March Workout Challenge 🏋🏻‍♀️

By then maybe I’ll be ready to give it a shot! I never say never. Today’s workout was juuuuust fine for me however between my yoga and these exercises! :rofl:

I needed this way more than it realized turns out lol :partying_face::grin::muscle::love_you_gesture:

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Day 6 completed! I switched to downward dog for a second around 45 seconds into the plank but moved right back into it to finish it up. Super shakey during the plank and woke up with super sore hips today but I’m happy to keep moving and building up my strength more every day. Progress not perfection! The push-ups felt easier today too, yay!

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Day 6 completed. Glad I looked to see no squats today :joy: I made a gif of the “ninja burpees” @Jesile


I love your workout gifs!! :grin: Ok, I could handle that one… The other one was just insane!
But not as a monthly challenge! :sweat_smile:
It’s 4:00 pm, now (after doing my weekly cleaning) it’s gonna be a bit couching, and then I’ll go for todays exercises!

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Day 6 done! :white_check_mark: Went for a 4K walk before the exercises because I had been inside the house all day long, I needed to breathe some fresh air! :blush:


Day 6 done in the evening.

Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln


Rest day!!

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Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.
Dalai Lama


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I like this quote :blush:

Perfect quote!

Day 8 complete. I did my elliptical and yoga immediately before this instead of spreading it out over the day where I’ve got a full evening tonight and it was harder but check check check baby! :heavy_check_mark: All done for today. :partying_face:


Day 8 :ballot_box_with_check: Kept the plank at a minute just cause

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Day 9 and 8 for the burpees done. Cannot log in the burpees thread atm as it’s only me answering :crazy_face::scream::sob:


I’m done with burpees for the moment! :rofl:

Day 8 done! :white_check_mark: I had all my stuff in the car, the plan was to go the gym after work. The plan failed… I finally just did the exercises at home! Better than nothing! Tomorrow body combat session! :boxing_glove:


Hi Kat here dipping back into the challenge, did 20 sit-ups and 20 squats, 2x30 sec plank and 10 push-ups at gym today.


Welcome back! :wave:t2: yesterday was a rest day anyhow!


I did so much crazy sh*t at the gym (new trainer), I’m counting it all toward day 8!
Most excellent insult…

Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon!
William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens


Day 9 done! I’m also doing other workouts in addition to these, yesterday I felt tired and sluggish but I did them anyway. Today I feel stronger and more energized. I’m so glad I push through these workouts, even on days I don’t “want” to. Today I did all 12 push-ups without needing to stop to rest. Wahooooo!! Maybe someday I’ll get to be a powerhouse at them like @SinceIAwoke. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face::muscle::love_you_gesture: