Newbie to all this

Im new. Ive been talikng to AA. Really nervous.


Welcome Ree.
Have a good read around. Tons of great information around here.
Here are 2 good threads to start


Welcome!! New-ish here as well. Got 35 days in. Read a lot here and join in replying and posting. So good to know we are not alone!!
See ya around the boards!! :grinning: :purple_heart:


Welcome Ree :wave: Being nervous is good. It means you’re stepping out of your former “comfort zone”, and that is good, because your former “comfort zone” was what got you in trouble in the first place.

Welcome to Talking Sober! :innocent: Make yourself at home. Looking forward to seeing you around.


Welcome. It’s ok to feel nervous you’re making a huge change in your life just hang in there know that i and everybody else here is here for you :heart:


Welcome to TS! We’re all a little nervous starting our journey. You’re in good hands here. Hope you stick around.

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Have you contacted AA ? they will guide you to a meetings give it try it will help helped me wish you well

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Thank you all for the kind responeses . Ive found my loacl AA but it doesn’t suit. What else could you recommend to help. Many thanks


Online meetings, here, local self-help programs, therapy… paint rocks with inspiring words written on them. Anything but drink. AA is good and there are other types of AA meetings that may suit you better: mens or ladies only.

It’s all about whatever it takes to stay out of our own brain. That damn thing was trying to kill us, remember?

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