Lost my job... again

This is basically the difference between feeling good about your life and feeling regret.

We all have this kind of tempting trap that we live in, where we have to decide: do I stick with my habit - which is familiar and seems comfortable - or do I make a new habit - which is unfamiliar and at first it feels weird.

It’s not just in recovery that this is true. It’s in everything. Exercise / health / diet / etc. Meditation / self-awareness / mindfulness. All the parts of life :innocent:

But really it’s just one thing at a time. And you gotta see what’s most important. Every other thing - every thing that matters to you - walks in the park with your kids, having a job, feeling generally good about yourself, having chances to do things you want to do - literally every other thing, depends on being sober.

It’s like someone looking for water in the desert. You die if you don’t have it. It’s that simple. You think someone like that has trouble staying focused on finding water?

You gotta stay focused on staying grounded (sober) the exact same way. There’s only one thing that matters (every other thing comes from that: for example, getting time to cook, if you like that, comes from being sober).

Come here every day and check in. There’s a great thread for that here!

Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Share photos of your walks on the nature thread - I know you love the outdoors; share it here!

Post your most inspiring photos of nature #3

Etc etc. Fill the time you used to get drunk, with stuff that you remember :innocent:

You lost your job. That happened. You stand up, and now you have time to go to some meetings between job interviews. There’s a few different programs; and each one has different meetings in your area. Check them out!

Resources for our recovery

Online works too:

Online meeting resources

Stay humble and open minded. Things will be new and you will find yourself sometimes thinking “I wish I were ____” Thats normal. Keep an open mind and as long as you are safe, then press on and see what comes when you stick with it. I promise you won’t be disappointed :slightly_smiling_face: