March Workout Challenge 🏋🏻‍♀️

Day 3 done✅

For this, be sure, tonight thou shalt have cramps,
Side-stitches that shall pen thy breath up.
Shall forth at vast of night that they may work
All exercise on thee.
Thou shalt be pinched
As thick as honeycomb, each pinch more stinging
Than bees that made 'em.
William Shakespeare, The Tempest


Day 3 complete - did it before I logged on for my virtual workout. I then “enjoyed” a large number of burpees and push-ups and bicep curls to failure. My arms are like little t-Rex arms


yeah round 3 100%
I am going to change the routine to the morning before leaving home, because I leave work tired and I arrive dead from sleep.


Day 4 done. Here’s a thought on proper perspective.

And worse I may be yet: the worst is not so long as we can say ‘This is the worst.’
William Shakespeare, King Lear


Day 4 done! :white_check_mark: For the moment the progress is quite easy! :grin:

Day 4 :ballot_box_with_check: I’ve been working on push-ups. I have worked them back to the point of hand release but I’ve been trying to get it to where my chest just hovers. I got 7 like that today :tada::confetti_ball:
Also I’m still doing all reps in a row (for now) but with a slower pace.
Done before my virtual I’m about to log on. I hope there aren’t a shit ton of burpees involved today

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Oh my, just posted on the wrong thread (burpee challenge). There is so many of them :rofl: But I am done with day four and five :muscle:


Day 5 complete

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Day 5 completed. Here’s a corollary to Rule 62:

One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh.
Robert A. Heinlein


Way to go guys am taking some time off as away for the weekend with my kids. Hope to restart Tues.

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I would like to join, I’m new here but loving it so far, also I know I’m a few days late, but I’m up to the challenge…


Hi Valerie, welcome to the forum! It’s never too late! :blush: Just start today with day 1, or day 5, what suits you most! If you have questions about the forum, feel free to ask. There’s plenty of really nice and helpful people on here!

So, where there a shit ton of burpees involved?? :rofl:

Enjoy the weekend with your kiddos! See you back on Tuesday! :sunglasses:

Oh god yes. I posted on the fitness thread. Ninja burpees, half burpees, chest to ground burpees, and weighted burpees! And that wasn’t even the full workout. I was like this damn woman lost her mind (me and the trainer :joy::crazy_face:)
Today I’m helping a friend move and this in itself is a freaking workout. It was just me and her for a while but a few other peeps showed up to help so moving faster now :tada:

I’ll have to Google half of these burpees, I don’t even know how they should be done! Is this a virtual workout, or did you finally sign up at the gym? Moving is baaaad! I hate moving house! :sweat_smile:

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You do those?? :scream::flushed: At the end of the video it says; “Have fun” :rofl::laughing::exploding_head:

I didn’t check in yesterday as I was at the old family homestead for a few days but days 4 & 5 complete.

And, holy s#!+ I have never heard of Ninja Burpees…I like this challenge juuuuuust fine now! :rofl::partying_face:

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No those aren’t what the trainer had me doing. So many different ways to do a burpee :joy: and it’s a virtual workout so I do it in my garage


I was actually gonna propose the ninja burpee challenge for April! :grin::woman_cartwheeling:

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