My way from day one to present ❤️

Good stuff. This is how we do. :fire:

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Congrats. Such an accomplishment. Feel good. Be proud!

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Hey hi and hello :wave:
Today marks day 300 of sobriety.
300 times 24 hours of me choosing life.
You can do that too but you have to want to work it, every damn day.
Is it easy? No.
Your drug will always be there, it’s you who must change.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Stay safe and strong fam, much love :heart::kissing_heart::heart:


WOOT WOOT - 300 days! that is awesome love - way to go.
Your sobriety is paying off - glowing in your pics, new positive outlook - all around amazing. Keep up the amazing work!

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What a nice number. Congratulations on your 10 months :sunflower::upside_down_face:

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Yay! Big congrats Sabrina!


Stick with it


Congratulations on your 300 days!!!


Congrats. Nice to see a testimony that it works day by day. We choose this beautiful life.




I missed this, but congratulations to 300 days of sobriety. Sabrina.:muscle::v:

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Holy moly! Bunny slippers? Fantastic.

Built for comfort and speed


I think that is key. Trying to figure out how to keep busy and keep those thoughts of drinking demons out of our heads

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I don’t know where to put that so I use my own thread for this :blush:

Some days ago I made something that’s called the Braverman test. It helps you figuring out if you lack one or more neurotransmitter.
After the test I bought what I need most, Gaba. To make it work properly you also need L-Theanine. Since yesterday evening I take both.

Today I did what I usually avoid like the plaque, being in a bookstore with a lot of people around me. Usually I get tunnel vision, sweaty cold hands and rush through to the point where I need to, and rush back out.
Today I was relaxed and I even wanted to see if there might be something I like.
I bought 4 books and some incense sticks :sweat_smile:

What I want to say with this post is, if you know there is something wrong with your body don’t stop (re)searching for an answer. It’s not always psychological.
My problems aren’t Hashimoto related (my labs are fine), it’s no withdrawal and it’s not the stress I have at work bc I felt the stress even while on vacation. I wasn’t able to relax, for many many years.

Of course I hope it’s not an imaginary effect that I feel, time will tell.
But for now I’m feeling awesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Chemical imbalance is real. And those are two natural aminos? And they worked that fast?? You have piqued my interest. I will check put that test. Glad you found something that seems to work for you.

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Yes, they’re natural aminos and yes, they work fast.
Gaba supplements are seen critical bc it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier. It’s asssumed that it has an effect nonetheless because it might be able to have an effect on the gut, what is in fact, our second brain. For some it works, for some not.
L-Theanine is used to calm the mind and body without making you tired.
It’s often used together to get the best effect. Fortunately it’s working for me.


That is fantastic!! I appreciate more natural approaches to health problems. Thanks for the additional information.

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I’m 5 days in with the supplements and found the right dosage that works for me.
I still feel stressed because we have massive problems at work. But I’m way better in managing that.
I can sleep better, I wake up better and the racing thoughts went down. My concentration got way better. Even in stressful situations I now don’t loose my focus any more. My hands are now warm almost the whole day. They used to be cold as soon as I was at work. I even had cold arms when the stress was too much.
No anxiety, no dizziness, no headache and this one I love the most bc headaches were really annoying me almost every day.
I wasn’t aware how much can change.
I love it :two_hearts::heart_eyes:


The last days I’ve been thinking about some deep stuff. And I know this topic suits to many others on here so I’ll share.

“Why do I keep on attracting toxic people?”

Some time ago I met a man. He was very attractive, at least in my eyes. He seemed to be a strong, independent man who has his shit together but there was a tiny, very tiny warning about him somewhere inside me. I ignored it and went on getting to know him.
I had those butterfly feeling in my gut that, as we’re told, is something good right? Not always.
Over time those red flags kept on warning me and I slowly realized that this man was toxic.
I cut ties immediately but felt bad for doing that.

The truth is, I’m toxic myself. To me. Deep down I’m not 100% convinced that I have a worth. And I am longing for harmony and deep connection so bad that I ignore this warning system my body has.

I have to learn that I am worthy of love.
I have to stay with myself, know my worth, respect myself.
I have to learn that I can give something good, valuable to other people and that they really benefit from it.

“Know who you are, your vulnerabilities and your desires”

A lot to think or meditate about. Heavy stuff.
But I’ll get there, someday.
