New sobriety and relearning to live

Just out of curiosity how do you guys deal with the holidays what kind of things do you do to enjoy the festivities but stay away from temptation?

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It helped me to have a plan. I visualized and literally practiced outloud saying no to drinks offered. “No thank you, I am sticking with seltzer tonight.” Or whatever you decide to say. I also made sure I never had an empty hand, brought a cooler of my own drinks if I went anywhere, and I drank tonic and lime whenever I started to crave booze. The intensity and tartness calmed those cravings for me when water wasn’t cutting it.


So this might sound really generic or basic, but I think it might be better than rattling off a list of activities I like.

I try to focus on staying present and keep my attention on the people I am with or the activity im doing. When my mind wanders to other things or thoughts of drinking I try to think of what I am grateful for in that moment and then redirect my focus back to whatever I am doing.

For example today.

I took my son over to my Dads house and played in in the pool for 4 hours. We had watergun fights. Iet him jump off my shoulders,etc.

I felt so much joy watching him just be a kid. Also its awesome watching my son and father interact. They both look forward to pool day on the weekend together.

My wife went out with her friends during this for some much needed alone time. When I found my mind wandering to what she might be doing. I started to think about how lucky I am to have my son, father, and loving wife. Also that pool is super refreshing in 100 degree heat. I am thankful for that!

My dad is still a drinker. When I see him drink it doesn’t trigger me because I remind myself what I was like when I was drinking. Im grateful not to be that miserable person anymore.


I agree on this one… Have a go to drink for events.

In the beginning for me it was energy drinks. After a few months I switched to flavored seltzer water. Something about that carbonation bite at the end that makes them so refreshing.


Omg you all are so amazing. I’m so grateful I have all of you. I am not one to say I’ll never do something again… BUT I feel like with the help of all the people here my chances of relapse are so much lower. Thank you all so much for every single minute you take out of your day too help me out, answer a question. It’s honestly amazing to me, I feel like a child looking at the little things in life and them being so beautiful and not taking them for granted no matter how little they are anymore. I love my life and I want to keep living.


Sober Leg Selfies #2 - #1693 by Hollz I can’t remember the last time I did this without alcohol in my hand. It is refreshing

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Eh, the throw yourself into work I’m guilty of that, I’m doing it now, money is great, but the rest of your life falls apart.

However, you said your schedule and the idea of meeting new people is a bit terrifying, which is understandable your newly sober, and experiencing these wtf feelings,

You can always try a online meeting first, just to get a feel for it and gain comfort in it,

And the first picture without a drink I feel that, I look back at my photos and you see me holding a drink, always,

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Yeah I’m definitely going to try to hit some online meetings. And the biggest pla thing I have going on right now is the longer in sober the worst my memory gets. It’s horrible.

Thank you all so much. 10 days is the longest I’ve ever made it and I contribute a lot of that too the people here that have been nothing but helpful, nice, understanding, and caring. That have answered questions and gave wisdom. All I can hope is one day I’ll be able to help others the way you’ve all helped me


My memory has always been bad and when I was drinking I didn’t care but now I keep a journal by my bed. Some days I write how I felt or I will just write what I did and sometimes I don’t use it. It helps with the memory for me. It’s almost like writing it down cements it in my brain. And what’s great is it’s mine so at first I was trying to write something meaningful every day but then I changed to just writing what I did. It’s still evolving lol


One day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Find a meeting. Congratulations on your sobriety.

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I am socially awkward. The thought of going to a meeting in person still freaks me out after 355 days of sobriety. I rely on this forum, my therapist, and husband for support. I did online meetings which were not stressful at all. You could try those! Stay sober!!


Dbl digits.
I think that you and @anon53116147 might be sober twins???
Mike? What’s your clean date?

Close enough anyways…
Eric and I are a couple says apart but we get excited together when big milestones come up. Nice to have someone to celebrate with.


There is nothing like a dream to create the future. - Sober Time’s message for July 4, 2021.
I absolutely love this it pulled my heart strings a little bit

I am enjoying clowning around and waiting on the fireworks being sober feels great and thank you all that gave outstanding ideas to stay away from triggers today :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


I’m also new to sobriety, I have 60 days today ,I already have a job and I’m hitting meetings I even go to the gym . But it’s that learning how to live again the right way that makes me cringe also , only thing I can think of with this is to take suggestions and give up my will


I love your photo @Hollz. This just goes to show we can still have fun sober. Enjoy your fireworks. :blush:

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@Lisa07 I’m truly loving it. I thought it would be hard to stay sober today but having all of you and keeping my mind where it needs to be I’m feeling amazing :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

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@Eric80 I’ve found just taking in what others tell me to do helps so much. Going into every movement with a open heart and mind are leading to amazing changes and happiness in my life


I never would have imagined I could have been so at peace. Tonight was I’m sure, God’s way of showing me I deserve peace and happiness