New Sober Date

So I found that you can set a future sober date here. Now, to prepare. I’ve been here before, and I seek support for quitting my addictions, (alcohol and M) in a week. Treatment centers have not worked and are not an option for me. AA has, when I do everything they say. I wish there was something better. Less dogmatic. Has anyone been someplace similar?


I wish you all the best! If AA works then you know what to do. They say it works if you work it! :ok_hand: thank you for being here with us, together we’re stronger! :pray:t2::two_hearts:


You see, AA works until it doesn’t for me. Other things as well. I am trying to find where I drop the ball. It’s all on me, anyway. I’m hoping that the common element between all my sober periods, community, will save the day. I like the 24-hour availability here. Looking to find a deeper sobriety that is sustaining.


Commit 110%. work recovery every single day. If you’re not working on recovery you’re working on relapse. Best wishes.


You’ve tried it a few times; when is “until it doesn’t”? What is the commonality of those points in time and thought, where you opt out?


I can relate. I have a lot of 12 step history, and I’ve gotten so much from it. I’ve also gotten a lot from Celebrate Recovery and Reformers Unanimous. But looking back, I must be honest, the programs were still a bit of a mismatch for me.

I really feel that I’m finally on the right path for me this time. But what works for me will not work for everyone. And there is no cookie cutter recovery program that is going to work for everyone. My thoughts are if trying harder doesn’t work, then try different.

There is always SMART, Dharma Recovery, This Naked Mind, and many other options to choose from. Keep searching to uncover what works best for you.


Welcome back.

Have you tried any of the other fellowships?
Alcohol is a drug, all addicts are welcome at all meetings. You might find the vibe a little different.
I attend them all, I love all the different vibes and I get something different from all the different fellowships. There’s nothing saying you have to only go to one fellowship… at least not in my recovery program there isn’t.


It’s always me. I get bored, or even angry at the other people. I want to use and still have no consequences. It’s totally on me. But the sober time is always good.


Yeah. I need to get sobriety as MT first priority for the day. I need to get on here first. Maybe this can be my day 1.


I appreciate everything all the groups have done for me. I feel safe there. I’ve let this go way to far this time. I want to call someone directly today.


That’s an honest assessment :innocent: It’s true of all of us: in addiction we are selfish, self-centred, trying to live life without being responsible for anything (health, time, relationships, normal human responsibilities).

We are running away. Addiction is escape. At some point all of us internalized the idea we didn’t deserve or weren’t capable of being present and human in our lives. So we turned to addiction to numb out and escape our sense of inadequacy and worthlessness; our fear. And gradually the running and numbing became so familiar we wore it every day, like an old jacket.

I think you know what you need to do. As noted above, there are many legitimate options for recovery groups. You need to choose a program and work it fully, humbly, and persistently - even, especially, when the devil on your shoulder says it’s boring. (Lots of things are boring. Ploughing fields is boring. But we need food to live. Working through the boring parts is part of being human. You’re human.)

Take care and remember: you’re a good person who is capable and responsible, and deserves to do the work and reap the rewards of a full, sober life.


Today is as good of a day as any! ODAAT


Awesome idea. Let us know how you feel after that call.

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Thanks for your prompt reply. I am trying to plug in here, and get involved here. I am having a hard time believing anyone has not given up. I aways follow your post. I have been non-stop sober for 30 months, since losing my brother. There’s no excuse. I know I’m killing me. Please guys, support…


Do you think you might be avoiding fellowships because, as you said before,

Are you running from this ongoing shame? Is your avoidance of meetings not really about the program, but actually about you, feeling unworthy or incapable? And are you spiralling in that because you are stuck in that shame spiral?

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I don’t know why. I’m on day 4 now. More than in a long while. Detoxing, and it’s the first day I want to live. Thanks


It’s ok to not know. Being comfortable being uncomfortable is an essential skill & it’s something we all need to learn in recovery. :innocent:

Take care in your detox. Be gentle with yourself. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I went walking. It helps. I’m not feeling as hopeless. I may go to a meeting tonight. I don’t think I’m a newcomer, but clearly I have missed something.


That’s a good step Roy, that takes courage brother. Keep us posted! :smile:

Today is the BEST day to quit!!