My way from day one to present ❤️

Thank you for your post, and for the courage it took to be honest about your situation. There is no shame in admitting your powerlessness, and in starting over… You’ve taken a step in the right direction. Best wishes for your recovery.



Not offended my friend. you take care

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You have no idea how much this means to me :heart:


Now that everything I had to do here is done I feel that I’m getting nervous. I distract myself with movies, right now it’s Thor.
I deleted most of my social media and I feel it. And no alcohol to calm myself.
I know it won’t last long but ugh :weary:


Put on a good podcast and walk. That’s what worked for me early on.


I did that too. It was weird at first but I mostly replaced it with Talking Sober, which felt a lot better. This is a community that’s not about selling things and logging my info for marketing; this is a community that’s about the members and their growth.

To pass the extra time I’ve been doing a lot more counselling :joy: Also friends. I’ve been doing walks with friends and taking time to visit family. I’ve been doing trips: I took a road trip with my dad, I do trips to cities in my area. I’ve visited museums (often with friends who have an interest too). I’ve had brunches with friends; weekends are great for that.


Today is day 2 for me. I know that feeling. We got this! I am hitting a meeting tonight. I need it bad.
It’s more common than you think. Don’t feel shame.
As addicts we have a lot of guilt and shame.
But also as addicts we understand each other the most.
Hang in there! Prayers :pray:


Too late to walk, so I tried on some clothes I bought last week. Sadly 2/3 doesn’t fit, but the rest does :blush: After this I did the dishes, prepared stuff for work tomorrow and took a bath.
Still pretty awake, but I’m sure that won’t last the whole week.


I’m replacing it with TS too, I feel safe here bc we all fight the same fight.
I’ll stay online here as long as I think I need to :blush:


you never have to worry about coming back here whether it’s day 1 or 1000. we have nothing but love and support for you, but I know our brains will convince us otherwise. I am proud of you for realizing your mistakes, you can do this. we are all here to support you


I’m honest, what you’re writing here scares me pretty much. Because it makes me feel like I’m not able to fight this on my own.
Have to think about that.
I wasn’t able to find a group that has no religious background here, I googled that yesterday. There are only very few far away.

I don’t take it as an offense what you wrote, but as a warning.

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Have you read any ‘quit lit’? I read a ton of it, memoirs, cautionary tales, how to’s …all was helpful in my journey…and kept my brain occupied. I highly recommend starting with This Naked Mind by Annie Grace and Quit Like A Woman by Holly Whitaker. I have a HUGE list of others if you are interested.

Glad you are here. This place has been an incredible support for so many of us (including the many lurkers who rarely, if ever, post).


This’ll do for that :innocent: Enjoy - and keep us posted :+1:t2:


You can do anything. But you also are not alone either way, we are here for u. This app is really supportive & the people really care. Don’t b afraid to lean on it


Wicca is a pretty good “religion” tho ngl if u believe in energy >>> & u get to practice magickit’s rooted in witchcraft. Js bc most ppl don’t believe in it but I’ve found it to be FUN ASF mainly :joy::joy::sob::sob::sob: more like a hobby than a religion.


I just bought “This naked mind” , thank you for the info :relaxed:
@Matt I need a group that speaks German, Smart Recovery seems to speak English only.
@Mephistopheles The only groups I did find are AA. But I’ll give it a try. If it’s not for me I still can go find another possibility or group right?


The key thing is determination. When we want something - really want it, to survive, to live, to thrive - we will do extraordinary things for it, stretch ourselves and grow in extraordinary ways. We will search and search and search and keep searching and growing and challenging ourselves, because it keeps us alive and it keeps us flourishing.

It’s like someone searching for water in the desert. That search, that thirst, is a determination where we let go of all distractions and focus on one thing: finding what we need to live and be the humans we are. :innocent:

Germany is a country of more than 80 million people. I cannot believe there aren’t groups there that would work for you, where you would thrive. It’s just a question of determined searching.

There’s a more extensive list of recovery resources (including many different programs and books) here:
Resources for our recovery

No one grows alone. We all have coaches and guides and mentors, for everything we do in life. Getting healthy (which means free from addiction) is no different.

Keep us posted! You have what you need. Take it one step at a time :+1:t2:

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Yes delete social media. This is why. I remember a few years ago it was the first day of elementary school. A friend took her daughter to school the same school my son went to. Her daughter was crying so loudly and was so aggressive towards her mother I thought authorities were going to be called it was that bad. All because she didn’t get into the same 5th grade class as her best friend. I go to FB only to see an adorable family portrait titled another wonder start to a school year. :man_shrugging::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Social media is everyone’s best life. I deleted mine years ago but I’ve always wanted to create one that is 100% fake. Me traveling around in private jets, solving world peace etc etc because people just pass on the BS they read as fact.

Another terrible aspect is it creates anxiety for absolutely no reason. You posted you’re worried about the energy crisis. So unless you work in energy, work for the politics of energy or department energy this is just a complete waste of time and your own person energy when in fact you could be doing something fun.


The luckiest club has no religious affiliation, nor does Tempest or Annie Grace 30 day challenge.


Never give up!

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