Like a cat on a hot tin roof

Thankyou had walk, felt great to get out, now I’m bk in bed with cuppa n porridge. Xx


Hey Emma! Keep going sweetness! You are doing great, enjoy your rest :pray:t2::two_hearts:

You’re much stronger than I was on day 3. All I managed to do was get myself to the detox center and lay around all day, I didn’t even brush my teeth or get dressed. I went in what I slept in the night before. Stay strong love.


OK so day over on day 3 my emotions are changing hourly but it’s not my first redeo so tbe. Just had a shower still hardwork to even have a wash tbh but I do it to settle myself, felt good to get out for hour today, sleep for3 hours once I got bk, I feel like I’m just exsist ting atm but I know it will get easier, thanks for support and love. Xx


Wow, I know exactly how you feel. And thank you for telling me that I would wake up if I fell asleep, during my traumatic withdrawal anxiety attack last night, and being the first to hold out their hand as I was reaching out., especially whilst you are trying to keep your own head above water and save yourself. I seiously felt like I was dying. (I DID wake up by the way):gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart:


I knew you would, keep at it together were stronger. :heart:

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Start of day 4, slept better feeling alittle more human but taken it so steady on myself, my bruising from falling and smashing face on floor is starting to show but swelling going down, plan today go shopping, shower brush teeth make bed, I’m trying to do alittle more each day however small it is, have safe day and again thanks for the encouragement.


So proud you made it this far! Congrats keep up the great work! :muscle::100:


Cheers buddy tough going won’t lie. Xx but I know I haven’t got too many relapses in me. Xxim so tired

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Trust me i know exactly how rough those withdrawals are. It takes ALOT of strength and willpower to make it to day 4. Dont worry the energy comes back eventually. Just take it easy for a while. Dont stress yourself too much or itll put you in the mindset to wanna use again. But glad your doing well!


I’m pulling for you Emma, keep fighting.

One of my older kids friends just relapsed and died, she just turned 24. She has young kids, it’s just heartbreaking.

This fucking disease is powerful but we can be stronger than it. Im glad you’re here fighting

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I’m so sad and sorry to hear this, I’m surprised I’m still here standing myself, swallowing Internet pregabs and vliuums dri k so much booze getting a man to hit mye up in my neck to then go fall and sleep for 2 days BC I was concussed now if that’s not a wake up call I don’t know what is. Sending love hugs and light to better days for us all, but I’m under no elusion that the hard graph needs to be put in. Xx


Thanks for inter linking them and yes I try to do what I can even if it’s brushing my teeth n washing, just did supermarket shop with kids that was mega hardwork but done lol I survived :face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_head_bandage::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Right here’s to the end of day 4, still sleeping in the day for about 2 /3 hours, just still at gentle stage of teeth showered bed made, took kids supermarket shopping omy lordy that wS hardwork lol but done, gona eat and put son to bed n get bk to bed myself I think it’s best place for me tbh. X thanks for all the love thanks siand for merging great idea love u all, it also feels great to help others aswell or atleast send a kind empathetic reply. X goodnight my lovely. Xx


I’m up n dressed bed made cuppa in hand. Face washed feeling better shut sleep but that’s not gona kill me maybe try 10 mins exercise today as staying in bed makes my muscles so weak. But remember Emma easy does it.


How’s the paws today?

Getting better daily thanks you for asking, how are u. U gave me so much to think of as I cross addict and screen time alsostarted to BC an issue so we all learn from each other which is why ts works so well.


I am glad the paws are getting less, you’re really strong for pushing through.
I am doing great. I am incredibly motivated now that I have a new purpose/goal. I need to do an entire school year in 8 weeks. So much structure starting in just over a week. I can’t wait to work, work, work with almost instant gratification from good grades. Instead of having a week filled with 10 tests every 8 weeks, so weeks without reward.


Ypu sou d so motivated, that’s great but there’s no instant gratification but there is good old fashioned hardwork and dedication, but remember to set self are and love for yourself. X