Made it through night one without a drink

I had no idea that every waking moment I was thinking about quitting time at work to pour me a cup of wine. My last drink was November 1 at 11:30pm. I woke up sick and a slamming headache, that is still lingering! I made the decision the morning of November 2 to stop this nonsense of drinking every night! My husband despises it and it became a wedge in between us. I bought the big blue book and looking for AA classes and will be looking for outpatient treatment. I’m not going to lie, the holidays are coming and celebrations to be had. I pray I can refrain and keep it going. I know it’s one day one minute at a time. Any suggestions or recommendations?
Thanks :pray:t5: :sparkling_heart::hugs:


Welcome aboard! There are lots of resources here. Just type in the word in the top search bar and you’ll find lots of good stuff. Sounds like you are getting some good tools together in your real life too. Read around and see what you find helpful. :pray::heart:


I flooded my brain with sobriety podcasts and came here a lot. Stay hydrated and don’t be afraid of sugar. Best wishes to you and congrats on making a great decision :clap:


Congratulations on working day 2 2Praz
I’m glad you found us. I started on a January 2 with the last headache stomach ache hangover of my life. I still wake up grateful every morning I’m not hung over. And I’m grateful for every one day at a time I’m sober.
I planned every waking hour around my next drink. I didn’t realize it either. I was so sick.

This sober forum has been an invaluable resource for me and my sobriety. Have a good read around and join in when you’re comfortable.

Here are two good threads to start:


Thank you for your encouragement and referrals. Congratulations on your sobriety :pray:t5:


Thank you for the reminder to stay hydrated and for your encouragement :pray:t5:

Welcome! You are in the righr place for support. I think its awesome that you got a big book and arw looking for meetings. There should an onl8ne directory to help find them. Your doctor is an awesome resource for whats available to help recovery. I understand being scared but you have just taken your firstbstep in to am awesome new world free from alcohol!

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Welcome! Well done on deciding that enough is enough. Once we decide that we no longer want to be a slave to alcohol it’s the hardest part done. Don’t make any plans for Christmas, just take it a step at a time. I thought my first Christmas was going to be awful without booze but I was totally wrong. I’m about to go into my 5th sober Christmas and drinking hasn’t even come into my mind. It IS possible to live a great life without booze! Just be gentle on yourself and be proud of yourself, it takes work but you are not on your own. Lean on us. We understand exactly how you’re feeling as we are on this path too. We are stronger together. God bless you :pray:t2::two_hearts:

Welcome to these powerful community with so many truthful and honest people where you ever having an open heart and ear.
:pray::raising_hand_woman:t2::four_leaf_clover:greeting from Germany Corinna

Welcome to the best decision of your future life! I must say, the first step really is to make a decision. At this point it’s not even about drinking alcohol, but starting the process to quit. I’m optimistic your journey is quite faster than mine. It took me 3 yrs, to start working a program. My journey was a week in detox (alcohol), and about 7 days to decide I should try something new, which led me through the doors of AA. I applied the AA steps/principles in to my daily life, and here I am 14 months later alcohol free.

If you knew me, that’s truly a miracle in my life! My STOP drinking alcohol button was broken. I encourage you to keep trying no matter what happens. I say that, only because I relapsed a gazzilion times. May you find your solution NOW!