It begs the question. Were they ever really in control?

Although, I’m not a drinker, I can identify that my DOC is defininitely addictive and degenerative. And that once I start, I cannot stop. And then I need more porn to get the same high. Eventually, this leads me to seek out other ways to act out to get my fix.


To-Do list

Prayer 1
Bible 1
Floss Teeth 1
Forum 1
Outreach 1
Job Search

Love Challenge

Tell wife I love her 1

Give compliment

Avoid negative

Unexpected kind

Call from work 1

Special greet

Pray w/ her

To-do list points 5
Love Challenge points 5

I fell a little short yesterday. But I’m back to doing this. This helps me. And I want to do a better job of making each day count. Many here recognize the importance of staying busy and keeping each day structured. I can see how that goes a long way in maintaining clarity throughout the day.

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It’s great to see you in a positive mode Kevin. You seem to be having more days where you don’t crave. Nice one.

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That is true, Geoff. I’m having less cravings. Trying real hard to get a lot of positive behaviors done. Yeah, there’s work involved in it.

But it beats constantly fighting a tooth and nail battle to keep myself from acting out.

I get out what I put in.


Chapter 4 of This Naked Mind introduces a liminal point, a message to break down the experience, observation, assumption, conclusion, and belief that my alcohol use is simply a habit, when, in fact, it is an addiction.

By replacing porn in place of the word alcohol, this is turning out to be very relevant to me.

To be honest, I already know this. For over 25 years.

The chapter later teases me in mentioning that it will challenge my looking at my addiction as if I’m missing out. Wishing that I could act out sexually like all the rest.

I still am guilty of romanticising my addiction. Hoping that can be turned around.

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Thinking again about this chapter. Yes, I can totally agree that I’m addicted to porn.

But I must be open to the possibility that my unconscious mind still does not accept that, even after 25 years of my conscious self embracing that.


Hey @KevinesKay,
Just wanted to jump in on your log here for a moment because of this post here.

It sometimes feels like I’m lying to myself, but to be honest, most of the time I have a disdain and disgust that backs my sobriety. The urges we talk about of wanting to surf or wanting to act out for me are flickers of the thought “am I forcing myself to think PMO is bad, or is it really?” it’s the last three words in particular.

Right now, I don’t think I’m in a place of wanting what others seem to partake in easily, because, and maybe this is too much assuming, I feel they are also, in a smaller way, affecting their connection with others. Even if I end up dating someone who uses PMO, I won’t, and it’s setting my bar higher to find people who connect well. It’s up to the future for me to aire on the side of caution and wait until someone proves to me in my own life that one can use the MO side of it without the same slippery slope. Right now, I can’t believe that. It seems like my brain trying to find excuses to get back it’s drug. So I’ll be patient and see how my understanding of my health in this regard shifts over time, all the while, watching my days count up, not jealous of others opportunities, but weary of what they might not share as openly. Weary of my own experience of disconnection.
Anywho, that was all, just my 2 cents behind the wanting what others seem to have. On to the next day.

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Thanks @TheJK.

Our minds do play tricks on us, don’t they?
Today, I want to act out. I’ve thought of doing some cruising for streetwalkers, but chose against it, knowing that I’ll regret it later and have to come clean about on TS.

Today, I feel like a vampire constantly craving for bloody porn. And trying to manage the best that I can without it. Learning to be grateful for I do have instead of feeling sorry and pitiful for what I don’t have.

I’m very grateful for the friends I have on TS. Most people don’t have such a resource where one can check in and get support ANYTIME. And I’ll say it again. I need a lot of help.


Chapter 5 of This Naked Mind mentions the fact that our bodies have an amazing ability to cope. Even in the midst of high stress, our bodies are natural inclined to stay in balance on their own.

Our bodies are not missing anything they need. It’s a lie to assume that one needs alcohol to help cope. Alcohol does nothing to alleviate stress. In fact, it creates more.

The same with porn. I may act out when I’m stressed, but porn does not really relax me. It adds more stress. There is nothing that my body is missing. There is no void that porn can fill.


Chapter 6 brings up another liminal point; an attempt to speak to the unconscious mind. Challenging the idea that alcohol tastes good, it defines it as the same stuff as ethanol; fuel used to run cars.

And it tastes awful. Too much consumption will kill you.

The alcoholic industry puts a lot of additives to mask the bitter taste to make it more tolerable. But it still tastes bad. Drink too much, and your body will throw it up.

But over time, the alcoholic learns to get used to the taste. So when he/she says, “I like the taste,” it’s a result of them conditioning themselves to like the taste of something that pretty much tastes nasty.

Most of you here know that I’m not a drinker. Neither is my wife. I’ve never been drunk. And I don’t have a desire to because I don’t desire acting like a complete idiot. However, it must feel good to get drunk because a lot of people do it. If it didn’t feel good, they wouldn’t do it. Actions speak louder than words.

But it’s still true that alcohol does NOT taste good.

So this is how I relate this chapter to my addiction.

I’ve fallen into the lie that porn is glamorous; that it and the sex it depicts “tastes” good.

And I admit, acting out gives me a narcotic experience; 10 times better than anything I’ve ever felt. Of course, I always feel like crap after I use.

A few years ago, I took an significant amount of time reading and viewing eyewitness accounts of people in the sex industry. And to hear all the stories of women being trafficked, emotionally and physically abused, being exposed to STDs. They were not doing this for the “taste” of it.

And the sex industry works very hard to package this product into something that looks glamorous and appealing.

Still, no matter how it’s packaged, many see it as disgusting, tasteless, gross, unappealing, full of violence and brutality.

In the same way that I’m turned off by alcohol, others are turned off by porn.

I do admit that that there has been a degenerative and desensitization process in my life when it comes to my sexual acting out. At age 3, my fantasies were not the same as today. My acting out evolved. From fantasies, to lusting at pictures, to masturbation, to viewing hardcore porn, to using strip joints, to phone sex, to massage parlors, to picking up streetwalkers.

And I have to accept that others simply don’t find sex with a dirty crack whore appealing.

As I naturally find alcohol bitter and unappealing, others view my addiction the same way.

Is it conceivable that my desire and taste for porn and the sex that it depicts is something that I’ve acquired and not natural?

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