My Sober journey šŸ’

7 months and 14 days. Got this one Yesterday. 1 month and 14 days without cigarettes. Vaping just two three (I donā€™t know How to Say) breathe.

Iā€™m fasting for the first Time since 17 Years for the Ramadan because I Can. I 'm not really a religious person but I felt that It was a great way to feel connected to my Roots, my late father, and for people in the World suffering. It helps with the anger and I meditate / pray on mā€™y on World for mā€™y loved ones and for a better World.



Great work friend. Love all the addiction free time you have gathered up. Great to see you doing well in your sobriety. Keep up the amazing efforts :muscle:t4:

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Got my 8 months chip and very proud but to bĆ© honest I have dangerous thoughts because I feel angry??? Thanks God I have a lot of meetings in Paris. and Iā€™ll start to jog this weekend. I bought cigarettes After 2 months but Iā€™ll bĆ© back on track ! Sending love :tulip:


Thatā€™s fantastic friend ā€” 8 months is amazing work. Grateful for the meetings and that you will be getting out to jog ā€“ i know how the anger can eat us alive. Sending love right back friend - keep up the great efforts :muscle:

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Thank you :heart::blush::heart::blush:

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Hello :tulip: Yesterday I was in bar in Paris and It was great. My Friends were drinking a Lot but I was drinking mā€™y Mango juice and limonades and laughed a lot. I didnā€™t want to drink AT ALL. Itā€™s my New life now and itā€™s very great to be there and enjoy every part of It. I left and sent message to my Friend. I donā€™t know How she ended the night. Waiting for her text. But she read mā€™y message and I think that she IS fine. She Can stop AT some point. That wasnā€™t my case. Itā€™s thĆ© Big diffĆ©rence.

Also I go to AA meetings when I Can and this month just 2 Times. Itā€™s april so itā€™s the 4 th step " Taking a personal inventory". At first I thought It was about making a list of your defects and flaws. But itā€™s not. And I started to write about it. Itā€™s really powerful. Just wanted to share this.

Sending lot of Love :cupid:

Have a Wonderful day.



This is wonderful to readā€¦ getting a grasp on your life and surroundings and living your life with your new found freedomā€¦way to go friend. Keep working on your journey :people_hugging:

9 months and almost 12 days. Got My 9 months chip today. I wasnā€™t planning on going to this meeting but I was working from home and managed to.

And we went for a lunch. It was such a great Time.

But After that I was really mad. Iā€™m mad in general. Talking with mā€™y loved ones about matter of life, Ć©ducation, politic is exhausting. And for me itā€™s a Big matter as Iā€™m trying to stay true to myself and stop lowing my Voice. But then everybody stays quiet like Iā€™m the one overreacting. Iā€™m mad because people are selfish. Maybe Iā€™m mad because I stayed quiet for too longā€¦well itā€™s gonna be okā€¦:smiling_face:


9+ months is amazing work friend. :muscle: Glad you went and picked up your chip!

Oof the anger and intense emotions can be overwhelming and rile up the blood. I know I"m working on my short fuse and anger management issues (it does take time in recovery).

this very much could be the case. I find that writing out the anger issues and stepping back helps me - sometimes i find that i may have over reacted and others is see that i may be rightfully angry but iā€™m the one thatā€™s hurting so i try to figure out a way to let that shit go.

the Fuck Right Off thread is helpful in this department :wink: Conglomerated List of ā€œThings that can Fck right off (Part 2)

Thank you Jazzy, you are a :blue_heart:
Iā€™m gonna check this thread.

ā€œi may be rightfully angry but iā€™m the one thatā€™s hurting so i try to figure out a way to let that shit goā€


Iā€™ll work on that. More. Because I didnā€™t at the beginning but itā€™s like I forgot or maybe this anger IS alsona way for me not to feel numb. I donā€™t want to get rid of Itā€¦but you are right. I have to step backā€¦Iā€™m not convinced as I write this but hey weā€™ll see. Miracle do happen :rofl:

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i have faith. yes ā€“ miracles do happen :heart:

I totally relate to you feeling an emotion intensely in a way to feel numb. Do you think therapy might help? Possibly get to the root of why you are wanting to feel numb? For me EMDR therapy helped to some extent and then i reached to my HP to help ā€“ believe me, iā€™m still working on it but it has gotten so much better.

big hugs friend and a huge congrats for all that you have accomplished :hugs:

Yess Iā€™ll try to find a therapist but Iā€™ve been in therapy for 2 Years about my alcohol addiction already. I Can see now How It helped but anger is a feeling likĆ© other, itā€™s part of who I am and I donā€™t want to repress It. I. BUT you are right have to find a way to express It and let It out and not feel overwhelmed with is. D-anger :grin:

Someone Yesterday told me that Iā€™m growing UP, Being an adulte. Itā€™s true. Because I skipped a good part of my childhood because of situations.

Thank your Itā€™s really helping me and If I Can do anything to help too :hugs:

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You are most welcome friend. Glad to be on this journey with you. :people_hugging:

Grateful that we are learning more about ourselves in this journey. I honestly didnā€™t realize all that I had shut off or hid away while staying numbed.

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I canā€™t believe Iā€™m more than 300 days sober as I was at the point It was really hard to spend 24h without drinking. It was I was an opened wound. Itā€™s healing but I have to be careful with this scar :rofl:

Sending love :heartpulse: if you are here and Reading this youā€™ve made a good choice.


Way to go friend ā€“ 10 months is amazing work and great work on healing in your recovery. You are crushing it :muscle: :tada:

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1 year and 1 day
Iā€™m happy really but this weekend IS really challenging. Itā€™s too remind me that I have to have the courage to accept the things that I canā€™t change. I wanted to have this coin Yesterday but holidays in Paris with the Olympics game is tricky as meetings are cancelled or groups donā€™t have all they need. And today I was late to a meeting and they had proceed differently ā€¦so they didnā€™t want to give me the chip and I was disappointed because I wanted It before my holidaysā€¦I could have waited but I didnā€™t wantā€¦and Iā€™m not proud now. I have to remind that the most important thing IS that Iā€™m sober. Not this.

Thanks you and I hope you are all ok. :butterfly::sunflower:


1 year is terrific. Donā€™t let anything rob your personal joy!:heart_eyes:


First of all ā€“ Way to go friend! You are doing an amazing job on this journey and you should be super proud.

I totally get the need to hold the chip (your banner of honor for your accomplishments). Donā€™t let the need to want this in your hand make you feel bad or disappointed. You are doing a superb job!

Its the little rewards that helped me and still help me on my journey. Keep up the fantastic work :muscle: :tada: :clap:


I really needed these words :purple_heart:
Thank for your kind words everytime.


awe you are most welcome friend. We are in this together :hugs:

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