Moderator spots are now open! (2023)

Me too!


Making a note: Salty and Cate are disqualified. :face_with_monocle:


Ten characters


We clearly can’t trust their judgement on important issues.
This changes everything.


Hi. Id like to be a moderator


Thank u for the mention! I thought what u said was very sweet :blush:. I appreciate that. It made my night!


I have also been thinking @Butterflymoonwoman. She has a way of meeting people where they are; it’s calming; and she also has a sense of the bigger picture, the overall struggle (and the rewards) of addiction recovery.


This made me actually tear up. What u said truly means alot Matt. Thank you!
I was throwing around the idea of a moderator position bcuz I love TS and i love helping people and being apart of… but am unsure if I would even be a good fit. I think the only thing holding me back from asking about this role is the time requirment that i feel like i would need to be available for. Some days are crazy busy here at home and idk if i can always be on here to fulfill my role as a moderator. Idk if i even qualify to be one honestly or if the quality of my recovery is good enough to be a moderator. I just dont know lol


Feel free to PM @moderators if you would like to chat about what the position entails or time involved, etc.


I also vote for you Dana! You have always been here for me since the beginning. You are able to understand where people are coming from and always find a way to help people through their cravings and hardships.
:heart: Ya lady!


oh, and @LeeHawk! I think she’d be amazing.

What’s also amazing is how my monkey mind gets such stellar ideas during nighty-night meditation :smile:

G’night TS. Grateful for all you mods and the nominees too… :orange_heart:


Dana and @LeeHawk @Matt would all make great mods, theyve helped loads on my journey :+1:


Sounds good!

This feeling is actually fairly common among people considering being a moderator (including some of our fine current moderators). You’re in good company.

It’s about progress, not perfection, right? If you were perfect and everything was perfectly arranged in your life you’d be a terrible moderator.

You’ve actually posted 35 times here on Talking Sober in the last 48 hours. There’s some members (many members) who haven’t posted 35 times in the last 48 months. (I’m not casting shade on them, I’m just pointing out that you are active and engaged here, and it’s already a part of your life; whatever you’re doing, you’re already working Talking Sober into your time pretty consistently.)

You do, and it is. You have the sobriety (I believe the general requirement is a year) and as far as your recovery, the proof is in the pudding right? You’re taking it one day at a time, humble and determined, actively engaged with your program, staying open minded, encouraging others in their recovery work and gratefully receiving encouragement yourself - I could go on.


Thanks! I don’t have the sobriety requirement yet but I appreciate the mention :smile:


No use in reinventing the wheel, Robin! Thanks for all you do for this community!


I can actually see you being a great addiction counselor one day.


Hey all! Happy Friday! We have a fantastic community here, one I am so grateful for.

All nominated here clearly are great options. I’ll second @Butterflymoonwoman as I believe Dana’s DOC is not alcohol. While addiction is addiction, and there are clear correlations to our experiences regardless of DOC, I remember in rehab those struggling with a different DOC (not alcohol) wishing the discussions were more inclusive (probably not the right word) of the nuances of their DOC.

Again, this is just something to ponder as we all exhibit deep compassion for all struggling with addiction.


@LeeHawk Thank you so much for the mention friend!

I agree with this for sure. When i first attended adult treatment at age 21, i do remember feeling like i could relate more to those with a similar DOC as my own and not so much with those with other addictions. Addiction is addiction for sure (and i see that now) but it was harder to see that as a newcomer in the beginning. It wasnt until later down the road that I even walked into an AA room (as opposed to NA or CA) bcuz of this fact in being able to relate. But once i realized that we all suffer from this obsession of the mind, this disease of addiction, no matter what our DOC is, then it didnt matter where I went for meetings bcuz we are all the same no matter what we struggle with.
I also think you would make a great moderator! :smiley:


Thank you for putting me on your list but I think I am the least apt for this. :see_no_evil:


Lol, please. I think you are fantastic.