Need advice on handling cravings

How do you guys deal with the cravings?

Last night I was pouring myself some sprite and I got a sudden wiff of alcohol, it hit me like a storm. Plunged me right back to the last time I drank. Today is 6 days sober from alcohol. Last night i was able to brush it off. I woke up this morning with horrible cravings to drink, I’m not to good at handling cravings so just wanted some advice and to hear how some others cope with the cravings.


First off congratulations on your 6 days :sparkler::fireworks:

You really have to just take one day at a time. Especially this early on. I’m day 9 today.
I have to make sure I eat properly and keep hydrated.
Each day you get through sober, our brains make progress in healing and eventually it gets alot easier.

When we drink our brain begins to believe it needs alcohol to survive just like food or water. We know it doesn’t. So our brains respond by thinking it needs alcohol - on top of any issues we have that we may be trying to numb out it makes cravings difficult but not impossible to get through.
I wish I could write more advice but my brain is very foggy today due to other stuff in my life.

I’d say eat proper meals, keep hydrated, stay away from situations that may trigger you, stay away from people that may trigger you.
When having a craving remind yourself that it won’t last long, it will likely come in waves and if you just wait 15 minutes you will be past that craving and still sober.



This might sound dumb, but it has worked for me. I pretend I already relapsed, that the counter’s reset, that I have to confess it to my wife, and that I’m still craving despite having caved - because it doesn’t last. No matter how bad the craving is, satiating it is not sustainable. You literally need something better to do, which is really hard to discover/invent.


That’s awesome advice thank you. I made a cup of coffee and went on a drive today instead of watching the clock waiting for the liquor store to open. I will definitely take what you said and use it


That’s good you found something you can do to keep distracted.
And it’s good you are reaching out here, lots of support here.

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Not dumb at all I’ve had the same thought process, specially if I dreamt of drinking. I’m just like okay I got it on my dreams that’s enough :joy: thank you for the advice!

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Definitely lots of support I find myself checking the app every morning now.

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Don’t forget :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: that when things get rough that’s when you should come and reach out the most.
My problem was I didn’t. I learnt the hard way.
So yes come here when things are going well, there are lots of fun threads like the foodies (post what we are cooking/eating), threads about nature, sports, reading and lots of sobriety stuff, so much stuff to also help keep you distracted and join in so your not alone and isolated. And also when things aren’t feeling great come here too, share and get support.
This thread is where many come to check in daily or how ever many times they need to. Check it out and say hi if you like to :slightly_smiling_face:



Also if you want to join in on the 100 days sober challenge there are some of us there with a few days or weeks apart that keep eachother motivated :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations on your six days! :muscle:t4::triumph: There’s two things that have helped me. I drank a LOT of different liquids. :joy: I’ve tried all the different LaCroix/Bubbly/Soliel… all those carbonated waters. I even tried the flavored waters like Hint. Sometimes it really isn’t the craving but just the habit of drinking something. I also kept physically busy. Like yard work, going to the gym, walking the dog, etc. Essentially, I would tire myself out like a toddler so I can go straight to sleep. :rofl: Hope this helps. You got this!


Cravings come and go at the oddest times. Somedays it’s at the same time, others it seems random.

For the same time of day cravings, I kept to a routine. A series of tasks that I would complete. My tasks were chores and cooking dinner. If my mind was busy, the craving wouldn’t have teeth.

For everything else, playing the tape through helps. Similar to what @Buntz said, imagine you did take that drink, where would you end up? Having a few more? A lot more? Driving out to get more? Blacked out? How would you feel the next day? Sick? Missing work? Guilty? Shame? You know where that road goes. Then ask, is it worth it?

Then think, what’s the worst that can happen if I DON’T drink? I feel icky snd uncomfortable for a while? Then I feel joy, pride, self-esteem. Is THAT worth it?

Also coming here and not craving alone helps, as @Wunderbar would say.

Congrats on 6 days! Let’s make it one more, why not!


Yes i do I was looking for the blank copy of that! Thank you for sharing it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Where did you find the blank copy of that?

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For me the first weeks to month or so just required some toughing it out. I haven’t had too many bad cravings for a while so it does get better but you just have to keep stacking days, not even one day at a time, sometimes moment to moment.
I used this community when I had cravings, even just reading others stories and advice to others was a help.
Sober podcasts help me when Im driving around, as thats when I would stop at liquor stores.
Hang in there it gets easier but you have to keep healing


Oh I just googled 100 day challenge and I screen shot it :slightly_smiling_face: and edit it to tick off

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You can screenshot this if you like them edit it each day to cross off your progress :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey :slight_smile:

There’s a lot of utility in gauging the strength of the craving. A full on craving feels to me like a dirty bastard migraine whereas if I’m just pissed off or fancy a drink, that’s not a major craving - That’s either a habit or my illness is talking. Generally speaking, when it’s a migraine craving, I have to just ride it out - lay in bed, cover my eyes and just try to relax and eventually it’ll pass. If it’s because im just irritable or discontent, I’ll find ways to not be irritable or discontent. If it’s cuz I’m bored, I’ll do something I enjoy - if it’s cuz I’m lonely, I’ll call a friend. If it’s because I’m reminiscing then I just remember it wasn’t all bad but unfortunately, I’m an alcoholic and once I start, I can’t stop. I sound like I’ve swallowed a big book of AA but it’s worked so far for me.

In the early days, it’s best to just take it easy and focus on not picking up. They’re hard. But your will power is really being tested because the tools aren’t there yet but give it time and they will be :slight_smile:


Thank you wonderful advice I forgot that saying playing the tape through, thank for the reminder. I got some sparkling drinks and that really helps. Been keeping busy all day and the cravings subsided thankfully. This community definitely helps a lot.