Metal Thread

I love all of Pig Destroyers stuff. They were gonna play Prowler in the Yard front to back which is a great album. It was postponed til this April but I kind of doubt it will happen again. Definitely like Meshuggah. Off to listen to Candiria and Ephel Duath now!


No way! That’s not fair :cry:

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If you’re a guitarist you probably know of Nita Strauss. This one was the first one I heard and it’s fucking awesome. Took me 8 days, 8 hrs a day to learn how to play

I love Nita, I’m a huge fan of Satch and Petrucci work so she fits the bill


I LOOOVE Windhand or just about anything Doom, Stoner or Sludge. Discovered Windhand back in 2012 when their self titled dropped and also like SubRosa, Acid King and a few others

YESSSSS Natasha is Underrated

I’ve been into Metal basically my entire life. Was raised on classic rock, grew up around Thrash and Traditional Heavy Metal as well as Alternative and Nu Metal which Nu Metal isn’t really my thing anymore but I was just discovering heavier stuff. I was also into Psychedelic and Blues Rock. Type O Negative is actually one of my favorite bands and I have the Roadrunner Collection Box Set

By middle school I was mostly into Metalcore and Hardcore type stuff as well as Thrash and Heavy and unknowingly Doom. By the end of Middle school I was mostly into Deathcore and Death Metal and some Black Metal and then during high school got very heavily into Black Metal, Doom Metal and Dark Ambient music. I had also discovered Sludge in 7th grade and was very obsessed with the genre.

Currently my taste is very refined and I like a lot of stuff. I used to be very snobbish and exclusionary but now I give everything a chance before I decide if it’s not my cup of tea. Currently I’m mostly into Doom, Sludge, Stoner, Folk, Black and basically every genre except Metalcore and Deathcore really. I don’t necessarily Hate both genres because there’s a few good early MxC bands I like and a few early 90s DxC bands I like. Aside from the other stuff I mentioned I also grew up listening to Grunge and Punk Rock and some Hip Hop. Like old school Hip Hop music.
Currently I listen to just about everything and I will give anything a chance depending on what it is lol


Type O is one of my favorite bands hands down.

Next question favorite album? Mine has to be life is killing me

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I like metal! Especially the awfully real shit about substance abuse/ recovery.

Any recommendations?

This one’s for Day One’s


Over on the metal thread :metal::metal:

Continuing the discussion from Metal Thread:

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The album ‘Slowly We Rot’ by Obituary is a must listen to, the song ‘Intoxicated’ changed my life :metal:


Figured I would try to give this thread a bump.

As I Lay Dying has been one of the few bands that has gotten me through the really rough times over the years. I was so upset when they broke up after their lead singer was put in prison. But when they got back together I felt this song especially spoke to me.

“I thought I was an architect, but I was just moving dirt” is pretty appropriate for me.


Hello and welcome to the Now Playing thread. I’ve decided to make this for all the Metalheads, Rockers, and Music Heads alike to share what they are listening to in present time. Personally I like to track what artists I listen to during the week and month with an app called Lastfm that tells me my top artists for the past week, month, last 3 months, last 6 months and overall Top artists and albums and tracks and listening reports.

At the moment listening to some delightful Heavy Psych while doing an assignment for my therapy group. Music motivates me to get up in the morning and also helps relieve stress.


I ALWAYS let this play all the way through :metal:t2:

Oof well this is for more than just Metal. But damn I didn’t know that :confused:

In Order

  1. World Coming Down - Though it’s very depressing, it’s arguably their heaviest and darkest album with a lack of Pete’s usual carefree sense of humor. It has very relatable and tragic themes

  2. Slow Deep and Hard

This fucking album is one of the angriest I’ve ever heard and it is a masterpiece from beginning to end. It starts with Carnivore type sound and transitions back and forth into Doomy Gothic Metal while going back to Crossover Thrash at the same time. Throughout the whole album the genre mixture is perfect and you can even hear some slight Beatles Influence knowing that Pete loved The Beatles. Especially Paul Mccartney.

  1. October Rust

I have a tradition of listening to this every Halloween Night and I haven’t broken it for 4 years now. This whole album is a Gothic symphony for the damned and every track is great. My favorite tracks being Burnt Flowers Fallen and Love You To Death.

  1. Bloody Kisses

This fucking album is literally one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard remastered. Pete’s sarcastic lesbian fetishism and dark humor makes this album what it is and I love it almost as much as October Rust. But October Rust has that vibe to it. Plus it has a Neil Young cover

  1. Life is Killing Me
    I love this album, but it’s the one I never listened to too much. All the tracks are really good and it’s very consistent and Pete’s vocals are beautiful as always. But it was never the one that stood out tbh.

  2. Dead Again
    Again I love this album too. But it’s another one I didn’t play very much when first discovering them but have grown to appreciate it. Tripping a Blind Man is one of my favorite songs ever.

  3. Finally, Origin of The Feces with Pete’s asshole on the original cover. It’s a funny and creative album. But not their best. It’s rehashed tracks edited with a fake live audience and it’s just not their greatest. I like it, but it’s my least favorite

Sorry that took so long :rofl:

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There are soooo many music playlist threads, is all. :joy: Check out the #music tag! Lots of genres and some like Sober Playlist are anything goes.


Okay thank you for the information lol

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