I got regular Dark Roast this morning and it isn’t much darker than Pike. But I drink so much coffee I might have lost the ability to tell the difference.
Did you go in? Or do you usually order online or in the drive thru?
Today i had tribute blend (medium), blonde espresso roast (blonde), Christmas blend (dark) and Guatemala Antigua (medium).
And of course blonde espresso
In my defense, I was training a returning partner, and we have to try varying coffees
If there is a line of cars at the drivethru I go inside.
Have you tried the Christmas blend dark roast? It’s pretty good
(You only see which dark roast is being brewed from inside, but you could ask what roast it is in the drive thru)
So you guys are still married and live together but not a couple? Pretty unconventional.
I don’t know why but sometimes I can literally hear you’re comments on here I don’t know why I love it lol…it all started with the blue cheese situation anyways but yes I’ve know someone in the same situation as @Scorpn shit happens
Aw. I love that. My accent is a weird half German half Scottish if that makes it more 3D
Unconventional is not at all bad, just interesting. Going through my recent break up from my partner of 15 years and we are still close, devoted dog parents and support each other, I’ve learnt that ppl expect a certain thing from breakups, mainly vitriol, and it’s ok to deviate from that.
Wanna add some coffee content: what do y’all US coffee fiends think of instant? It’s a big thing over here and in the UK I know. I drink it just for variation and when I can’t be effed to grind more beans for the day (this sounds weirdly sexual but this thread can bear it lol). Am I a snob?
I’m not a coffee drinker but reading through reminded me of a time I was in McDonalds killing some time before a work thing. A guy near me was on the phone and I heard him say something like ‘I’ll be there soon, I’m just in Starbucks’. Almost snorted out my tea
I drink instant and I like it a lot. I also have the Bialetti Kitty but have ceased using it as my primary coffee.
I want the coffee as soon as I wake up, I don’t want to have to wait. One minute and 15 seconds in the microwave and I am good to go with a hot cup of coffee that tastes delicious. It is a grocery store brand, too not national.
LOL. What a snob!
I took the unconventional as not negative at all actually … Thank you for the bore and accent add on lol…yes coffee so first off let me say I’m not a big coffee drinker but have been drinking it the past 3 days in the morning for some pep in my step, I also have a jar of instant coffee in my tool box at work that’s half full from the 99¢ store that’s 1€, or 1£ I believe for you. I only drink coffee if I’m dragging ass I just know that instant coffee is a thing here too, but the grinding beans thing also is. My friend has a electric bean grinder now that sounds snobby but he’s not lol. Also same friend used to use a press for years. My mom likes to cook her husband’s coffee on the stove I don’t even know how you go about that. I use the keurig here at this house, or stop at the gas station for some coffee. I don’t know what this makes me but outsider looking in maybe confused
I always keep a can of instant in my coffee cupboard and don’t mind it at all. If I’m ever out of the regular stuff it’s a good back up and it reminds me of camping. A day without coffee is a day I don’t function.
Why is instant a big thing over there and in the UK? Are people going to cafes and ordering an instant?
Espresso for you mademoiselle ?
No, an instant, Sil vous plait!
I just meant that ppl drink it. And in the UK they have a lot of choices and more fancy ones. We always got “good instant” to go hillwalking and camping.
Scottish and German accent…I mean that sounds a lot more interesting than boring places like Canada so good for you!
I personally do not like like instant coffee. Its use does not make you a snob.
I will see what they have today after I stop by. It is such a wonderful part of my day…
Married, and separate. He lives somewhere else. I had to get a restraining order in 2017 because he kept threatening my life, and putting my kids in danger…etc. were only married because he won’t sign the divorce papers
I drink it too. Only certain kinds. I actually prefer the one from Aldi over Folgers though. It’s nice when i already have hot water for tea and I want some coffee