No More Added Sugar

Day 6. I think I have Ms. Monkey coming on board. We bypassed a sweet snack for a healthy one. I have zero will power. I am going to need help. Which is absolutely crazy…I dont indulge a lot of sweets…yet i have trouble saying no when we do.


Congratulations on your 6 months sugar free Aga
That’s awesome :clap:


That’s incredible! Well done! :heart:

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Dbl digits. Wooop!



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Day 7. First day of camping and no sweets, no real snacking either.


It’s a start :hugs:


Day 10. I didn’t cook tonight but luckily it was mentioned that sugar was added to the marinade used tonight right before the meat went into it so an accidental reset was averted.

I’m pretty impressed I’ve kept this up through a conference & several local trips where I’ve drank only unsweetened tea when looking for something besides water. Our family bbq is tomorrow but they basically never have gluten free food that I don’t bring myself so that’ll be easy. I’m feeling much less bloated and SO grateful in this moment. :heart:


It’s certainly not easy to avoid the added sugar in all the processed food. And gluten free food without added sugar that isn’t easy eather :blush:
Are you baking it yourself? Most of the time they add sugar to replace the weat to make the product stick together. That’s why they contain sugar a lot, at least here in the Netherlands they do. You have to read the ingredients carefully here.
Congratulations for the double digits Mandi and have fun at the bbq! :confetti_ball:


Ok, day 2 in my pocket.
Day 3 is a challenge bacause I’m going to visit friends for some boardgames. That involves snacks and sweets :face_with_peeking_eye:
I’m going to bring my own nuts and decide to go nuts by not eating the sugar stuff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(That must have been crappy English like usual, but liked the way it sounded :hugs:)

So day 3 I’m going to nail you :wink:
And yes I like smilies :joy:


Thanks love, I suspect I will have a great day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I do often cook everything and use very little condiments. Last night the marinade was gluten and sugar free…but they decided it didn’t taste as good without something sweet in it lol. I found it to be really good though!

When I cook I use seasonings over things like marinades. I try to keep it as natural as possible as my body really doesn’t like processed food anyway. I keep it simple with a meat or fish, veggies and or fruit with occasionally potatoes or rice for a starch.

I found the more I accept that I am not “normal” the easier it’s been. When I try to find gluten free replacements to hang on to all my old favorite foods, it’s expensive, unhealthy and I don’t feel great after eating it usually. I’m about 90% paleo basically at this point and I’m feeling better for sure! :heart:


Made it to day 12!

I spent the morning on the lake and paddled out on my new paddleboard’s maiden voyage for 3 miles. I had nuts and water with me, so I had breakfast on a little island I had all to myself.

When I got home at noon, I was starving and wanted ice cream in the WORST way. I ate leftover meat and pineapple kabobs and went for a 3 mile walk instead. On my walk, I decided I’d stay home to avoid temptation.

Well, I got home annnnnd I needed groceries so I showered and headed into town.

I not only passed the ice cream shop, got no ice cream or junk in the store I also went to my coffee shop and just got another plain hibiscus tea. Wahoooo!

On road trips 1+ hour away, I always want a coffee too, but I said no to myself before I even left to go south yesterday. I picked up the smallest (my ex’s daughter, who is now almost 14 and not so small anymore lol) and we went to the cemetery together and my mom’s to see the family and have a bbq. We both avoided alllllll the sugar together as she had a sugar rash recently too turns out. I didn’t birth this child but I swear I should have-she is SO much like me it’s ridiculious lol. But we were in it together yesterday and that was lovely. She gets frustrated not being able to have what “everyone” else can, and I totally get that. But she got fruit instead of the soda she wanted yesterday because I was firm in my resolve and it motivated her. And my brother who has diabetes skipped the sweets with us too, which never happens. I feel like we really are all in it together, which was a cool and different feeling. :heart:



You’ll are not far away from the 2 weeks @MandiH and @Its_me_Stella :muscle:
I like a cold hybiscustea too very much Mandi, it’s a bit sweet like an old fashion kids sirup. It always reminds me to that.
It’s an old treatment for high blood pressure as well did you know?

Today my last holiday day off. Tomorrow work starts and “normal” life, but that’s ok too :sunglasses:


I didn’t know that, that’s really cool! This one had zero sweetness to it but it was still delicious. I prefer my tea without sugar, but coffee on the other hand I really only like sweet. Which is perfect honestly because my body really doesn’t love coffee either so it worked out perfectly to ditch both at the same time.


For years I made hibiscus tea at home. Bought organic dried hibiscus flowers. Made tea from them. Drank it hot. Kept it in the fridge to add
bottled Topo Chico (sparkling water from Mexico) to it. Did it 3/4 / 1/4, half hibiscus tea, half Topo Chico or whatever I or whoever else wanted. It was always good, sometimes too w mint leaves or basil leaves.
Yes, to it lowering blood pressure.


7 days sugarfree, I’ll take it :sweat_smile::smiling_face::muscle:


Congrats on a whole week friend :muscle::sunglasses:


Wooohooo a week, amazing Claudia. :heart: