New Years Eve & New Years Day 2023

Hanging out with the hubby and my daughter enjoying and cherishing every moment being truly in the moment. Then off to studying for school. Enjoying every day being/staying sober :heart: Happy Sober New Years y’all!


30 minutes to go…cooked a lovely salmon dinner for the whole extended family and played cards with everyone…heading to see the fireworks at the beach in a few…happy! :blush:


Happy New Year everyone! No drinks for me tonight I have 250 days sober so let’s get another 365 for 2023! Cheers to you guys from my coffee mug😀


I recently asked people outside of the sober community if they think sobriety is an end all be all solution. I got a mixed pole but mostly everyone said it’s ok to drink. I spoke about my vulnerability and I was surprised to see how many people were triggered, inquired and questioned not just my sobriety but themselves and their habits. Once upon a relapse ago I would’ve been moved, stressed or swayed by their inquiries but this time was different. It solidified my stance. I was proud to be called an inspiration and be recognized for my hard work and level of self awareness.

Today I spent New Years Eve with my wonderful girlfriend. We went to a nice dinner a have been home since 730pm. She’s already fast asleep and I’m happy for another day sober.

Happy New Year!


All those years I knew my consumption of alcohol was in excess and would maybe send me to an early grave. I never really cared I guess. Call it a lack of self worth or something…

That clock was reset and here I am looking at five years sober in 2023. Never did I even dream that would be my position now being some advocate for sober living. Wow…

Alcohol can have the one finger salute I gave it long ago. I am not looking back. Its a funny thing to look someone dead to rights in the eyes and say ‘I don’t drink’ with confidence. Sobriety proves that some leopards can indeed change their spots…


Hey sober fam! Im surviving and thriving for my first sober new years eve in 20 years. I hit the AA alcathon here in town and was moved by the speakers. Just got home in time to avoid the cops and drunk drivers. I just ordered some delivery food.

I am welcoming 2023 as the year of sober me. It WILL be my first calendar year without the poison of alcohol in my pores. And instead of being scared like i was 8 months ago i am excited to see all that i will accomplish…all i will experience…all i will be greatful for. Im gonna rock this thing one day at a time. Fuck yeah!


Great work!

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Thanks @SoberGuyUSA im so pumped

Lol, too funny! No worries, I’m not one of the pregnant ladies, but I have volunteered to be the DD. My reward for a sober new years is getting to drive a sweet little BMW home🤣. I’m grateful to be with a good group of people who are understanding.


Thanks!! I do love South Florida weather. I almost hate to leave tomorrow but am looking forward to being home.

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Thanks!! Loving the sober life!


Its soooo quiet here rn…

Happy new years east coast!!!


Happy New Years! Still waiting here on the west coast…


45 minutes left here in Kansas! :partying_face:

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Right there with you @DryIn785 woot woot central time zone

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I air fried some dinner for my family on my new kitchen toy, drank a whole bottle of…sparkling cranberry juice, and am watching lame but fun movies with my family.


Ooooh whatd you air fry? I got one for christmas and dont know where to start

Congratulations to all who made it through tonight. I really didn’t know if I could do it but here’s to 2023 all about me. My 2023 be your year!


Good on you! Happy Clean New Year! :unicorn: