Mental health memes and discussion (Part 2)

Woof. Those times are the worst! I’m sorry dude. And you brain knows everything passes but when you’re in it it FEELS like you’ve felt this way forever and will continue to feel this way forever. May this sad patch pass quickly and if you need to cry in nature you just go on ahead. I’ve done it. It’s fricking relieving and the trees won’t judge you. :heart::heart:


I’m sorry to hear this. :confused:

I hope it passes soon.


Hope some hibernation time helps you heal :sparkling_heart:



Thinking about you :heart: how are you doing?
I felt Waves of sadness crashing over me all day yesterday. I was in tears many moments and hid in the bathroom and lay on the floor just to cry.
So many thoughts inside my mind- mostly about not feeling good enough, wishing I did more, letting go of the past, What is there to look forward too??? I’m suffering from a possible hip labrum tear and the outcome could be really scary. Im a self employed fitness trainer/personal trainer. I know I need to try to be in the moment… But it just felt like everything was slipping away yesterday.
I went to bed early. I wish I had slept before I let my cat woke me up… Sleep is so important for me but I tried not to focus on the fact that I was woken up and tried to have a better attitude and feel grateful for today. I feel a little better. I’m trying to breathe and let my expectations go. It’s really hard for me when I can’t do the physical things I enjoy or do my job properly. Many many years ago I was in a car accident and had whiplash and I allowed it to let me slip into quite a depression. I’m trying to be stronger here and just accept. I need to find some other things to keep me busy other than being active which makes me feel so much better and I’m missing it so much. I started singing again. My husband and I used to play music together but he hasn’t picked up his guitar much in many many years that makes me sad sometimes but I just need to focus on me and not wish things were different. Wow I didn’t mean to keep rambling on so much but after all this I’m not going to delete it now so thanks for reading if you did :heart:


Hope you did get some crying in on your hike. Releasing emotions helps them get out. Cry, my friend, cry. Glad you are venting here.


Thinking of you my dude-all love and gentle kindness to you and your heart, mind and needs my friend :white_heart::dizzy:


How are you feeling? I just wanted to check on you. :hugs:


Sorry I’m so late with this, just wanted to see if you’re doing better. A hike or a camping trip usually helps me too. :camping:


Thank you everyone so very much I’m doing better a little better now. Wow it gets really dark sometimes doesn’t it??? I appreciate all of your responses and support. @Miranda damn I feel you. I was a plumber for over 20+ years and could not continue because of back injuries. I’m still lost even though I’ve found a new career. So much of my identity was derived from “what I did for a living” and all of the roles I had (husband, father etc.) when everything is gone it’s hard to find solid ground for lack of a better word. I’m still acclimating to this new life and it’s really fucking tough sometimes. Thanks again for the support, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


So glad to see you posting. We assume our identies are what we do and i know for me its a struggle to find my indentity as who i am instead.
You are in my prayers brother. Thabk you for checking in with us. I hate the dark and twisties but… we can get through them. :hugs:


Thank you get your reply. It made me tear up a little… Not necessarily because it made me sad, although it is hard letting go, but mostly a sense of relief to know I’m not alone. I do feel like I’m feeling sorry for myself sometimes because I know other people go through worse stuff than what I’m going through. It’s still hard though and that’s ok.
I’m making some new goals.
All is not lost. Life is constantly changing.
I’m glad you are feeling a little better​:heart::heart:


I love this!!! That’s absolutely perfect :rofl:Thank you @Shaunda :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Awwww! Yes we will be ok for sure, we’re tough and there is strength in numbers even if the number is only one other person who can relate. Awesome job @Miranda I’m proud of you :blush::sunglasses::metal:t2:


A continual work in progress.


Thank you. I needed this right now, in this moment. :heart:



Looove thid


Wow ! Really powerful. Thank you. :pray: