Kevin's accountability log

I know how you must feel. This sense of hopelessness. Will I ever stop?

How much longer, Lord? What more do you need to teach me?

For a long time, I heard very clearly from the Lord that my freedom from porn was not a huge priority on His list for me. His timing has been much different than my timing.

May you uncover what God is trying to teach you.

I had dumb phones for many years. Until my network upgraded to 4G. Most dumb phones were 2G and the reception became awful. But I’m sure if one looks around, getting a dumb phone compatible with today’s networks would be possible.

Also, I need to ask,

How is your thought life? How often are you in fantasy? Is lust a problem for you when out in public? Is your toxicity level usually at a safe level or is it constantly creeping close to the danger zone?

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Congratulations! 22 days is great! And it’s true. Sobriety is a reward. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

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I am so happy I found this post. I have done similar thing over the last few years, and I felt so ashamed and incredibly depressed every time I sober up.Its like I have a split personality. The drugged version does things the sober one will never do.

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Welcome Marius. This is a great community. I hope you find the people here as helpful as I have.

Today, I’m reminded of the main building block behavior I’ve been guilty of all of my life. As a child, l learned very early on to use sex fantasies to soothe me of my pain. Whenever I felt lonely, angry, sad, someone was upset with me, had a setback, a trial, lost in a boardgame, bored during a long drive, I would use fantasy to alter my mood. I was very effective with it. And fantasy with MB in my teen years was a nightly habit to put myself to sleep. I didn’t realize how destructive the practice was. I didn’t realize that I was opening the door to PMO addiction. I didn’t realize that I was reinforcing my toxic shame. All I knew was that I was sinning against God for thinking such thoughts. But I wasn’t aware of the damage I was causing myself. As a child, I just didn’t know better. I do now, finally.

Last Monday night, I got pulled over by a cop and received a Scott’s Law citation. That means that I passed the cop car too close while he was pulled over with his lights flashing. I should have changed lanes and passed him in the left lane. But there was traffic in that lane, and I did not feel safe to do so.

A Scott’s Law fine is pretty serious. If convicted, the fine will be over $750. But the penalty can reach up to $10,000. And I could be issued community service. That’s up to the court to decide. This requires me to appear in court. So I’m getting a lawyer. He believes I have a good chance.

But this upset me a great deal that night. I did exercise caution by slowing down considerably. And I passed the cops trying to leave as much room as I possibly could. Cars were on my left and behind me at the time. I drive a lot for my job. I cannot afford a conviction. I don’t think it was fair.

You want to know what I wanted to do? Fantasize. I thought about it. A fantasy wouldn’t hurt. Just like an alcoholic. One drink won’t hurt. Nope. I already know the drill. One fantasy will hurt. It will lead to another. Then to P-subs. Then P with MB. Then to a out of control cycle on the hamster wheel where I continue to chase a new high. And my wife will suffer as well. So no lust, no fantasy to cope with the sadness of getting that ticket. It’s not going to help. Fantasy will only make things worse for me. Day 109. No PM.


100%. Fantasy always leads to PMO. Just one thought, one compromise, can be extremely harmful. My theme for 2023 is What IF. What if i dont fantasize, what if i dont act out, for a full year? What would that feel like? I’m not tracking days in 2023. For me, i’m tracking my systems. I’m working on my day to day functions as a human being. Focused on Overall Discipline, my thoughts, what i eat, in how i spend my time, in how i treat my kids. Before i use a bathroom, i make sure to keep all phones out of my top trigger spot. Last night before using the bathroom i tossed my phone out the room, might seem crazy to people but i know myself very well. I’m not giving the little monster an opening. Do i still have the cravings? So far in 2023, no. I’m taking this fresh start extremely seriously and working on fighting all selfish behavior. What if i wasn’t selfish in 2023? What If i was consistent in my weight loss journey? What if i didn’t fantasize being 100% loyal to my wife and god every single day, WHAT WOULD THAT LOOK LIKE? That’s where I’m at. I’m not going to be perfect, but I’m extremely aware of my mental state and i block my favorite websites all day long at work for a reason. … including all social media. I’m fighting in 2023. Not taking days. It’s loyalty in 2023. That’s all that matters to me.

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Fantasy and lust are simply nothing more than P-subs. It’s true. I can take any woman IRL and turn her into porn. I can take a room full of people at church, and turn it into porn. I can lock myself into a dark closet, and I won’t need any porn. I can just take a fantasy, made up in my head, and turn it into porn.

And what does EasyWay teach about porn? That porn, in any form, has no value. It steals from me. And gives me the illusion that I’m getting something of great value leaving me with the desire to want more.

Trying to quit porn and MB while still losing the battle with lust and fantasy each day was no more than practicing moderation. Like an alcoholic switching from hard liquor to beer. Moderation is misery. No wonder as I was quitting P, my subconscious mind was leading me to fantasize and lust even more to compensate for the less dopamine. Leaving me in a state of deprivation. Always craving, always miserable.

For me, it takes the help of God. But it’s so much easier and funner and free-er to take steps to remove all lust and fantasy from my life. Have a zero tolerance on it. So that the behavior will follow.


Celebrating day 130. My week has been going well. I had a nice Valentine’s Day with my wife. We arranged to spend some time alone in a hotel.

Last week, my toxicity level was at 6. I wasn’t happy about that. I knew that I wasn’t making God the center of myself life, and it was showing by where my heart and flesh were leading me. A good portion of each day that week was characterized by lust and fantasy. When I shared that to my Simple Steps group, my leader mentioned that I was putting too much pressure on myself. That I need to relax more and enjoy God’s presence. I’m not sure if we see eye to eye. I said to him that I disagree. I agree that I should be enjoying God’s presence more. But I’m getting the message from him that it’s too hard for me to be mindful of what I’m choosing to think about or look at. It reminds me of the tactics that have worked for some in my addiction. Instead of blocking out the thoughts, they analyze them, let them in, then let them out.

Well sorry, that’s not working for me. This too shall pass was one of those slogans that I had to put back on the shelf. But I believe I finally know what does work for me. In Reformers Unanimous, there are a few principles that come to mind.

Small compromises lead to great disasters

Looking back, I’ve seen how my lust and fantasy have opened the door to my P use. I never just go straight into using P. It always starts with something smaller. Which leads to another RU principle…

Every sin originates in the heart

Which means before I done it, I thunk it! I see how many alcoholics on TS can push through the cravings until the cravings subside. But for me, I’m guilty of using cravings to compensate for the lack of dopamine I was getting from P. So my lust and fantasy were just another form of P. I was moderating. Instead of consuming the hard liquor, I switched to a form of beer. And I consumed more of it by fantasizing more during periods of “sobriety”. I normalized my fantasy and lust by calling them cravings and urges. But I really was deceiving myself. I’m not going to speak for anyone or everyone else. I’m only going to speak for myself. Until I have a zero-tolerance policy on all lust and fantasy in my life, I will never be free. The truth is my P and MB have simply been extensions and symptoms of uncontrolled eyes and a free-racing mind. That’s where it started and that’s where it ends. Another RU principle…

It is easier to keep the heart clean than to clean it after it’s been defiled

For a long time, I’ve interpreted this principle to be if I act out, it will be harder to get clean again. And that’s true. Definitely. But I realize that Steve Currington uses the word heart. That means it’s not just about my behavior. He’s talking about my heart. For me, that specifically applies to my lust and fantasy, not simply my behaviors.

Learning from the alcoholics on TS, powerlessness means that they cannot control their drinking. But as long as they don’t pick up that first drink, they have control. I’ve learned that because they choose not to get into the ring with their addiction by saying, “No,” to the first one, they get their lives back. It’s a lot easier than saying, “No,” to the second, or the third, or the fifth, or the eighth. In fact, it’s impossible.

So I find it easier for me to say ,“No,” to the first look or the first thought. Otherwise, my heart is not clean, and cleaning after it’s been defiled is much more difficult. Imagine me trying to say ,“No,” to porn or MB when I’ve been entertaining thoughts of using all day in my mind. It’s too late by then. I’ve already entered the ring with lust and fantasy. Something that I’ve come to admit that I’m powerless against. They really don’t teach this in SAA. Even SA, in which their definition of sobriety includes progressive victory over lust is up to interpretation. But maybe I wasn’t ready to receive this message until much later in life.

Looking behind me. I see the destruction that I’ve caused to myself and others. People that I’ve cared for. It makes me sad and a little angry. I was trying. Why did this take me 30 YEARS! I also see something else when looking back over the battlefield. Something that I see less on TS. That is casualties. Sex addiction is filled with them. For every person coming into this war and makes it out victorious, there are at least 10 that struggle all of their lives, these are people that are really trying, going to meetings, therapy, boundaries, etc. And yet most are casualties. I’ve fallen many times. So many that I still wonder in the back of my mind if something else will come up to sweep the floor underneath me sending me to plummet beck into my lust and fantasy, and then into P and MB. I’m hoping that this time it will be different. I feel hopeful. God, please tell me that I don’t need another relapse to figure out what more you need to teach me.

As a member of NoFap and Blazing Grace, (and SAA and SA and SLAA), it is discouraging to see soooo many casualties in this addiction. Few make it to freedom. And when it happens, I must say that it does feel lonely at the top. Which is why I’m grateful to be a part of TS. So many winners. So many victorious. That’s encouraging to me. And I don’t think I would have made it this far without you guys. So thank you.


For me,

the idea that I can train myself to check out a woman without lusting is equivalent to…

the recovering alcoholic trying to teach himself to drink without getting drunk.

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Day 238.

I had a good thing happen today. I passed my emissions!

Since our car had a stubborn check engine light on, I did the recommended oil change and drove it around for a day. I was worried because the code suggested that I might have to replace the engine.

But I brought it in this morning and it passed! So I don’t have to worry about it for another 2 years.

Have a blessed addiction-free day everyone


It’s so surreal to be at nine months since my last reset. This has historically been an impossibly difficult milestone to achieve. This is the 4th time in my life. The last time being 2 years ago. And the time before that was in 2016. Each time, I ran out of steam and acted out before reaching 10 months.

The first time was in 2005. But that sobriety was not the same. I was avoiding traditional porn, but was still indulging in lust, fantasy, PSubs, and MB. Thus, the strategies that I used in 2005-2006, no longer worked in 2016 onward.

So this is history for me. 2023. This has been my year. And I thank TS. God used this community in a major way to lead me to a path to healing. I couldn’t have done this without all of you.

Upon taking the Sexual Addiction Screening Test found here

My score is an 18. The highest possible score is 20. My score and above is extremely rare. Severely addicted. It doesn’t matter. Because I know that God is truly bigger than all of this. Nothing is impossible for Him.

A long path. Lots I’ve had to learn. A lot of searching for strategies that many would find unorthodox. But I finally feel like I have a chance to live my life, and be free. 52 years old. Almost 3 decades of counseling, support groups, books, accountability, prayer, seeking, wondering if I’m destined to stay in this prison for the rest of my life.

Mark my word. There is no prison that is worse than the prison that I came from. Addiction is a prison, and a cruel, horrible, merciless master.

God is a good master. I serve Him. Not the other way around. And if I don’t, I go back to my old master.

I promise to have compassion on those that are still struggling to find their way. I will not judge them. God and others were patient with me. I can demonstrate the same patience and empathy for others. These changes take time. God never said that these changes would always be instantaneous.

As the Big Book states,

Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us — sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.

Blessings everyone. Have a great day. Enjoy this new life of sobriety. This new life of freedom. This new self, free from shame


I’m happy for you Kevin. That is an achievement you can be proud of. All the best.

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Congrats on 9 months free!!!

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Day 294.

Toxicity level 4. It’s been that way for a few weeks. Wow. This is officially the longest I’ve been sober in over 16 years. I’m glad. And I’m more trusting of the process that God has led me through. I’m not afraid of relapse. I’m not in unstable equilibrium.

I just heard news of a wife of a porn addict that she’s deciding to leave her husband. She caught him in a lie. After being sober for 2 years, he slipped and didn’t tell her for months. But she knew, and he didn’t confess until she confronted him about it.

There’s such a high casualty rate in porn addiction. So few break free, and it’s impossible for a wife to have any hope of saving their marriage. I wish it was different. I plan to stay sober. If I do, I plan to stay on these forums as long as I can to share my experience.

God is bigger than all of this.


Congratulations! What an achievement!

So sorry to hear about the couple separating. Heart breaking.

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Thank you. Olivia

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Appreciating always you sharing your experience. I’ve been trying to break free many years and it’s a war. The news of a wife of a porn addicit deciding to leave because he slipped and didn’t come forward, is QUITE LITERALLY MY WORST NIGHTMARE. Congrats to him for being 2 years Sober!! I mean i’ll take that! But then for her to leave, i mean i get it. But man, it’s stuff like that why i dont come forward anymore. I know that sounds wrong to not be ‘in the light’ or 1000% truthful but man, i have to protect my wife from this cause it’s not about her in the sense of she’s not good enough. It’s my own selfish drug addiction i’m fighting with. I’ve come forward to her many times and that’s too much to put on your mate if you want to stay connected. I have a great relationship and i’m not trying to destroy it. I do the work, i have my days, and i just keep working on it. Today i listened to Porn Free Radio podcast on automatic thoughts (cognitive behavior therapy) and IT’S GOLD. Congrats and 296 days bro!

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These last few days have not been good. Starting on Monday, I’ve been guilty of lust and fantasy. I worked my way up to level 7, maybe 8. Because some of the stuff I was watching on YouTube was downright PSub material. Did I cross level 9 or 10? No. Does this constitute a reset? No. But I did lose some battles with lust and fantasy. And Covenant Eyes lit me up on some stuff I was viewing. @Bomdhil , @Mtrav0040 , you saw the reports. Covenant Eyes has been a lot more effective over the years.

At least the girl wasn’t naked. But still, checking out women in bikinis and underwear constitutes as a failure. I pretty embarrassed about that.

And the lust? I’m guilty of being “The Scopemaster”. I was checking out women left and right. Fantasizing sexually. That day was a loss.

On Tuesday, I got a bit more serious with prayer. Recited a few scriptures throughout the day. But it was harder to stay clean with my eyes and mind. I still fell some times with lust and fantasy. It was a level 5 day.

It’s easier to keep the heart clean than to clean it after it’s been defiled.

But yesterday, I’m back on the lust wagon again. I was careful to not view anything on my phone again, but still, I was not maintaining custody of my eyes. And I was using women IRL as PSubs. Level 7 again. Fantasizing too. I was not walking in the spirit. Prayerless most of the day. I was even making myself more anxious because of the lust. I saw myself getting more frustrated with desiring women that ultimately would never give me what my flesh desired. I’ve got to do better.

Looking back, I’m very disappointed in myself. Monday was my 10 month sober anniversary. And I’m not happy with the way I spent it. So today is Thursday. It’s a new day. I want to make it count.


Kevin, all things you wrote on your latest post are words of a mature and responsible character. It know it’s hard to get out of shame and brain fog after almost acting out but you made it to 10 months and you still have it. Please don’t let the memory of a tarnished anniversary pull you down.


You made it 300 days. You are one of the most positive, inspirational people on here for me personally. You’ve helped me on many occassions when i’m fallin into bad behavior. Now is the time to check your daily systems/phone locking filters to make sure it’s tight. You might also be getting too much dopamine in through the course of the day. Just a thought (i see in myself somedays).

So if your struggling again with that phone, i have android and use Lock me out. I actually lock my phone with only phone essential apps from 930pm - 7am. The only thing i can do is read my bible based app, listen to a recovery podcast, or listen to sleep music. That’s it. I also put the phone away at 930 and focus on others so i’m not so self aborbed(selfish behavior is my Top vice - the foundation of my issues). i’m only a week into this new plan but i’m doing great so far. I now consider youtube like i would the hub, it’s a porn site IMO and i can’t go there. Tick Tok too. It’s not for me. If i’m starting to lust, i immediately turn on porn free radio and listen to episode 310 - The 7 day porn free plan (awesome must hear podcast) Episode 306 - How successful guys overcoming edging. Episode 300 - Be your future self Episode 295 - My 10 porn rules.

These are really great resources, especially if you find yourself battling Lust. Trust me, it’s been my life for decades and it’s one Win, one day at a time. Prayer above all, as you already know, essential. Then working in harmony with that prayer with recovery training. When i lust, it’s my brain’s signal that i’m deficient in something. I immediately turn on something to feed ‘the good army’ inside of me to strengthin it for the war. If i just let it go and lust without actively doing something about it, it’s like feeding the Lustful Monster inside of me a T-Bone steak. At that point, my whimpy willpower is basically shoved into a truck, powerless to stop what happens next. 300 days bro, you’ve already shown tremendous resilence. You help me, i help you, iron sharpens iron and we keep moving forward, armed with the weapons to win this war, one day at a time.