Newly sober again

So newly sober again……
Alcohol addiction is a disease… I don’t know why I keep thinking I can do this by myself. Well I guess I think I can do it myself because I kicked meth by myself. The alcohol is a totally different beast for me anyway. I feel like a failure I feel so helpless and I feel so alone. My kids are grown and I just don’t know it turned 40 this year and everything has changed. I think I’m gonna go to a meeting this evening. I’ve only gone to one meeting since this all started. Just thought I might share a little bit here


Alcohol has been the hardest thing to quit… I have 36 days today… but I don’t think it would’ve been possible if I didn’t complete an inpatient program, I’d do great for maybe a week… then right back at it… I was miserable, drinking alone and hiding it… maybe you could do in patient? I know that a hard choice to make, and alcohol being legal makes it even harder… take it one day at a time, if you ever need to talk I’m here!


I really appreciate someone to talk to you I can’t do an impatient because I have to work. But I am going to start doing meetings as of tonight and I have downloaded a couple different apps to help. My 20-year-old lives with me and she’s going to be my advocate like I said I really appreciate someone to help be there and to talk to


Welcome! You are no longer alone in recovery, you found us. Alcohol was my drug of choice and I share your feelings, it was hard to put the bottle down. It takes strength and courage to walk away from it. It takes strength and courage to seek help, and look at you, you’re doing it! :pray:


Hi :raising_hand_woman: welcome to the community.


Welcome ! Yessss ! Hit the meetings. Im here at my fellowship with my Brothers And Sisters outside chilling before my meeting. We are here for you !


Meetings will definitely make it easier and maybe even fun. It’s never to early or late to choose a wonderful sober life.

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Welcome to ST. :white_heart: You are not alone. I think meetings are very helpful. :slightly_smiling_face: You got this! Just remember you can always come here and find someone willing to listen.


Welcome. You are never alone here. Find a meeting. You can do this, we are all here to help.

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Welcome to the forum. I hope you find this place a useful tool in your sobriety journey.

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I am also sober again from alcohol. Fingers crossed this is the last time. I’ve got 2 weeks clean. I needed medical assistance and was put on naltrexone which has pretty much cut my cravings for it. I don’t think I’d be able to without it. Congrats to you and keep it up!!


Yes neltrexone! Works!! I now take the shot every month called vivitrol it really is amazing


Welcome @Steph16! :wave:

Meetings are awesome. For me it kicked my recovery into gear.

This is a really good old gem of a thread on exactly this topic: if I’ve done so much by myself why is it that I still need meetings? (Hint: we do :innocent:)


One day at a time. Clock resets daily. Like others have said; don’t look at a year, look at today. Just commit to today.


I have been in constant relapse and recovery mode for the last 4 years. I have given up other drugs I used to indulge in frequently. I have begun recovering from shame and trauma that I wasn’t ever sure I could even confront mentally. Yet I feel helpless at times over alcohol. I am in the process of starting over again myself. You aren’t alone. Lots of people here feel the same way. Best of luck and I hope you find the peace necessary to get clean.


Welcome Stephanie,
This is a great sober community with some wonderful people on it.
My go to tool is gratitude. I start my day right here

In recovery we either learn to be grateful or we don’t last. Come have a read around. Join in when your comfortable. The lights are always on and there’s always room for one more.

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After 18 days of sober I relapsed but m not ashamed this time will rise again… eveeday is a new starting. i will rise never to fail again


Matt - thanks for resurrecting my old post. And @Steph16 - welcome, Stephanie.

Damn.… do I understand the years of trying to moderate and failing every single time. I so clearly remember the self hatred I felt each day when I promised myself I wouldn’t drink - and yet by evening I was blackout drunk AGAIN.

I hit my bottom at age 44. It was either get sober or die - and I gave getting sober one last ditch effort. For the first time, I admitted that I was an alcoholic and that I could not get better without help. I found a community of people, both here and in the rooms of AA, who understood. They cared about me, invested time in me, and helped me every single time I felt like drinking. I became accountable to them, even before I felt accountable to myself.

I was around six months sober when I wrote the post about why go to meetings. Universe willing, I will hit four years sober on April 19. Four years without a drink… I never dreamed it was possible.

Take it one day at a time. Listen to folks who have some sober time, and use the tools they give you. I couldn’t stay sober alone - and I finally understood thatI didn’t have to.

Neither do you. You are worth a better life. :heart:


If you go meeting you’ll feel better. You can do this. Getting past feeling like shit was the hardest part. I went to an out patient program and it helped also. I know exactly how you feel because I’ve felt it. If I can you can.

I’m right there with you! I’m starting at Day zero again and I’m feeling really low, physically and mentally. Hoping this time around is a permanent goodbye to alcohol. We can do it!