May physical fitness challenge

I will jump back in tomorrow, I got home tired from work + hospital, couldn’t get myself to do any sports at 9:00 pm…


Day 7 :white_check_mark: was able to give more and increase my heart rate.

2.25 mile walk …pace increasing every day :muscle:t4:


Excellent!!! :muscle:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Thanks Jenny :pray:t4:
Grateful that I’m able to keep going. ODAAT


I’ve been a busy bee! Days 5, 6, and 7 done yesterday and today. I still owe Day 8!

O, I do not like that paying back, 'tis a double labor.
Wm. Shakespeare, Falstaff


Hell of a way to catch up :muscle:t4:

Got day 8 comleted with a 1.35 mile walk…I’m beat today


Day 9 :white_check_mark: and a lovely 3 mile walk. :muscle:t4:


Keep up the good work Jazzy! I can’t really focus on the challenge, my dad is in terminal phase, things have gone really bad since yesterday, and I can’t focus… :disappointed:


Oh I’m so very sorry love. I am sending you loads of love and big hugs. I hope you have someone with you for support through this time.

Hope your dad is not in any pain and being given great care🙏🏽

Here if you need someone to talk to :people_hugging:


Thank you for your kind words. Right now I just want his agony to end… I know it sounds harsh, but he hasn’t had a life in quite some time. In Spain we have social security, everything is covered by the state, and the nurses are super caring. I just hope he finds some peace soon… :disappointed:


I apologize if I flood this thread with my personal problems, by the way…. This should be a fun thread! I’m sorry, right now it’s a way to vent


we do all have a need sometimes to vent and a need to feel connections-- no apologies my friend. I can totally understand the want for the suffering to be over. I’m so sorry that he has been dealing with this for so long. I’m here – send me a PM if you need or have time to chat :hugs:

Grateful that you do have good social security and that everything is covered. :pray:


Thanks Jazzy! I really appreciate your kind words! :pray:t2:


The sorrow of missing your dad is real. I hope you are able to help him cross over peacefully. My mother was very strongly with me almost daily after she died, for quite a while. She was with me again last Sunday during my race and I was surprised then at how long it had been since she was with me that way.

The dead are not gone, their spirit energy remains. It’s part of what binds us all together as humans. That connection is what makes everything alright.



Thank you for your kind words Dan. He’s still fighting, but prospects are not good. Patience… :pray:t2: By the way. Today I went for a 7K walk, to clear my head! So at least I did something! :blush:


That’s awesome. Glad you were able to get out and do something for you :people_hugging:

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Got in a 3.2 mile walk and did a workout for day 10. :muscle:t4:

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Day 11 :white_check_mark:
3.25 mile walk…almost back to my brisk walking pace.

Super excited today cause I actually hit my 150 weekly intensity minutes goal and it was at the start of day 6. I haven’t been able to get any intensity minutes in over a year so this really felt good today :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::smiling_face:

Edit …can’t add more than 3 replies
Day 12 :white_check_mark: + a 3.25 mile walk :muscle:t4:


Days 8 and 9 done today. Day 10 was rest, so I owe two days. I hope to pay that down rapidly. I did a 12 mile bike ride earlier this week, but I need to seriously bump up my saddle time. I have a 30 miler fundraiser in 4 weeks and 6 days.

Another excellent Shakespearean insult for you.

I wish my horse had the speed of your tongue.
W.S., Much Ado About Nothing


oh wow – that’s impressive! hope you get some good saddle time to prep for it.

Love the Shakespearean quotes

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