New Recovery Books


ThThis is the current recovery and spiritual book that I am reading. So far I am enjoying it and getting a lot of wisdom, growth and comfort from it.

Since its kind of on topic, do you know of any good 12 step books that would help me work the steps on my own? I’ve never done it, and I think maybe i should at least once.

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The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous or the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous would be a good place to start.

Okay. Thanks Roger, i think I actually have a big book somewhere in my massive pile of books

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Now That You’re Sober, Week-by-Week Guidance from Your Recovery Coach.

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Week 1. Why Is a Portable Aftercare Program So Important?

Love Earnie Larson. And John McAndrew.
Learned a lot from them.

Sharing some links to some older threads with great booklists (so not new books! But good ones) for any newer members who haven’t seen them :blush:

Not just books, but a good book list here Resources for our recovery

Edit to add, I noticed the thread is tagged with AA and these book links aren’t AA related. Apologies for any confusion!

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