My Higher Power... God šŸŒ¹

I am not a prophet but pretty sure God wants you to eat the healthy stuff! :hugs::heart_eyes:


Yeah @tailee17 your right my body wants to eat healthy stuff too Iā€™ve been wanting lots of salad , eggs ,and last night I had mackerel and homemade potato salad (I used to be a chef I canā€™t eat much shop bought processed stuff )

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A chef? That is great! I am sure you can whip up some amazing ā€œhealthyā€! I find even though not a chef but pretty good cook I am saving a a ton by buying groceries instead of eating out. Breakfast alone for two is $35 to $40

We have fresh eggs across the street to buy which is the best start.

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Yeah @tailee17 Iā€™m definitely going to be getting some cooking in when my appetite sorts itā€™s self out a bit. I love making quiche and everybody likes that so I can have a grand old time with them lol . I live in a village with fresh eggs and duck eggs im lucky too

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From my daily devotional. Wanted to share with yā€™all. Have a blessed day :pray:


Wow! All i can say is WOW! What a message! Im going to screenshot this so i cam read this daily. Unfortunately i dont always go to God first before everything else. My will at times gets in the way. I have to remember to not only go to God when things are bad, but also when things are good! To include Him in all my daily on goings putting Him in the foremost of all my thoughts. Thank u so much for the share!



Sorry Team, I have been remiss in checking this thread but I have caught up a bit.

I am 81 days sober now. My life is a storm of sorts. Lots of wreckage from my selfish ways, horrible choices and drinking/drugging behaviours. God is working behind the scenes and I commend all things to him. I literally have no real idea whatā€™s next in my life. How things will turn out short or long term, but I know that my attempts to control my life have pretty much failed. I trust Him, but the devil is certainly trying to sew doubt and distraction.


I sure was challenged this weekend yall. Friday I celebrated my 90 days with my menā€™s group. After work I decided to head home real quick to let my dog out before heading to group. When I got there, I walked into a storm! So I live with my mother and step father at the moment. Due to me deciding to change my life and get sober and follow Jesus. Literally changed everything, including my job. Doing that put me back at ground zero starting fresh. Especially financially. I got a job in an amazing atmosphere with really good people. I had a few opportunities, but I let God decide where I needed to be. It sure is a slow, steady course that requires patience. Well my step father is an alcoholic. He admits it and loves his drinks. No matter what kind of person he turns into. My mother doesnā€™t drink nor does she care for it. Has dealt with drunks her whole life. Well this weekend I had to stay in a hotel and wasnā€™t sure where I was going to go. Because my step father was drunk and very nasty. Very. My mother almost decided to leave. He really is a nice kind hearted guy when he is sober. I bet even better if he allowed god to do some work in his heart. Anyways, I almost caved Friday night on my 90 days. I cried in anger and didnā€™t want to be anywhere. I just wanted to drink and let the drugs get me. I was lost. But I pulled over in a random parking lot and prayed. I leaned on god like never before. I stayed in that hotel, sober, crying, no tv nothing. Just with god. Today before meeting my mom at church, she called and told me to come back. Like Iā€™m almost there financially to get back on my own after only being with them a few months. This would have put me back big time. Homeless. Money ticking away on motels or sleeping in my jeep. We had prayers through church, family, and myself. I think he hit a button in my step father. Thereā€™s plenty work to be done still but yā€™all GOD IS GOOD! Even in the storm, stay firm in your faith and walk with him. And I did. I almost let the evil win. And this time it might have taken me out for good after the anger and loneliness I was feeling. But I remembered how strong my god is and stayed firm. Iā€™m home, laying low, and having faith that work will continue to be done in this house and in our lives.
Just wanted to share with yā€™all. I pray for the people on this app everyday fighting to stay sober and whatever challenges in life they endure. And I pray for thanks that this app exists. Itā€™s been such a powerful presence in my sobriety and understanding. Donā€™t walk around that storm, walk through it! Love you guys and Iā€™m grateful to be here :pray:


Congrats on 81
Grab on to his hand and hold on tight! Walk though it and keep moving forward. The more days we come through with him, the stronger we become


Love this message!!


Wow friendā€¦ im so glad ur okay! Home sounds extremely hectic and i cant even begin to imagine what that all must feel like, being back at home and then having to deal with someone who drinks. Thru complete despiration is when God does His best work tho! And Im so glad u turned to Him first and not to alcohol or drugs. Just like we are faithful to God, God is faithful to us. Hes always there with open arms and always keeps His promises. Congratulations on ur 90 days! U have worked incredibly hard to get here. I will pray for u and ur situation at home :slight_smile: I hope ur able to find some peace there right now :slight_smile:


Thank you Dana! Iā€™m so blessed to have a friend like you around here. Appreciate you

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Awe i apprecoate YOU! I feel just as blessed :slight_smile:

Amen Brother! Way to stay strong in the midst of the storm!

My power verse is Psalm 34:4

ā€œI called out to the Lord, He heard me and delivered me from all my fearsā€


Hi @Butterflymoonwoman @jbaldwin84 @tailee17 and all who participate on this thread Good day to you all . I wanted to share something with you on this one as I donā€™t want to appear to be preaching to anyone who doesnā€™t care or want to understand spiritually (I was one of them not so long ago )anyway Iā€™ve been praying to my higher power for a couple of weeks now and itā€™s getting a lot better and easier to do .this morning I really enjoyed talking to ,him her it . Iā€™ve been concerned over the will I still possess over sleeping properly.Iā€™m tired at eleven o clock but staying up on ts and my game for hours after that ,trying to help some who are struggling and enjoying the posts of regular s that are coming on here in their daytimes especially the fun things in here but too much of a good thing is bad for you !!! And I noticed lack of sleep is really affecting my day and the way I cope around other s. I didnā€™t seem to stop myself staying awake and exerting control over sleep ,so yesterday morning in my prayers I asked my higher power to guide me and help me to sleep tonight at a reasonable hour and let it go ā€¦what happened last night is this ā€¦I got back from a meeting around ten and came on to ts at half ten I promptly ran out of data(I donā€™t have wi fi and canā€™t use my phone without it ) I also canā€™t put data on without a voucher because I have no data to access my network app , I did have a small window to walk to the local tescos to get some but I recognised ā€¦Iā€™m tired I donā€™t need data untill the morning!!! I believe last night I was given the gift sleep though divine intervention :pray:t2: My higher power gave me the choice of using my own free will by the shop still being open but also the insight of doing the right and healing option of going to sleep . I havenā€™t always had a phone to connect with people online I used to have a shit brick Nokia :unamused: and When I had no phone I read books at night and it worked well to get me to sleep . I read two pages and gave up my will I slept from 11:30 untill 7:Am :blush::pray:t2:For that I am so gratefulā€¦thoughts on this post or sleep will be appreciated thank you :kissing_heart:



ā€œAs for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsā€”it is by grace you have been saved.ā€
ā€­ā€­Ephesiansā€¬ ā€­2ā€¬:ā€­1ā€¬-ā€­5ā€¬ ā€­


This passage is beautiful :purple_heart: thank u for sharing

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