My 10 Day Running Challenge/ Push-up Challenge 🏃

This is awesome.

I love jogging slow pace 8 minutes per kilometre but healing from a small injury (which is taking forever)

Hopefully I can get back to it sooner than later.

My pace is turtle time :turtle::turtle::turtle: but it doesn’t bother me, as long as I can keep doing it.

Thanks for the inspiration!


here’s day 3, I hope to get to around 28 mins most days :slight_smile:


I’ve gotten up to one 5k per week. Takes over 45 minutes. Trying to get a second run in next week. You guys are really going to have to fall apart so I can win!


Day 5 completed. Half way now :sunglasses: :muscle: It still feels great I am getting the hang of it

@Cherry_Kisses Turtle time is still a TIME. Better then hanging on the couch all day. Hope your injury heals quickly :pray:
@Jonesy Nice! I Love to see your progress. Keep up the good work :muscle: :star_struck:
@jbm555 :rofl: You are already a winner :wink:


I hate jangling stuff too so a sports watch is the perfect thing. I got my entry level Garmin on a sale a few years ago and I absolutely love her.

There are so many sports watches around these days though. I see Huawei have even brought one out.

I would personally steer clear of Apple. Have a friend who won one in a competition and had to charge it every day, so she sold it and bought a REALLY nice Garmin.

I only charge mine about twice a month. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Ok enough already or else Garmin needs to pay me for advertising :rofl::joy:


Day 4 in the bag and still feeling strong, thank you to @ShadowFax for the inspiration and keeping me going!


Day 6 completed!

This morning I woke up with painful en stiff legs so slowed down a bit this run.
Did some good stretching and gone eat some extra egg-whites today.
Hope tomorrow my legs feel better!

But I did It again. 30 k so far. I love this challenge. Still sober and hangover free! :muscle: :muscle: :blue_heart:


Day 4 in the bag, thanks for this thread


I took the weekend off to spend time with my grandkids but I was back at it this morning. 2.2 miles again but I did run a bit more this time. It feels really good to be moving again. Those running endorphins are the real deal. :star_struck:


Well done on day 4! Thanks for sharing :muscle: :blue_heart:


Those endorphins are great, I feel so much better during the day and I sleep well.
Good you start moving again! Keep up the good work :wink: :pray:


Day 5 and halfway through, feeling stiff but that will pass - I’m also feeling the need for some extra protein, chicken here I come! :plate_with_cutlery:


Day 7 completed
Today I run real early before work it was still dark :sweat_smile:
I had to walk quite a lot today on work… sore and heavy legs. I can feel I am running for 7 days in a row now. Its starting to get tough. But i will not give up! Tomorrow I will run after work, so my legs have some more time to recover :wink: :pray: :blue_heart:


I did about the same this morning as yesterday. I hear you on the heavy sore legs. I may not be drinking enough water.


Day 6! Stiff again but I seem to be keeping pace with myself, still hoping that with an extra push I can make it down to 28 mins by the end of the challenge!


Day 5 of yoga!.. It was a good stretching yoga,was a bit worried it would be another strenuous one today as I’m starting to feel all the muscles working again!!.. The stretching felt good… I did s club where there was a run with yoga after…it was brilliant to stretch it all out after, :pray::fist_right::fist_left::pray:… remember to stretch it out :star:


@TigerMatriarch @Jonesy @ShadowFax

In my personal experience for the DOMS, Anti inflammatorys, Voltaren Gels or Arnica Gel etc and Epsom salt bath.

Keep it up guys.


Thank you, Epsom salt in a hot bath is definitely a good idea!, TBH I’ve not been stretching either which hasn’t helped :stuck_out_tongue:


@Hazy Our gyms yoga class is on a Friday morning so after doing weight training in the week it’s the best feeling to stretch all those muscles out. Sometimes it’s bloody sore but it’s all gentle and slow so no chance of injury. But yeah the stretching part is super important :person_in_lotus_position:‍♂:bath::sleeping_bed:


Day 8 completed

Today I pushed myself to the limit, I will regret tomorrow. Pain is gain! :sweat_smile: :yum: :star_struck:

Thank you all for the support and all of the nice tips!
You all keep me going! :pray: :blue_heart:

@Jonesy I like your steady pace of constant 5.55. I find it quite hard to keep an constant pace
@TigerMatriarch I should definitely drink more water, thanks for reminding me. Gone drink one right now :wink: