Looking for a online sponsor

I really need support daily and a sponsor. Please help anything will do.


Hello Astrol :wave:. I can be part of you’re support group. What 12 step program do you attend?

No program. Ive done a couple when I was in a aa program but. I just feel after doing as I would get more help from someone to talk to…

For sure well yea man stick around try the Checking in daily to maintain focus #69 and reach out there’s a lot of good people willing to help. Theres nothing like the therapeutic value of one addict/alcoholic helping another you’re definitely on the right course.


Yeah I’m sure there’s a lot of help here… But right now I need just I guess to vent and or talk…

Well I’m about to start my book study meeting but feel free to send me a message in my inbox I’ll get back to. You asap.

Well thanks for the help. But I don’t want to bother you if your busy. Good luck on your studies

Sponsorship can be found in 12 step programs. This forum is not 12 step based. But the beauty of being on this global platform is that people are always here posting and interacting. We do caution members about giving out personal information. As we all know, not everyone on the internet is trustworthy.

Maybe consider attending online meetings where you can get more personalized support and a sponsor.

Here’s a great post about sponsorship


Did you not have a sponsor at the meetings face to face sponsorship helped me stay sober for a few years now wish you well

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You can vent to me anytime. Send me a message in my inbox if like.