No More Added Sugar

I’ve tried those. They’re too good :grimacing: if you know what I mean. It’s hard for me to have just one. Or 2. Or 3 :grimacing:
Reese’s we’re always my fave.


Same, I love Reese’s. These are good but not the real thing and I can tell the difference. I had one and put them in the fridge.

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I’d have to put them in the neighbor’s fridge :laughing:


Oh my, she’s absolutely adorable.
Love love love how everything matches. :heart:


I reset my timer and it was so worth it, I had some yummy sorbet on a fricken hot day.:relieved:
Back at it though cant let the reigns go too loose.


Had a reset but I’m back to day 2. I asked the hubs to get some Crumbl cookies when he was visiting his mom in the hospital. 100% did not think he would remember. I wasn’t going to turn them down since he thought to bring them


I do the Choc Zero salt and almond.


My store has been out :sob::roll_eyes: This is the only choc zero they have had for a while. I found a different brand that I am thinking of trying but it’s a little more expensive. I don’t remember the name of the brand though

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I’m seriously considering giving up on all the non sugar cookie’s and chocolates etc……
I don’t want to start another timer. But I’m binging. Although, since Minnie died and wife is drinking her sorrows etc…… maybe I can get it under control soon. Next week.

I was thinking about you on my walk today listening to my podcast. “If I’m not the problem then there’s no solution.” :grimacing: I hate that saying :grimacing: It’s Al-Anon ish. One story was about a wife trying to fix her husband. Spoiler. She wasn’t doing too well. And it was driving her crazy. The story kinda sounded like the two of us. Same boat different stories though. Let me know if you’re ever interested.


What’s the name of the podcast? I listen to them at work. (normally murder ones lol)
I’m still sorry about Minnie. I know she was old, had her many health issues and it was time but that doesn’t ease the pain for the humans. I think you should allow yourself some grace. Binging isn’t good we know that but it is so hard to lose a fur baby. Non sugar cookies and chocolate is better than alcohol.


Sugar got me - I’m back to day 0
August has been rough


Haven’t posted on this thread for awhile. But I’m still going strong.

Congratulations on your 3 days @Mischa84
Didn’t know if you’ve ever seen this thread. And I get to show off my grandson.


That’s a right place for me! Thanks Eric! 4 months, impressive.
What a cutie :heart_eyes: I love such a young babies but from the other hand, so happy I’m done with this phase and will never have a baby again :sweat_smile:

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Weekend is almost over and I made it! I avoided extra added sugar, I avoided sweets.
Fucking proud of myself cause it’s not an easy fight.


Way to go Mischa!!



@Mischa84 Nice one! Since I detoxed and continue not to drink (6 weeks tomorrow 100% sober :partying_face: ) I have been so addicted to sugar and sweets! I am trying not to have too much, but on the other hand I gave up a maassive part of my life by addressing alcohol addiction, also stopping a really strong benzo I was on for 4 years (much to my psychiatrist’s dismay!) and giving up all caffeine beverages. So, I am not being too hard on myself… however, I am walking 60-90min at least 6 days a week and would actually like to get rid of my belly and the sugar is not helping!!

How have you managed to reduce your sugar intake? Definitely keen to nip this new addiction in the bud soon :crazy_face:

Keep up the great work, love from Australia :kangaroo:


Hi from Netherlands (although I’m Polish :sweat_smile:)!
Gratz for 6 sober weeks! And you gave up on so many things, that’s huuuuge!
With me was similar, when I stopped drinking I had massive sugar cravings. Also, when I gave up on alco I expected that magically I’m gonna lose a weight, but it didn’t happened :sweat_smile: Obviously, bcs of all that sweets I was eating. I was trying to cut my sugar intake since I got sober but it was to hard. I guess now, when I’m more than 10 weeks sober (80 days today), I’m more ready and it got easier. Also, I’m trying to eat more proteins and veggies/greens. Actually I don’t know why this time I managed to have 5 days without extra sugar already.
I’m measuring my waist every Sunday cause this is my biggest issue (fat belly), but yesterday I didn’t cause I feel nothing change, and I don’t want to demotivate myself.


@Mischa84 80 days! So good!!

My mother and her family are from the Netherlands, so I am half-Dutch :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I have increased my veggie intake, in fact I am actually eating 3 reasonable to very healthy meals a day for the first time since my drinking got really bad (I couldn’t be bothered, would rather drink etc…) several years ago. I got my blood taken today to check all my vitamin and other levels as I was put on several vit b supplements (thiamine and vit b 12), magnesium and vit d due to alcohol typically depleting these vitamin levels from the body. In detox I had to have vit b injections into my butt 3 times a day for the first 3 days! Ouch! I would like to get to a point that my vitamin levels are normal through eating enough healthy foods and not need to supplement them, but I guess that will take time, and I am fine with that for now.

S U G A R :crazy_face: I haven’t been much interested in any sugary foods for years but now if I buy some chocolate I can’t control myself haha… but there’s no way I am going to develop another unhealthy addiction. I have mentioned this to a few people and they all agree it is common, I wonder why? Maybe sub-consciously we feel we have given up something we loved (but also hated) so we deserve some other comfort? Who knows!!! :cupcake:

Let me know if you come up with a way to cut the sugar other than sheer will-power, I think I have used up most of mine for the time being hahaha


Can’t seem to find my way back past day 1 with sugar :disappointed: yesterday it was banana cake from my aunt and the day before that chocolate strawberries. I’m happy none of it has been a binge but I worry that’s the direction it’s heading with the end of the year holidays on the way if I keep this up.