Looking for friends to push me along

I’m looking for someone who I can talk to regularly.
Someone to keep me accountable. I need a good recovery friend or friends. Please shoot me a message on here, and we can talk!.


There is a thread, checking in daily, where we all touch base every day and support each other.


Okay thank you. I’m still new to this.


I think I linked it!

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I would second what @Misokatsu said, the check in thread is a great place to get to know people! It is very busy though and can be hard to keep up with.

My best advice would be to spend some time reading around the forum and pick a couple of ongoing/ active threads to hang out on and check in with regularly.

There is so much support and encouragement here. I have been a member of this forum for nearly three years and the support I have had has been invaluable. I hope you find that too :hugs:

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Meetings help too. There’s a meeting you can find pretty much 24 hrs a day; just choose one that’s open the time you need it:

Online meeting resources