Let it be known 4:02 was the end of a addiction

I keep doing that stupid move where I cry and preach about it being my last time. I even quit on 4:02 as a alternate to 4:20. I quit the white alongside cigarettes as they always went hand in hand as a partnership. It is the night of thanksgiving :turkey:, a perfect match in reminder of being thankful for the change. Every one is sick and tired of the whole thing and I even moved out to the middle of nowhere in order to not be influenced, but every time I know I’m coming back to the city I start having relapse. I will use this forum as my personal destress and suck it up buttercup.


Welcome Alex
This is a great place for support. Being active on here among many other tools really helps me to stay sober.
Glad you found us.

Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.

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