No More Added Sugar

Same :raising_hand_woman: :rofl:


I never thought the foodie thread was triggering until now :joy: All the sweets being posted :drooling_face:


Ooooo I appreciate you!! :blush: :heart: thank you for thinking of me and posting the ingredients. Fingers crossed they have those at my grocer they look amazing! I’m definitely going to have to keep an eye out for them.


I’m not sure how much longer I will try to do this no sugar added being so new to sobriety (again)
I wake up and feel better but at the same time I can’t stop overeating. Now I’ve moved on from fruits and no added sugar smoothies to basically anything I can get in my mouth and my weight jumped 4 lbs over night. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I feel like I may be tackling to many things at once :woman_shrugging::thinking:
I’m also a woman and trying to keep my eating in perspective with my cycle. ( probably tmi for the gentlemen here sorry not sorry :joy: )

I’m not giving up on it just yet… more talking through it as I’m deciding what will and won’t work at the moment for me.

Trying to stay on topic but in the last almost 2 months I’ve taken on AA, ACA, reading alanon, no sugar added and my spiritual studies ( personal not educational ) so am i overdoing it piling on 1 more thing?
I went way off track and apologize for that. Any suggestions on a thread to take that for suggestions would be appreciated. I have looked but not sure where it falls.

I’ve made it through to day 13 though. :woman_cartwheeling:


I got my fingers crossed for you lol They were really yummy. I had one saved and the hubs ate it :roll_eyes: going grocery shopping tomorrow. Fingers crossed for me that they have them still lol or the outshine cause that’s what I really wanted.


It’s totally understandable. I go back and forth. Even when I do have added sugar it’s not much.


Good lawd I ate my whole box of outshines last night :sob::joy:


I made it to 7 days last night!!!


I guess I was a year and a half sober before I started to no sugar thang.


Heck yeah! Great job!!!

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I guess I better post this. Could be the last longest no extra added sugar streak I get.

ODAAT. You never know.


It has also been an emotional few days so I’m doing my best to keep that is perspective as I ponder if I’ve added to much to my plate with the no sugar added. I think I may just be being dramatic. Lol if I’ve learned anything at all, its that nothing has to be decided today.


Hey there, congrats on your sobriety and all of the personal work you are doing!! :heart:

For me, it was really important that I give myself time to let myself focus on each addiction. Drugs came about two weeks before drinking (due to their intensely negative effects in my life, and the fact that drinking was my biggest issue). I dabbled with quitting cigarettes about 18 months in and finally quit about two year in. Now, about 4.5 years in I’m addressing my food binging nature. It’s all a process…but I know that for me it takes loving myself, caring for myself, and taking care of the most important thing first. If you want to take your time letting go of your vices, then I think that’s a really smart approach :heart:


Hey congratulations Jen.
Atta girl!!


Nooooo that man my goodness! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I have so many words but I will keep them out of this thread. :crossed_fingers:t3: Hopefully you’ll be able to get some good treats tomorrow

Oh and edited to say great job on 7 days!!! :partying_face: I almost missed that


I brought it up with a lady at an AA meeting tonight. I didn’t realize it was a birthday meeting. The sugar I ate made my stomach hurt.
Anyways. I will cheer you folks on with the no sugar added but I agree its pushing it to attack too many vices at one time. Im driving myself bonkers.
Thank you all for the feedback and support. :hugs:


I wanted respond to your post earlier but my internet has been out most of the day and I never got the chance. I think not worrying about the sugar for now is a good call. I’m 75 days on the no sugar now myself and 2 years sober from alcohol next week. I gained a good 25lbs in my first year and a half of sobriety. I was so disgusted with myself and the idea of getting fat. But it all came down to my sobriety was the first thing I need to deal with. I am much more disgusted with the person I am when I drink then who I am being a bit chunky. And from there it was therapy, addressing my disordered relationship with food, and cutting out sugar. Slow and steady progress.



For Crying Out Loud!!!
Chef Louie is going to be doing a Belgium Chocolate Creation Du Jour every night after dinner.
:scream::scream::scream: :hocho::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar:


I had one strawberry, with just a tad of Belgium chocolate with gold flakes on it and it was the most amazing 1/2 teaspoon of chocolate on a strawberry I ever tasted, and a fresh homemade raspberry macaron so far. I’m pacing my self.

I won’t post my delights on here. But I’m on vacation. And staying sober with an open bar and a 2500 bottle wine cellar.

I’ll just have to catch up to you guys later. I’m still taking cheese for dessert. That Belgium chocolate thing each night is different :scream: they don’t even consider that dessert.

See y’all in August when I figure out my next sugar adventure. Or non adventure. It was fun while it lasted.


I’m cracking up at the gifs though!
Good for you! Enjoy your vacation! Enjoy it through sober eyes! Enjoy not over doing it on the sugar so you don’t make yourself sick after being no sugar added for so long.
Way to go! I’m green with envy but so happy for you!!!


This is a big thing to look at during recovery there is a huge percentage of women who relapse due to their cycle. I am not sure you know of it or not but there’s a support thread I will link for you.

Women’s hormonal roller-coaster