No More Added Sugar


About to try this. We shall see if it satisfies my sweet craving
Update- this was so good!!! The next one I plan to heat it up


A lot of ‘sugar free’ products are sweetened with sugar alcohols like sorbitol, xylitol, manitol, etc. As they are not fully absorbed in the small intestine they often cause digestive symptoms.


Well, i will stay away from rhose ingredients!

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Yep, sugar has well over a hundred ‘names’. Artificial ‘no sugar’ is worse than sugar unfortunately :angry:




Still going :tada::tada: I did find a few different protein bars to substitute and I found an ice cream sandwich. Of course they all have the fake sugar. I’m going to find some baked oats recipes and try those out soon. I’ve heard they are really good and by adding honey or maple syrup they can be sweet.


Right behind ya.
And I was tempted today.


Holy shit I just took a bite of a macaroon and spat the fucker out!!! :flushed:

That was a close call, I am getting those out of my house.


Hahaha… funny story. Well not so funny but pretty funny.

I didnt believe the warning on sugar free candy. “May have laxative affect if eaten in large quantities.” But boy oh boy did I learn my lesson. Not one time, but maybe 10 times because, well you know, I am an addict and binging on sugar free candy and expecting different results comes naturally. :melting_face:


I’m so happy for all of you! Sugar is a tough enemy. I lost a lot of battles but keep fighting. Stay strong ppl! :blue_heart:


Reached the 14 days mark yesterday, but couldn’t resist the chocolate pie my daughter brought in because of her new job.
So today day 1 again. But not feeling sorry for it, I did great for 14 days and enjoyed eating that pie :wink:


Guess i am locky with just gas

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I did have 16 days on my counter until early yesterday morning…the previous evening, I went to the local shop and they didn’t sell sugar free jam (I was craving jam on toast and I’d ran out of no added sugar jam), I shouldn’t have, but I did buy the regular jam, thinking typical addict thoughts such as ‘I can control myself’ and ‘I’ll just have a little’ :roll_eyes: and then I ended up bingeing jam on toast that night, then ate the rest of the jam, from the jar, with a fkin spoon yesterday morning, it was vile, I didn’t even like the taste, but I couldn’t stop myself! :man_facepalming:t2: My counter ticked over to 1 day an hour ago.



Don’t feel too bad about it friend. Been there, done it. I took chocolate bars out of the trash bin, hid my sugary stash in all kinds of places at home, and stole sweets from kids and friends. Addiction sucks. But don’t make it about yourself. ❤‍🔥

@Its_me_Stella That move with the macaroons is really impressive. I don’t know if I would be able to stop myself at this point :muscle:


Haha I get that too. Soooo many sugar free replacements and I do NOT play well…anyone stuck around me would agree! :joy:

Day 22 here!

Originally I intended on a 21 day break to just get out of my daily habit.

With my addict thinking, I bought myself some mango gelato to put in the freezer for when I was ready to eat it again. Lol. But I’m not feeling any desire to stop so I’m just gonna keep on trucking forward!

I’ve been finding some watermelon really hits the spot lately when I want something sweet, or just really want some kind of fruit. I’ve been noticing it’s more in my head when I want something sweet now vs my body craving it-it’s a mental thing.

And I bought some hibiscus tea for me to make at home…it’s SO much better than what I spent $5.19 on at least 2-3 times now to give myself a treat so that was a fun win! I can just pack it in my fun new cup and be ready to go now! :heart:



Your behavior sounds just like mine!!! Love the identity we get with orher addicts.


I think I have it figured out. The hard candies and the chocolates give me the wicked gas and the gummies and licorice get me on the toilet.

There, I took a few for the team.
:warning: Tread carefully :warning:



Is it bad, that with that knowledge, my mind went to what prank to play at work?

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