No lung cancer

Continuing the discussion from Results day!:sweat::

SHES OK NO LUNG :rainbow::dizzy::rainbow::dizzy::rainbow::dizzy::rainbow::dizzy: CANCER THANKS FOR ALL YOUR KIND SUPPORT NOW I CAN CELEBRATE MY 50 DAYS AND MY MUM BRING WELL


Yay! That’s so good to hear for you and your family :sweat_smile:

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What wonderful news!!! So glad to hear it.

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Such amazing news. Hugs to you and your family! :heart:

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That’s great to hear Emma.


That’s great news lady…great news indeed :pray:t2::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Omg it doesn’t feel real ATM I feel like I’m still looking in on myself but yeah I’m so happy

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Praise God!!! Oh that’s wonderful!

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Amazing news :pray::sparkling_heart:

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This is the best news ever I’m so pleased for you and your mum x what a relief x

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Isn’t this just one of those precious gifts of recovery maybe :pray:t2: I am so happy for your mom you your brother and the grandchildren offcourse hoorayyyy


This is the best news!!! I can imagine how relieved you and she are. And despite how scared you were, you stayed sober. That, my friend, is some huge growth. I’m so happy for y’all…

Guys I can’t thank you enough for all your support and kind words the last two weeks have been tough beyond words .To sit in the consultant’s office and wait for that dreaded New was the worst feeling ever so you can imagine my joy when she says that mum is fine and she has no sign of lung cancer,tonight I wil thank my hp for listening to me in my darkest hour.xx