No More Added Sugar


I gain weight when i stop eating sugar. I have a effed up eating disorder that battles with my addiction so when I am in active sugar eating i restrict my calories like crazy for fear I will over indulge in garbage. I basically only end up eating whatever the sugary treat was in a day . When I am not eating sugar I focus on eating balanced and feeding my body right which of course allows me to gain appropriate weight.


I am the same I do not weight myself ever as it hurts my progress and starts a messy cycle so we have no scales. I go by clothes and how I feel.

I find that fruit can be quite counter productive. Maybe that’s triggering a response for your body to covet fructose? Are you gaining weight you need to gain and your body is just doing what it needs to do?

I don’t know, it could be hormonal or water weight also. Keep doing healthy things however you see fit and don’t sweat it. That’s my only opinion on this.

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This could hold some truth for me too. I have always struggled to eat correctly. I tend to binge or avoid food. I guess this is one more step toward finding out what works for me.

I’m sticking with this for now and might go an extra month. Pants that fit are overrated. Thanks!

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I have a ten pound range that I feel healthiest in. It was 10 pounds less in my 30s but here we are :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and I can feel myself creeping to the upper limits based on how my clothes feel.
The scale is a confirmatory tool for me.

I might just be heading toward a healthy weight for myself. I can guarantee no health professional will ever tell me to eat more sugar so I will stay my course and I do okay when I allow myself to eat intuitively. I will get back to that after this is over. I think I just need a full reset from allowing myself to use sugar as an alcohol replacement. Ah, balance, why are you so elusive? Its like the pendulum has to swing hard one direction before I can settle. I’m starting an anti-moderation club. :woozy_face::confounded:


I hear ya sistah :hugs:
Totally me.

I wonder if that’s why I continue my intermittent fasting. And I don’t keep the no sugar treats in the house because I binge on them. When I leave food or get a box to go at a restaurant I feel like it’s a milestone celebration.



I think acknowledging it and talking it out is the first step to understanding. We just keep trying new things to see what works.


14 days! Wooooo


I guess me too! Then double Wooooo!


I’m at 16. I was almost severely derailed by a surprise Caramello hiding in a drawer but I stood my ground.


Haha i was almost got derailed too and the chocolate bar is still “hiding” in the not so secret spot. I need to get kiddo to get rid of it.


This is a known offender work drawer. I was looking for a fork and it just jumped out at me. I picked it up and put it right back down. Tricky!


It was my birthday too :grinning:

I’m restarting my counter. I don’t want to deprive myself of a little enjoyment once and awhile. I knew I wanted some cake for my birthday. But I also wanted it to be something special. Something I really wanted that would be good. Not just any old dessert or cake just because I could. It was actually kind of hard to indulge. The over thinking almost kept me my streak going. And the first 2 places I could have had some cake or dessert I passed on because it wasn’t quality stuff. Anyway…… I’m starting over. I’m ok with that.


This is an honest question: Was it as good as you anticipated? Or was the fantasy better or lesser than the real thing?


I was hanging on by a thread yesterday and almost drank a kombucha after work. I stood my ground though and am happy I did. I will make my 30 days and then re-evaluate.

I’ve also been watching Reacher and am dying to try a Clark bar. :joy: I know this is marketing but I will eat one in February.

Happy treat Daze!!! I hope it was something with delicious frosting.



They were both from very very nice restaurants. I passed on the store bought birthday cupcakes at my grandsons party. They didn’t look worth it. Then I passed again at another restaurant because they ran out of what I wanted. I didn’t want any substitutions. Then the other 2 desserts on separate nights were very well done and worth it.

I been doing this no added sugar thing a long time now. Since I started the thread August 21. I was a year and a half sober. But eating tons of sugar. You name it. I ate it. As long as I hit the pillow sober. Who cares. But after a year and a half it was time to get off the sugar.

When I go out of the country I blow it off and get right back on here again. I almost made it a year when I first started this thread but that darn trip to France. And yes. That cheat 2 weeks was well worth it. My biggest problem is binging. I use to do zero sugar chocolates but I was binging on them. Didn’t seem right. So I know me now and I’m ready to stay off the extra added sugar until Italy. Obviously I don’t do this with drinking. To me that would be very dangerous and I don’t have another recovery in me. I’m happy with this one.

Sorry I went on so long.


A friend is taking me out to dinner tonight to a restaurant that I have always wanted to try. I might suspend my no sugar for tonight in favor of dessert if it is offered.

I’m not in this for the long haul anyway, just a reset for a month. If I do choose to indulge I will add a day to the end of my month. Just posting for accountability. I said I would do a month no sugar and this would be my only exception so far.


No dessert tonight. Onward I go!


Good for you either way Emily.
You had a plan. You didn’t force it.
Nice to have a choice.


I’m happy that I felt comfortable either way. I told my friend I was doing no sugar but would eat dessert and we both decided against it. Too much savory to enjoy. :blush:

The restaurant was lovely and she had a cocktail while I enjoyed a soda water. I did not crave alcohol or sugar honestly. Sugar because I am completing my month and alcohol because that shit lies to me. I am sated and content but will definitely get in on the asparagus and salmon with grits that my husband is cooking. Another successful day avoiding things I choose not to consume.


Hi, I was on here a couple of weeks ago when I had a nice run of no sugar. Well, I know it’s just an excuse, but we had some really bad weather about a week ago when we were on lockdown. Although, I’m proud, I didn’t do what I used to do, which was packed the fridge, high and tight with beer, I did pick up a bunch of ice cream. Now this is my second day without it, and I actually feel better mentally and physically. Thank you for letting me be part of your group, keep up the great work!