Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)

On the plane

Back home for bed.

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I love this one

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This was very nice.

I live Paz

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I still haven’t meditated, since September 26th. I need to drop that “fear.” I do miss it but for whatever happened, and/or I went through, I have been avoiding it. Hmmmm…


Check out the beginners stuff. Or just look for a 1 or 2 or 3 minute one. Do it once a day if you find one you like. And see what happens.
No pressure. They got so many options.


This one was HUGE for me. More of a talk with a short meditation at the end. I cried through most of it because I take things so personally. Especially with my loved ones. Especially with my wife. This really hit a nerve :cry:


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Went to bed too early last night and I wanted to make sure I got to sleep.

Worked like a charm.

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Couldn’t wait to listen to this again.
And probably again tomorrow.

My attention span just can’t focus on all 49 minutes. I can only hold take in so much. And there’s a lovely 5-7 minutes meditation at the end.

Working my meditation ass off on this one.


Wanted to make sure I slept last night.

Sure did :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Just started a 10 day course with this guy yesterday.

Day 2 :+1:

And a nice separate meditation :pray:




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Oh, you guys. I am so inspired. I feel as though my life has changed so much since practicing pranayama regularily. I have been going to class 3 times a week for a few months now and what a difference. The depth of my meditative state during shavasana is insane and the clear messages I recieve from source are as well. What a gift our breath is… Prana, life force, they werent kidding

I am meeting with a very cool woman today to hopefully collaborate with her and a local energy healer. I am pulled too offer pranayama to recovering addicts who cant afford to attend yoga studios. I have no idea how it will work, but I have faith that I was given the idea and guided to these women for a reason. All I can do is try.

I will keep you updated as the journey unfolds. I am still using my insight timer app daily, multiple times a day and I share it with so many people. What a great tool.

Keep on keeping on, one breath at a time.
:sparkles: :white_heart: :sparkles:


Beautiful Full Moon here ready for my Full Moon Ritual

Needed this one twice last night. When I went to bed and when I woke up in the middle of the night. I didn’t waste any time putting it on to stop the racing thoughts in my head. It did put me to sleep. And I’m thankful for that.

I just listened to it again this morning. Stayed awake for the whole thing. I love Paz. She’s the best :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:. Like everything else it takes practice.


Ouh thanks for reminding me on pranayama practice :pray:

Just finished a nine minute guided meditation. The first time I have actually sat with the intention to do one for quite some time. Glad I made it the whole way through and I pray for willingness to make meditation part of my daily routine


Five minutes of guided meditation with the cat on my lap esrlier this afternoon

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Got a mini three day streak of meditation going.

Dear God, please help me do another tomorrow.



Didn’t practice yesterday but tonight I managed to get into a 15 minute laying down medi


Practiced again over the last few days and glad I did, planning to do so again in the next few hours or less