Looking for a temporary sponsor in Brisbane

Hey all,

I am leaving rehab on the 24th. I would love some advice on getting a temporary sponser, or even somebody willing to sponser me in NA or CA. I have done the first 3 steps, but am looking for somebody who can help me further.


Hi @Alchemy
Never have had a sponsor myself but I guess you have to go to a meeting to get one. Have you searched the internet to see if Brisbane has such meetings?
I will share you a link where a lot of resourses can be found. Maybe that helps you further.

It also contains links to NA and other recovery groups as well as online groups.
Hope it helps you a bit and others will give their tips soon! :raising_hand_woman:


Oh my lord! That is extensive!!! I hope i can find what i neeed. I am currently in a rehab in thailand so i cant attend in person. there is an online meeting in brisbane on sunday but we have classes at that time. Thankfully this rehab has been so helpful! But i am worried about getting home and facing the real world. Thank you for the resources, i will find something.

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Start attending in person meetings and listen to the shares. When you hear from someone and think to yourself “I want what they have” then that’s the person to ask. Here’s a link about sponsorship.