My Higher Power... God 🌹

Absolutely! Feel free to add whatever you like to the thread! I love some Godly inspiration :slight_smile:


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Something I came across in my journaling and readings I’d like to share. Have a blessed day

Salvation- preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss.

Suffering leads to salvation. We have to somehow accept and not deny, but feel our suffering and then we make one of two decisions.

We either decide to go through the gate of resentment, which leads to vengeance, which leads to self harm, which then leads to harm of others.
Or we go through the gate of forgiveness, which leads to grace, just as Christ did on the cross.

He suffered terribly and he was broken by it to look upon the people who were causing that suffering or the situation that was causing that suffering with compassion and with forgiveness.
And that’s what opens the gates of Heaven for all of us.


God has changed my life. By asking what God wants from me today he gives me what I need.


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭

Have a blessed day brothers & sisters


So very true! I am experiencing living proof. I won’t preach but GOD is in me and working on me every minute.


@jbaldwin84 @tailee17 @MrMoustache
Thank u for sharing in this thread :slight_smile: i havent been sharing much on here as for some reason i havent been feeling as connected to God lately. I pray but dont feel that real deep down genuine connection that Im used to feeling :frowning: I will contribute tho in the future.

Have either of u ever felt this before? What do u do wheb u dont feel as connecting to God?


I know what you’re experiencing. Our relationship with God is like any other. When we lose sight of him daily and are not living in the present with him, we will be/feel distant. He wants our attention just as much as we want his. It’s tough in this world and its ways of everyday life. I notice it myself when I’m at work and out living life. It’s because I’m not strong enough in his word yet. This time when I gave my life, I fully submitted. But I’m still distant as I learn to live a new life and distance myself away from my old one. The things I watch, listen to, speak, etc… The Bible is our bread. It’s life.
Just sharing my 2 cents and what I feel in my heart. Prayers for your focus and strength tonight. Evil will do whatever it takes to block your vision of him in the most clever/intelligent ways. That’s why we must be focused on him daily or we become blinded. God Bless and much much love sister

You don’t have to contribute. Sometimes it’s there for us to come to remind us of the goodness. I’m happy it’s here for all to read if the want to :blush:


I said I was gonna bring life into this thread :heart_hands:


I LOVED what u wrote. Thank u for responding and saying what u did!! I am going to pray for focus and strength tonight. Thank u for ur prayers also :slight_smile: You sound soo wise and knowledgable and experienced with this way of living. Youre definitly an inspiration to me :slight_smile:

It feels really good to talk about God with others. I dont get that chance in every day life to do that. I work every sunday and therefore dont go to church :frowning: i DO have a bible tho that i think i need to be reading more. I feel bad when i get disconnected to God. I ask myself, how can i be this disconnected when God as truly saved my life time and time again. I owe Him sooo much. I used to be a sex trade worker where God saved me soooo many times from many dangerous moments. He saved me from my OD. He saved me from my abusive ex. And here i am being selfish, living life, and not connecting with Him how i want to be comnecting with Him. I do get blinded and get hyperfocused on other things. God needs to be #1 and in the foremost of all my thoughts. I want that feeling again :slight_smile:

Thank you again for sharing. You werent kidding when u said that ud bring life into this thread. I appreciate it more than u know :smiley:


While my beliefs and higher power are slightly different…It is so awesome and such a beautiful thing that youve found that. Its no ones place to say what the right or wrong way to be spiritual is… what brings you peace, brings you peace and I’m so happy for you that you have that :heart:


Since February I have had to lean on God so much I feel his presence daily. Closing my eyes and focusing on what I see I feel he is there. I also listen intently for his guidance and receive it.


Thanks for saying that. I just say it’s not me, it’s God working through me. I am absolutely in love with your story and your love for God. It’s powerful! You are powerful. There’s a purpose you’re still here sis. Same goes for me. Only God knows what we have been through COMPLETELY. Our deepest, darkest secrets. The pain that only we know, he knows. I just want more people to know his forgiveness and love. Just the littlest bit of faith can open a love so great. You have a beautiful day my sister :v: :heart_hands:


Today is about patience and trusting God. Theres been a few things that I have been praying about and at times I have wondered if God is listening. I have to remember that everything is on Gods time, not mine. And sometimes what i want, is not what i really need or is what is best for me. Im learning to trust in the process. To trust God. To do what i can in my every day life and leave the outcome up to Him.


Patience is a discipline. Thank you @Butterflymoonwoman for this message. I need more discipline in my life. You always give good insight. Thank you-


Its wonderful to see you posting!!! How are you?!

Hi! I am OK. I am learning to understand the importance of being bored. Most of my life is pretty mundane. I’m learning to take positive steps. For example, instead of drinking and smoking weed, I am dancing to music with my headphones on the family is doing, good. I just celebrated my 23rd anniversary. It’s pretty wild, we have changed a lot during this time, my addiction issues has really hurt the overall marriage. But, we remain together and are working through the issues. My daughter starts college this year so that’s pretty exciting. My son is looking for work. I hope he can get involved in the trades. Work as well and I am grateful that I have a paycheck. You just made me realize how important this community is. Thank you for everything you do for the community and for me take care.