New here to the site

I’m new here and my New Years resolution is to stop drinking. I have anxiety issues and when something is bothering me pretty bad I go overboard with drinking. A couple of days ago a drank to the point of blacking out and losing part of the night. To make things worse, I called an ex I haven’t seen in over a year. He came and got me and I don’t know what I did or didn’t do. If I did do the unthinkable, then I ruined a year of celibacy. I didn’t feel like I did that but I’m not asking him and I don’t remember so I will never know. So I’m here to hold myself accountable for my actions and stop drinking altogether, since I obviously don’t know when to stop. I want to get my life together so I can be proud of myself and not do things that give me low self worth.


Welcome to the forum :heart: you’ve made a wise choice for sobriety. Those black outs and bad decisions are horrible to deal with the next day. These are some of the things that keep us sober. Read through some of the older threads for some great info and ask any questions if you have any :slight_smile:


Welcome to our wonderful community Angelbaby.
Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.


Here are two good threads to start:


I do hope you make this journey. My 12 year old and I were speaking today about how hard alcohol addiction is because it’s literally EVERYWHERE! And that makes it so hard! I hope you are doing ok! And I truly hope you stay on the path of sobriety! I truly hope this is it for you! Pray hard stay focus and hold tight to how bad you want it!


Welcome! I also blacked out and did shameful things when drinking. I also have anxiety and low self esteem, but they have improved significantly since quitting. Is this ur first time trying to stop?


Thank you to everyone for being so supportive. Yes this is my first time making the decision to totally stop drinking. I thought I was controlling things better because nowadays it’s less than before that I hit rock bottom. But I now realize the pattern. When situations get to rough for me I turn to heavy drinking, which leads to very stupid decision making. There is also a pattern of me going through things like this during the holiday season. I’m hoping to be able to ring in new year’s of 2023 with one year sober!

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I am like you, but a boy. I wanna stop as well, so we are together to follow this resolution.


Welcome!! Blackouts are so soul sucking. I am glad you found us. I hope you will stick around. This place can be a catalyst for healing. Being Sober a year is a great goal, yet I find for myself that the goal I am better at truly achieving is being sober today, right now, this moment. Keeping this in mind allows me to take some pressure off and not worry needlessly about a future far away. Today is the day!! I will join you today in sobriety!! Let’s do this!! :heart:

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Thank you all yes we are in this together. I like the fact that an hour after I signed up for this site I got a badge. Last year my New Years resolution was to run a marathon, I have been a runner for several years. I accomplished that this year and wanted something else to work for in this coming year. The answer hit me like a ton of bricks a few days ago when I was in my drunken stupor doing all that dumb stuff. I’m setting my mind to this. I never want to go through that again. The time is now!


Welcome to the group!
If your trying to break an addiction this is a great please to be. Lots of great topics to read, awesome people and always someone to talk to.

Take it one day at a time, you got this!


How is it going?

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I got out out and went for a run today even though I didn’t feel like it. I’m feeling emotionally low. I hate myself for what I did when I was drunk and I’m beating myself up emotionally. I told my daughter that I was quitting drinking. She doesn’t really feel like I have a problem because she doesn’t really know about a lot of my low points. She doesn’t even know that I called and went with my ex anywhere. She was at work at the time. All she knew from that day was that I was pretty upset with her for not spending any time with me on Christmas. She never saw me drink a whole bottle of alcohol and call a guy I dated over a year ago, that didn’t care about me at all because he had never even met my family. I feel really low, but I am still sober.

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This to shall pass. Just keep moving forward, it’s called the past for a reason. The only thing you have control of is “right now”, and that might be a stretch. Just keep on healing, and know many of us have been right where you are right now. We love you because we understand the pain you’re feeling. Now, just love yourself enough to help yourself.

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