Need help getting past day 1

Hi All, day one on this app, paid for premium to get past the adds. I’ve drank my entire adult life, but the past 10 years have been the worst. I don’t drink and drive, don’t even leave the house to drink. I have a job, own my home, live by myself so I guess I’m a high functioning alcoholic. Friends know I drink, but definitely not how much. I know my health is taking a toll. Any suggestions to get past day 1?


I’m glad you’re here!

Don’t think too far ahead. Take it minute by minute. Day by Day. Keep busy. Reach out. Go for a walk, eat something, stay hydrated and drink something non alcoholic. Scroll through here, there’s a lot of good threads. Keep reading, keep sharing. You can do this♥️


Thank you very much!

Please share and reach out whenever you need. I was trying to get sober for years… Alcohol is my DOC. This app has helped me soooooo much!!! I’m on day 26…it would have been day 50, but I took one sip and relapsed. No one would ever guess I’m an alcoholic- totally high functioning. I just can’t tell you how much better I feel now. It’s amazing. Sucks that I relapsed, but I got back up and I’m stronger now. Honestly my cravings have calmed down immensely.


That’s wonderful to hear, I know I want keep trying.

You don’t have to tell me but if you want to share in the last 10 years what’s the longest you have gone without using…if at all?

Eat your favorite food, take naps, lots of water and sugar. Read here, listen to sobriety podcasts, sobriety audiobooks, watch sobriety stories on YouTube. That’s what i did and it all helped.

I’m glad you’re here, welcome.


Thank you, I actually was scrolling thru YouTube at lunch for videos.


Some good stuff there. I loved the Share podcast too, it’s all stories of recovery, great stuff. There are so many things i could go on and on. Just try stuff out and see what lifts you up. You certainly can do this, i did and there is nothing special about me.

I’m ashamed to say, but I think it was 4 days.

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No shame please♥️
I only asked because you mentioned the last ten years being the worst, and that was the same for me. 10 years of almost everyday. Sometimes id make it a couple days, but that’s about it. Once I made it a couple weeks or so and that was an amazing accomplishment. That was a few years ago now I think. The drinking just kept getting worse… More and more and faster and faster and hiding it and lying about it…but here I am now and I’m really feeling great. Give it time, day by day but don’t give up. If I can do it, so can you! I found this app because I was so angry and upset with myself that I was almost suicidal and I was looking for a help line or something. I found this app and I’m ever so grateful. You are here for a reason. Stick around


Welcome Max
Today is a great day to be sober.
I drank my entire life almost. 45 years anyway. I found this amazing app. January 2020. I have not had a drop of booze since. I was so tired of the merry go round of hangovers, splitting headaches at 3 am. Planning my day around my next drink. Picking restaurants around their drink list. Not talking to my kids on the phone because I had too much to drink. Afraid to drive or wondering how much I could drink and still drive. I was totally controlled by my booze.

Not anymore. I start every day right here.
Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery
I force myself to list as many things as I can that I’m grateful for when I’m sober. I’ve retrained my brain to be grateful for life on life’s terms. Gratitude works.
Have a good read around.
Join in when your comfortable.
If you got any questions just ask. Someone is always around.

Spend lots of time on here when you’re struggling. There’s lots of good supportive threads and lots of fun threads too.
I hope to see you around.


Oh this was sooo me! Oh I don’t miss that at all!!!

I actually went out for dinner last night and didn’t even think about the drink list!!! It was great… And I ran into two friends who were soooo drunk. I was so grateful to be sober. It was a lovely evening and I was really able to be present and enjoy it!


Welcome :slight_smile:

Anything that helps you stay focussed.
You can write down your pros and cons of drinking. If the cons outweigh, you have your black on white motivation. Hang it on the fridge door…

We all got through that first day, and so can you !

That’s three more than I did in about 30 years :joy:


Welcome @maxwell We sound very similar and I am fairly sure 4 days was the same for me.

Some good tips already. Things that got me through the very early time was downloading Sim City and other similar games to my phone. I ate lots of sweet foods, was rewarding myself constantly. A lot was distraction. I have got into herbal teas in the evening. I don’t eat so much and have got rid of the phone games now.

Another major thing is coming here regularly.

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I couldn’t have any alcohol in the house, if it was there then I had to drink it. My partner and I bought our own alcohol and if I had decided not to drink that night and my partner had some left over, I’d drink his. Sometimes I’d replace it and sometimes he’d go to drink it and it’d gone.
So if you have any in the house, I’d say get rid of the temptation.
Good luck :sparkling_heart:


Oh that was also key for me!!! No alcohol around. Get rid of it is you have any @maxwell . I thought I could have have the strength to avoid it, but that’s how I relapsed the first time. If it wasn’t there, I probably would not have gone out to get any, and if I did, I may have changed my mind and lost that craving by the time I got to the store. It just doesn’t give you enough time to get past that craving if it’s quickly available.


Sleep. As much as you can. Stay hydrated. Eat food you like. Destract yourself: A walk, a bath, a book, a podcast, stupid youtube videos about funny stuff. Again: Sleep and drink water.
Keep us posted :hugs::sunflower:

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A sponsor will help , the 12 step program allows me the freedom to not drink or use to be Happy day by day

Also meetings, they help so many people including my self.

I use the zoom 24hr AA meeting, this is the code to join:

292 371 2604

Also you have your audio off and can have your camera off and just listen to other peoples stories, and experiences until you feel comfy and used to it.
Please do give it a try. Honestly this may be what you need.
No one will even know your there, seriously i lived on this meeting all day and all night when i needed.
You have nothing to lose trying it but so much to gain.

I must also say a big thank you to this community for helping me stay sober through the bad and good days, the support is something i never had until i was so warmly welcomed and supported here, so keep reaching out we all are here for you and stand with you on this journey.

Im glad you joined us, so a big welcome to the community :slightly_smiling_face: