My Higher Power... God šŸŒ¹

Ok, keep it up!! You got this-

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How we think, dictates our life


So powerful! :raised_hands:t2::heart::grinning::facepunch:t2:

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Oh im glad u liked it! I enjoyed it also! I like this pastor that does these sermons. His sermons are always good!



I always enjoyed the account of Josephā€¦such an ultimate example of forgiveness!


Ill have to read that! Thanks for the suggestion! I just started reading the Bible and so dont know alot of the stories yet.




i often have felt like i do and say the wrong things. the belief that i am broken or wrong somehow started with a feeling which turned to a belief and has now become an identity. but ā€œshe who is terribly at faultā€ is only a description of a character in a story of the world - not my true essence. my true identity is a child of God. loved and lifted by the Most High. i must stay in the atmosphere of our companionship and offer Him the lies that cause me battle only because i believe them. and see what He frees when i ask him to show me what the Truth is.



Love this :pray:t3::heart:

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U are absolutely accepted and welcome Bill :slight_smile: Thank u for sharing! I didnt always believe in God. In fact Iā€™ve had a few different Higher Powers over the decades. Its only been about a year or two that I have come to believe in God. But i love this saying, ā€œReligion is for those that dont want to go to hell. Spirituality is for those that have been to hell and dont want to go backā€. I dont necessarily consider myself religiousā€¦ I do consider myself spiritual for sure bcuz i do believe that many things can be helpful and that can be a Higher Power. I used to follow the Aboriginal culture because thats what was taught/shown to me as a youth,. But i also have believed in Angel cards, chakras, crystals, etc. They all have a benefit just like many other beliefs have their benefit :slight_smile: Im glad ur here Bill and thank u for sharing! Hugs


48 years I believed in nothing and openly mocked those that did then one day I had a choice, die of addiction or pray to something for help. I only had to ask once and Iā€™ve never been alone since.
Every burden I ever carried was removed from my shoulders like a rucksack of bricks.
Call it what you want I donā€™t care donā€™t know and donā€™t want to know but what I once didnā€™t believe possible I couldnā€™t remove from me even if I wanted to.


What a beautiful testament of something greater than ourselves. Sometimes we dont need to know what is out there but only that it can guide us and help us. I loved ur post! Thank u for sharing!


I love this thread! For me God has been a really important part of my life. Iā€™m currently converting from Protestantism to Eastern Orthodoxy and Christianity is an integral part of my recovery. With Godā€™s help I can overcome these cravings and mental health issues, I know that. It just takes time and effort to stay sober.


I was raised in a great family and in church. My parents divorced when I was 17. They were married 18 years. My entire life changed that day walking home from school. I turned away from everything I knew and took on the world alone. New father I became, drinking, drugs, lost. Itā€™s now 2024 and Iā€™m 40 and gave my life back to Jesus. He saved my life. I wish it didnā€™t take that long for me to open the door back up, but man God is good when you allow him in. Glad I found this thread.


Thank u for sharing JB :slight_smile: I appreciate your post. That mustve been such a difficult thing for spmeone so young to go thru :frowning: Seeinf 2 people you love seperate. I agree with alot of ur post too. I was raised a christian but fell away from that when drugs started taking everything away from me. I had such an issue with with word God for soooo many years. Until Dec of 2021 when i was standing outside in the early morning snow, desperate to get clean, and invitied God into my life. Everything changed. God is really sooo good. He has done things for me that i coudlnt do for myself. Im glad u found God. Im glad He is guiding u in ur recovery. You absolutely do deserve a long, healthy, happy life :smiley:

I actually started this thread quite some time ago and I didnt realize that I havent posted much in it for some time. I think I should get back writing in it :slight_smile:


Im sooo glad you like this thread! And im so proud of you for being strong and entering recovery with such determination. We are all here with you :slight_smile:


Right on my sister. We gonna bring life into this thread :pray::heart_hands:

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