Mind Blowing Random Thoughts

Oct. 25th mind blowing random thought of the day: Published in 1975, mystery writer Agatha Christie’s famed literary detective Hercule Poirot is the only fictional character to have received an official obituary on the front page of The New York Times.


There is also a town called Middlesex and intercourse nc

I made a salad from those flowers once. It was amazing!

What part of north Carolina did you live?

Oct. 26th mind blowing random thought of the day: The Aztecs of central Mexico made their swords by using prismatic obsidian volcanic glass, famous for being sharper than present day steel razor blades.


Dragon glass. Ready for wight walkers. :+1:


Oct. 27th mind blowing random thought of the day: In Germany, it is illegal to name one’s child “Lucifer.”


That’s why Canadians traditionally give you a Donut when visiting their house right? :rofl:

Oct. 28th mind blowing random thought of the day: Connecting the Gulf of Burnef with the island of Noirmoutier, the Passage du Gois in France is a road that can only be used twice every day for a few hours, as when the high tide rises, it disappears 13 feet underwater.


I’d try it out, but I’ll likely be sleeping at that time.

Oct. 29th mind blowing random thought of the day: Most of the budget for the making of the film ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ was donated by band members of Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.


And…George Harrison donated 4 million dollars for the production of Life of Brian.


Oct. 30th mind blowing random thought of the day: A total of 10 people have died in the White House: President William Henry Harrison (1841), First Lady Letitia Tyler (1842), President Zachary Taylor (1850), Willie Lincoln, son of President Abraham Lincoln (1862), Frederick Dent, father of First Lady Julia Grant (1873), Minister of the Kingdom of Hawaii to the United States Elisha Hunt Allen (1883), First Lady Caroline Harrison (1892), First Lady Ellen Wilson (1914), White House Press Secretary Charles G. Ross (1950), and Margaret Wallace, mother of First Lady Bess Truman (1952).

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Oct. 31st mind blowing random thought of the day: The average pillowcase can hold approx. 1,690 pieces of candy.


On this day in history - 1940 World War II: The Battle of Britain ended. Britain had successfully avoided a possible German invasion.

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Nov. 1st mind blowing random thought of the day: The original name for cotton candy was “fairy floss,” invented in 1897 by dental practitioner Dr. William Morrison of Nashville, Tennessee alongside candy maker John C. Wharton. First introduced to the public at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, they sold over 68,000 boxes for 25 cents each, or approx. $6.75 in today’s money.


Nov. 2nd mind blowing random thought of the day: One of the oldest Ancient Egyptian deities, the sky god of infinity, eternity, and endlessness, was named “Huh.”


Nicola Tesla refused to talk to women who were wearing pearls.:thinking:


Nicola Tesla once wrote, “I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life.”

He certainly was something!


I love that you came up with that in a hot second. Awesome! Poor pigeon.