Mind Blowing Random Thoughts #2

I’ve never seen anything on female Samurai, and would be very surprised if they actually existed. Knowing what I know of Japanese culture and history, including modern history, I can’t see this being a thing. My understanding is when a Samurai of rank was killed, his female householders often committed suicide, rather than become spoils of war.

I do know there were female ninja though. They were used for intelligence gathering, infiltration and assassination. There were Geisha who were also Ninja.

As for Japanese architecture, I was amazed at what could be built from stone, wood, silk and paper.


I recommend rising before dawn. Don’t waste a minute of daylight. I also hold a contradictory opinion that a quick mid-day nap is an investment in health.


I learn something new everyday.

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See this is what I hope to accuire through sobriety. Knowledge, your knowledge is awesome, you still got out there and accomplished things. I know only I can change that now, but I just have zero knowledge and at 30 years old it makes me be hard on myself.
I wasn’t interested in learning anything In school so I never did, I dropped out, have never left my measly small town, and just partied all day every day. I never had goals, I never accomplished anything. I hope I can and do turn it all around


My daughter is so into her Viking/Celt heritage. Her Cuban side, not so much. She’s also an aspiring Anime artist, and is envious of her half-filipino brother, who was born and lived in Okinawa.

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I’ve been this way my entire life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get started now. You have something I didn’t have, until I was in my 30’s: the internet and on-demand video. I had books and movie rentals. I also had the benefit of living or deploying to other countries during my time in service.

All it takes is the will, and the means. Pick a subject that interests you, be it history, science, sociological, anything really…and then get after it.


You would be correct.

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I know and definitely makes sense. The thing is I’m just stuck and lost atm. I’m not sure what I want to be educated in or what grabs my attention. Like I literally started partying at 15 and that was all I was interested in, started doing coke when I was 21 and then that became all I was interested in. So I really shut my brain off. And now that I’m turning it back on, I’m not sure what I like or want to like or want to do. Hope that makes sense. I definitely want to go to college for something and become educated I’m just not sure with what. All I can do is keep pushing and stay sober and hopefully with time it will come


This site has all kinds of classes you can take for free (you pay if you want the certification) and, if you wanted , you could try out a bunch of different subjects to see if you like them. If you don’t, then you could just choose not to finish the class. This could be a good way for you to figure out what you wanted to go to college. There are also subjects you could get certified in as well, which could take less time and money.

There is a course called “Learning How to Learn” that you might find useful as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you. I appreciate that it helps alot for real.

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I love this, thank you very much. I definitely will look into this

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@C-sun there already is a mind blowing random thoughts #2

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Whoop! Merging…

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Sloppy and arrogant is my middle name.


I’ll address the whole time travel thing. I think the movie Time Cop addressed this pretty well. Esstentially, if you go back in time to change something, then there are two viewpoints of what could possibly happen, as follows:

  1. You stop patient zero. You return to your timeline to find that COVID never happened and you have lost all memory of what occurred to yourself during the past X months/years since the beginning. Everyone else may see you as crazy…

  2. The more likely explaination. You create an alternate timeline. You return to your own timeline to find out that absolutely nothing has changed, however in an alternate reality you successfully stopped COVID. Your “Self” in that reality carries on as though COVID never happened.


Or because in our multiverse there are an infinite number of realites.


Hey everyone. I’ve been out for a while. Not planning to come back full time. But, I do plan to stop in from time to time. Anyway, came upon some cool research lately.

Due to warming weather conditions in the arctic, Polar bears have been migrating further and further south to forage. This has brought them in close contact with Grizzly Bears. Believe it or not, the prevalence of the two bears mating has risen significantly. Back in 2006 was the first time one of these bears was confirmed through DNA testing. The resulting offspring, coined Grolars, Pizzlies, Grizzlars, or by natives Nanulak (I prefer Grolar, sounds more threatening), are viable and fertile. This is not like a donkey and horse making a Sterile Mule. The merging of these two populations is literally making a new species of bear.


Fascinating! As a polar animal myself I had to look up a picture! Heres the one from wikipedia:



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