New Moon šŸŒš

Thank you! That is great advice @MandiH!! I have been seeing signs everywhere and I know what I am passionate aboutā€¦ I just need to make that first leap forward!! Gonna really dig deep this month! :purple_heart:

Lookin good!! @Chiron :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I really love this thread and thought it would be a good place to askā€¦ Does anyone have any thoughts on mercury in retrograde? Iā€™m 28 days sober and I know this is supposed to be a time of reflectionā€¦ but I have this overwhelming feeling there is something more spiritual I need/want to do right now. I love chakra meditation but I donā€™t know where to start to do more. Self care has been very high on the list. Thoughts? Advice?

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First of all, itā€™s really going to matter where Mercury is transiting via your birth chart at this time. This is a fairly ā€˜difficultā€™ moon astrologically because of the position opposing Mars (which is also currently retrograde) and squaring Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto as you will see in the chart below from when the moon was exactly new earlier today.

Now, this is whatā€™s going on overall in the world. Depending on where the new moon is located in your own chart, that could very well be prompting you to feel like you need to do something more spiritual at this time (if, say, it is currently transiting your 12th house)

In general, I would say that you should continue to do self care and your current meditations. Joe Dispenza has some good meditations that make sense if youā€™ve read his books (which I recommend). Try different forms of meditation and see what interests you because not all meditation is created equal. Be aware that Mars is retrograde and it did just reach the halfway point in its retrograde a few days ago. This is making people be more angry and aggressive in general. With that knowledge, one thing you could do is to not only remember that energy is prominent at this time, but also actively try to do small calming meditations through the day to keep you balanced. Weā€™re all connected and in a way we are all oneā€“with that in mind, the person cutting you off in traffic that you want to shout obscenities to, is, in essence, you, so be nice to yourself by being nice to others. It will all come back to you in the end, for good or for ill. This should also help you in your sobriety goals.

As for Mercury retrograde, you donā€™t need to worry about it all that much. Make sure you donā€™t sign anything you didnā€™t read, maybe try not to make any massive purchases during that time if you donā€™t have to, but again if you do just be sure you read everything and know that there may be hiccups in communication with others. Also if youā€™re planning on traveling while Mercury is retrograde, you may have things not go so smoothly. But otherwise, in general, itā€™s not such a big deal that you need to worry about it in your spiritual life.

I donā€™t know if any of that was useful or answered your question, but as an astrologer, that would be my very wide and broad advice for someone who Iā€™m not doing a reading for or know their birth chart information. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Please let me know if there is anything there I need to explain more fully. I sort of just typed this up quickly and hit send. :laughing: :sweat_smile:


I was just trying to figure out how to send this to ya April. @apes2020 and then I saw you like it.


So interesting you posted this at the same time I. Posted on the other thread lmfao. :joy: love it.


How interesting I just came across it as Iā€™d posted mine. What are the odds lol. Love it.

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Great minds and all that :laughing:


I always remind my self of this when I encounter another human that I might be subconsciously judging, like people here in Melbourne that dont have a mask on for a bad example it was the first thing that came to my mind Coz its all were seeing and thinking here atm lol. So yep, I subconsciously judge without really realizing it then go to myself on noooo hang on April noooo thatā€™s me, I am they, they are me, we are. Lol. So no. No judging. Just witness and love :heart:


Ah good to know. This i was not aware. And the plot thickens :joy::milky_way::crystal_ball::telescope:


I think its so great that you keep that in mind. Itā€™s so very easy to judge others, to hate them, to roll our eyes at them, and even to ridicule and despise them when they do things that we think that they should not. I think itā€™s something of our lower human nature to do that. Weā€™re very ā€˜tribalistā€™ creatures. But often I try to remember that we all see the world through glass colored by our experiences, by our beliefs, by the information we consume or have been fed, etc.

I also ask myself every day, ā€œWhat if everything I believe in this moment actually isnā€™t true?ā€ Iā€™ve had several experiences in my life where information that was at the core of my being turned out to not be true or what I believed it to be. So I have to leave space in my mind and heart in case someone else who I think is being stupid might actually know something I donā€™t. That doesnā€™t mean that I donā€™t hold my own thoughts and convictions, but I realized that people are so attached to certain thingsā€“theyā€™ve made them part of their very being. So what happens if those things turn out to be untrue? They have a hard time computing it and canā€™t let that go because theyā€™ve tied the information to their very being. Example being religion, though this isnā€™t necessarily focused on that.

Right now people are being divided through hate and fear. This is only heightened by Mars being retrogradeā€“and, fun fact, (as I off onto a tangentā€¦) Mars has a more elliptical orbit and so right now Mars is as close to the earth as it will be for the next 15 years!ā€“and the energy of Mars being thick in the air around us.

Mercury being retrograde will only make misinformation in the news even more prominent, which in turn will lead to more aggression. Itā€™s a very intense and volatile time for our planet. I know that COVID is a thing, but in my opinion, the real plague right now is hate. Hate will eat people alive inside. Hate will cause people to do things that never would have done at another time.

So the more people who can look at other people as another part of themselves, that we are all connected, the better things will be. Iā€™m sure you can tell Iā€™m a little bit passionate about this point :rofl: :rofl: But I do think that love will solve more than most people believe. So yeah, I think itā€™s awesome that you do that. Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re making the world a better place every day by doing it and you donā€™t even know it.


Dun dun dun :rofl: :joy: :leo:

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The core of our truth indeedā€¦ I write three pages of my morning journal every morning, and the last thing I write in it every day is ā€œI am love. Love is me. Love is all there isā€ I have repeated this for years. Itā€™s one affirmation that sits in me and its essence will never ever change. That comforts me. :tada:


This rings very true at this point in my life where in the past I had always seen life though ā€œroseyā€ coloured glasses. Always bright and positive and as the old song goes , always look on the bright side of life :joy:ā€¦ But now, as much as I am still a very positive and forward thinking human, my experiences in the last decade have changed my hypothetical glasses to experiential. Iā€™ve never thought about that in depth till you just posted that thought. Itā€™s eye opening. Pun not intended lol :joy:

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I love that you journal so much! Itā€™s really admirable. Thatā€™s something I personally struggle with maintaining. I know there are so many positive benefits to journaling often, but like eating cookies for breakfast, you know what you should and shouldnā€™t doā€¦ but then do or donā€™t do it anyway :laughing:

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I just discoverd the physicist Russell targā€¦ Do you know much about him??.. Iā€™m about to go down a rabbit hole of information :joy: lol. See you on the other side :joy:


I have heard of him! I watched a Ted Talk he did and then some other videos with him, but other than that I didnā€™t dig too hard. What do you think about his ideas?

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I watched the Ted talk as well. It was the first one I picked on you tube to watchā€¦ Iā€™m yet to watch or read anything else just yet, I get abit skeptical when anyone starts telling stories publically about anything to do with c.i.a or government work, itā€™s never the actual truth, theres always more to a story or they are adding to the story for wow factor, so I find the speaker discreditable in my eyesā€¦so I will dig a little bit deeper and see how I perceive himā€¦ I thought Iā€™d ask you because itā€™s always interesting to have external views before I write something or someone off lol :joy:

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So are these planets screwing with my sleep. I havenā€™t had a good nights sleep in like 3 nights. I always sleep very well. Who can I blame :crazy_face::rofl:


@apes2020 Itā€™s been a while since I watched his talk and the other videos on him, so I donā€™t remember all he talked about, but Iā€™ve heard several different sources talk about their experiences with remote viewing in the military and personally I think itā€™s a real thing. Some people who have talked about it are: Lyn Buchanan, Paul Smith, Ed Dames, Jim Channon. You might have already heard of them but I figured Iā€™d put them here in case you hadnā€™t. I didnā€™t dig deep into Targ probably because of the lack of video information. I only have so much time to sit and read, so I have to prioritize, but if itā€™s in video or audio form I can listen while I work. If you want to continue this discussion, Iā€™d be happy to in DM. I donā€™t want to derail the thread from itā€™s original topic too much :laughing:

@Dazercat Sure, itā€™s entirely possible. When we have full and new moons that can often screw with peopleā€™s sleep. I know I donā€™t tend to sleep well around them. Of course, there could be something transiting you natal planets that it bothering your sleep. Mercury is retrograde directly opposite Uranus, and that could be causing havoc with your sleep or where Mars is transiting in his retrograde, itā€™s all just depending on where theyā€™re transiting in your natal chart. :grin: When in doubt, blame the stars. :wink: Though you know, it could just be that youā€™re really anxious about your Chiropractor appointment and it is settled into your subconscious so that you donā€™t realize that is the reason.


I understand last nights bad sleep. I actually set an alarm this am. But the other nights?? Chiropractor appointment was a success. L4 pulling to the left. Heā€™ll see me first before they open on Thursday again. Just me and his wife all masked up. I told him I didnā€™t want special treatment he said no worries. All is good. Unless Iā€™m sick in 2 weeks :face_with_thermometer::exploding_head:

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