* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Hey Buts, I saw them in Vegas, very entertaining and interactive, expect to be part of the show in some capacity. Advice to you, dont touch their heads, it seemed to be an oil based makeup that stains whatever it comes on contact with, fingers, clothing, lips…yeah dont touch…


D373, enjoying a late night storm here in the desert…


Oh, I saw their Chicago show years ago and it was amazing! The music was a thrill but they also sort of told a story without words through the performance. They’re great!! :+1:


That sounds really great @Eke and @Mno! We’re taking a friend with us who doesn’t know were we are going to. Hope she like’s it too :heart:

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My only knowledge of the Blue Man Group is from Arrested Development so I have a twisted perception. Interested to hear what it’s actually like!



I posted about it Buts. It was good and I will go again. My first time to an AA meeting


Thank’s for the link, missed that one :wink:

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299 days and checking in…feeling grateful X…have a great day in recovery u fabulous lot :grin::grin::grin:


Day 187. Trying to establish a proper sleep pattern as part of my wider daily routine. Ive seen a few others here struggling with the same so just want to share this book im currently reading. Ive found it really useful.


Awww I’m jealous I always thought that would be cool to see live :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

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Any plans for Saturday twin?

Day 4 sober, I got a cold and I have to be in bed for a while. I hope to be better tomorrow


Was meant to go Snowdonia for 3 months and do a zip line but the plans fell through, I might go to the Olympic park in London and do this bungee on Saturday.

Have you got anything planned? 100 is pretty excited isn’t it even though they’re just numbers :upside_down_face: :facepunch:

Isn’t that the truth!?


Day 181
Beginning of the next 6 months!!!

It’s not quite 4am, but I feel rested, so all’s good.
Number 5 son flies back to Boston today for his Jr year at BU. What a kid. :heart_eyes:
I have an MRI on my knee today. Hopefully at least I can get a clear reason as to why my knee is bleeding inside.
Keeping an eye on Hurricane Dorian since it looks like all of us Floridians are in the ‘cone’ currently.
Have a lovely day everyone!


7 days at midnight tonight!
GOODMORNING :two_hearts:
Woke up in a lovely calm mood, I’ve done my meditation and my gratitude list and read my daily reflections.
Already I feel like i meeting my daily tasks.
Busy house day cleaning today.
Clean house, clean mind as they say!
I shared at my AA meeting last night and i feel so grateful to of been able to have that experience.

Hope you all have an amazing day. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ah sorry snowdonia feel through, bungee sounds fun though (well actually to me it sounds terrifying but I know you will enjoy)

I will mostly be eating cake :cake::cupcake::cake::cupcake: it is exciting it’s our biggest number so far :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Day 30. Things are better today. Less intense and agravating.


Cake is good! It is a huge number, let’s keep it rolling :facepunch:

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I went cold turkey 18 days ago today. I have no desire to drink again this isn’t about me anymore. By me choosing to drink, I keep telling myself I would be depriving my son (soon to be here, under a month now) of something he needed. There is honestly no place in my life for alcohol anymore. I can be around it, I don’t bash people in my life that drink (even though in my heart, I believe more then half should give it a rest for a while. I know it does no favors for anyone) it’s just not for me anymore. Have an awesome sober day everyone, to those struggling you CAN do this! Sorry about the novel. I’ll end with a #SobrietyRocks for good measure!