No More Added Sugar

Papa, that is what I am now called


Day number 2!!!


I got one full day under my belt and working day 2. Started my counter the morning of the 8th May.


I might be the same?!? I lost track of when i reset


I tried this a few years ago with total failure. Then I started swimming, I found when I started my day with that workout I was more aware of what I was putting in my body the rest of the day. Now I’m up to 60 laps in the morning and I ride bike later in the day. In the winter I snow shoe and walk. Before workouts I tried just focusing on changes food and cutting out sugar and always gave in. But now I’m down to my teen weight at 62 years of age and planning on riding bike in Italy. This all started with sobriety 18 years ago, it’s a wonderful life.



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Day 3…I like this journey. Wont be as easy as i assumed.


I’m with ya Papa :older_man:


Day 0. Picked Ms. Monkey up from a birthday party. They saved me a cupcake. Halfway through it…“SHIT! WHAT AM I DOING!”.

While no one was looking, the dog got the other half.

The difference between this and alcohol…everyone knew I wasnt drinking. Might be time to go public with this.


You mean while you weren’t looking :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Lol, i sought the dog out! As funny as it seems…i hid that shit like i would hide booze.


I’m on day 3 and sticking to it.

But to be clear I’m not :100: sugar free.

I had a Swedish pancake with tiny bit powdered sugar and a little of wifey’s multigrain pancake yesterday. The Swedish pancake was tiny and a free starter at this new breakfast restaurant we tried. It was so good.

But my thing is:
No sugary snacks.
No desserts.
No pies.
No cakes.
No ice cream.
No gelato.
No sweet sugar filled pastries.
A croissant once and awhile is :ok_hand:
No cookies. Unless they are sugar free.
No chocolates.Unless they are sugar free.
No candy bars.
No sodas or sugary drinks.
Sugar free mints only.

If I want a small sprinkle of raw sugar on my cappuccino, that I only have once and awhile, that’s ok too.

And I use a little honey or real maple syrup for sweetening.

I think that’s about it.

So I’m keeping day 3 in tact.


Ya, well, it was worth it. Last night.
But I got a headache this morning.
At least I didn’t binge.

I don’t know. I might have to wait til I get back home. Wherever the hell that is :scream:


Eric you well know that you can stay anyplace any time with what you have. This is a huge struggle, needing lots more ingredient reading than booze sobriety does.

We went out to eat last night, a fancy place by lakeside Vermont standards, and I was left with a choice of a burger or a chicken entree, everything else was made with wine or rum. I can’t imagine tracking sugar!


I’m back from my bender Twinnie. Lets do it. :heart:


I’m back on the band wagon. I noticed on vacation I was getting headaches which hardly ever happens to me. I think it had to do with the sweets :unamused:


I am amid a set of steps just nearing the reservations section of the NA step guide. This step one has been very humbling (they all are)…but to see how sick I have become since unleashing my sugar demon. I just need to surrender. Abstinence is a must in order to recover I know this, so here I am.

Today has gone ok, I caught myself a few times almost mindlessly eating chocolate. Grateful I managed to stay present. This is a big one for me, checking out and partaking in unwanted behavior. I find if I can keep heart centered and stay witness to myself I have a better chance at staying clean.

Grateful I am not on the journey alone.

:sparkles: :heart: :seedling:


Checking in…



Came on to find this thread, I reset last night

I’ve been drinking coffee again with sugar daily for a week+ now and I feel like shiiiiit. Also in the last 2 weeks I had some fried dough, some ice cream annnnd cupcakes.

I started this 6-week program using EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping) that helps to clear out the emotions tied to the additive food behaviors. She doesn’t tell you what to eat or exercise. She wants us to find freedom to be able to be around these foods or even to be able to have them once in a while without going overboard. Which is exactly what I seek-balance. But right now if I have it, I decide I want a little more the next day and then a little more…this is why I know I can never drink again lol.

It’s actually a little mind blowing what came up for me in the first week related to my childhood and my relationship with food. It also aligns with the Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional families program I’ve been guided toward also. It was absolutely divinely inspired.

Week 1-FANTASTIC! I felt SO good, ate way less and was feeling satisfied. Annnnd after that first week, I was like hmmmm…Seems like a good day to make cupcakes.

Week 2 of the program is all about self-sabatoge! She said that when you start feeling good or others notice, bam-you go right back to it. And that’s not only what I did, I took a step further and ended up also taking 2 week hiatus from the program.

My HP and I chat every night in my writing. And last night it reminded me that faith without works is dead. My HP is not a magic genie…I asked for help, that program arrived literally an hour later. But I’m not taking the action steps I’ve been guided to take to change. I’m asking my HP to remove the obsession from me, but I’m trying to bypass doing the freaking work. And I feel like absolute shit, yet after my walk I went out for an ice cream last night.

Then I did my writing, heard exactly what I needed to, re-commited and reset my timer.

I’m heading back into my program now but had to come on and own where I’m at!

Not sure where I’ll be headed with all of this but for now I know it’s not doing me any favors, so I’m back to no added sugars.


Checking in. I’ve been craving sugar hard these past few days and then today my period comes. I don’t get why I crave sugar sooooo bad right before I start. Like is it a hormone thing? or just that my body is use to me giving in at this time of the month. I’m feeling decently strong currently. The hubs went and got oreo flavored brownies the other night but I’m not even looking at them. I swear it feels like sabotage when he gets oreo anything. He knows I love oreos and will binge hard on them.