March Yoga Movement...let's mix it up!

Nice. Do you go to dance class daily? It’s belly dance yes?

Hey Flo

That’s ok it’s good to know where everyone is at. Today’s session is easier…again do what you can. I wasn’t able to.complete all poses either. Good for you for showing up :heavy_heart_exclamation::pray:t4:

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Hey Emma

No worries…look forward to your comments on today’s.

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Good Morning/Evening Ladies

So noting where everyone is at …wanted to give a huge congratulations as you had the intention to come to the mat. That’s the first step. The intention is not to feel bad or pressure your self or hurt yourself. Yoga is a time to connect with yourself and your Higher Power even if you just sit in child’s/rock pose or in candle/meditation pose all class just listen.

With the feedback will aim to post classes 30min or less. As most of you have a solid exercise regimen in place.:raised_hands:

Each day you’ll get stronger mentally and physically.

My verification is on Yoga education for tramua. I’m currently completing 12 step Yoga cerification program for addicts

I pray to bring you some videos last week of March

Until then have fun. Few more days of Yogi/male instructors

Next weeks theme will be multicultural women/dance

Important to remember there is no race, sex, cultural,age, weight etc that’s meant to do yoga we all can benefit from this spritual , mental and physical medicine. Namaste😘

@Butterflymoonwoman @Becsta where you ladies be…:frog: Today’s session 10 minutes check it out and comment :hugs:


Yes its belly dance but I only do one class a week (the one I teach). When I move I’m hoping to do some more, both as a student and a teacher.

Although it depends on my energy levels this iron deficiency business is really affecting me. Mainly cardio though so I find yoga super helpful for building strength even though I don’t feel particularly fit!

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Nice love this.

I have a class or too next week to post implenting belly dance and yoga.

Good for you Siand.

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Ha cool will look forward to seeing what its like! I came across bellyfit once and thought it looked interesting but I personally wasn’t into the way they did the moves. But it was a definite fitness thing, as opposed to a dance thing. Obviously great if that’s what people are looking for, just not for me.

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Thank you for the reminder! Yesterday wad a crazy busy day and it was hard to even keep my mind on the present moment. That probably could’ve changed if I stopped and paused and did yoga and meditated. I will be doing today’s video. Just have 1 appt at 930 and then once I’m home I will take out my matt :upside_down_face:

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Hi Des, this was very quick and I wasn’t quick enough to follow it but I really like the feeling of my body moving and got a sweat on. Just felt like I want to practise the same one a few times.

I feel like I’m even too unfit for this? :expressionless::face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’ll keep trying, I really need to increase my overall fitness after working from home for two years. Thank you for bringing these into the fore. I will keep trying :pray:


Nice. Ya I liked it too I think the music and the atmosphere really set a nice vibe.


Yea Emma

You did it. You showed up. With time like recovery it gets easier.

Will try to post a beginner class tomorrow with a slower vibe.

Well done.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your welcome. My pleasure


Also my classes will be more educational focused and slowed down…to explain the benefit of each pose etc…

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For me, not the easiest to follow with so little time spent in each posture and his cues aren’t that helpful if you’re not able to keep an eye on the screen the whole time. He describes some poses different to me too. Also think more time warming up needed before the wheel pose for me, I got there but it was a bit uncomfortable, so either making it longer or doing as a follow up to some other activiy (as you suggested Des!) is a good shout.

Saying that, I liked the sequence of moves. Some variations on the sun salutation that felt good. And some moves that reminded me of my old yoga class, with a male teacher actually. If I could learn the sequence and do it myself, making it last a bit longer, I would do it again.

Headstand is not in my repertoire, any advice on poses to build up to it? I vaguely remember dolphin being something that could help but I’m not sure if that’s right!

Yes also a fan of the jazzy music. And pretty cool to have a roof top yoga video!

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Hey Des, will be attempting one later today (its Thursday a.m) here. Yesterday got away from me with alot happening at home and then I lacked the motivation … I know, excuses, excuses :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::see_no_evil:

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It’s all good. :two_hearts: No worries. Thanks for the

I remembered the warrior pose movements from the previous vid, so was a bit better. Loved pigeon! My hips are so tight.


Day 3 here of our week of multicultural Male yogi instructors.

This one is a gem. Alot of positive energy. Alot of tips on the benefits of Yoga for mental and physical health.

As we know yoga originated in Northern Indian so alot of the Sanskrit words are mentioned.

Try the breathing exercises with your eyes closed look for directives at the start…this will allow you to really tune in.

What was your favorite breathing exercise? Mine was alternate nostril breathing!

Hope you enjoy.

Namaste :pray:t4::purple_heart:

@Bart_pt where you be???

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Yes it was a high level…I sat in child’s pose for a few of them.

Well done Mel🙌

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Good job Flo.:raised_hands:

Yes the moves become familiar after a while. There are but so many and they are just arranged into different flows.

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