My story - taking it one day at a time

Hello, I´m new here, so wanted to make a post to introduce myself.

I am 6 days sober. After a life of jumping from self induced crises to self induced crises due to being powerless over alcohol, I finally hit rock bottom last week. I had got to the point where I was drinking most days and getting myself into all sort of problems and last Wednesday I drunk so much at work, I blacked out before I had even finished. i then went to a bar and fell over trying to walk through a window, which resulted in me breaking their TV and then went and had unprotected sex. So now I am at risk of losing my job, have had to pay a fortune to replace the TV and may lose my wonderful partner. I am taking things one day at a time. I just want to get to the end of each day without drinking and this is my goal at the moment. I hate myself and I know the only way i can ever get over this is with sobriety


Just wondering if anybody has any advise on online programmes etc? I looked at the one that has the 4 step programme, but the groups were not at good times for me.


Hey there! Check this out!


In the rooms has a variety of meetings

That’s a lot to deal with, but is a good motivation as well to push trough to a better life.
Glad you found us. We are from all over the world here. Many of us has discovered the distruction of alcohol like you, ore with other doc (drug of choice) and many recovered.
You can do that too.
I will share a thread with you with many other kind of recourses.

I found reading books about recovery ore listen to a podcast also very stimulating and you will find many on this thread as well.

Stick around, we are all here for you!
If you have cravings come here to talk instead of picking up! Use us!
Like I said we are from all around the globe so there is always someone awake to talk to!

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Sounds like a bad country song. Welcome back. AA works for a lot of people. It didn’t work for me I went to many meetings over a 20 year span. What worked for me was repenting to God, asking Jesus to be my saviour and asking the Holy Spirit to guide me. After I did this God literally removed the urge to drink and performed other miracles for me. I now pray every day and have a relationship with the Most High.