No More Added Sugar

Bed is better than bucket!


Yessss @acromouse



Day 1 no sugar. Happily reset from last nights wonderful dinner and dessert.


You did it: You chose bed over bucket! Your rock! :sunglasses: :muscle: :partying_face:


Ok, here I am again :thinking: :sunglasses:


Back to zero. This is hard. I am not doing it because I have a health issue. I am doing it for prevention of issues. The alcoholic in me, is having a hard time seeing the future benifits.


I could use some advice as im not sure what im doing. My rheumatologist strongly suggested cutting out sugar as i have autoimmune inflammatory arthritis. I have been having a lot of flare ups, swelling and inflammation. I am in the process of starting a new medication (waiting for insurance approval.) I’ve really been trying to eat better, but there’s sugar in everything. What about artificial sweeteners? I’ve given up my beloved diet mt dew because i know it’s just garbage and not good for me. Most of the flavored waters, Propel, Gatorade Zero seem to have artificial sweeteners, which ive read are not good for you. Will just cutting back help or do i need to go no sugar/sweeteners at all? I’d appreciate any insight or advice.

Day 2 no added sugar.


Reset day zero. I had a cookie. Only 1. I’m sure it didn’t have added sugar but a sugary cookie nonetheless. It was a pretty good cookie as cookies are. Wouldn’t want to have to reset for a poopy cookie.


1 week no sugar :sunglasses:


My opinion Optimal Nutrition is the best protein powder ever. I’ve tasted a lot and ON is the best. Greate quality, mix well, great variety of tastes (now I have chocolate-hazelnut).

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Sitting here. The hubs brought home a chocolate bar the other day and I had half. It was a reese’s bar and I love anything reese’s.


Hey there :wave:
I wanted to reply earlier and than forgot :laughing:

Nobody can tell you how your body will react to different substances or removing them from your diet.
There are all kinds of options from reducing overall sugar intake to banning any processed food and not using any kind of sweeteners.
The choice is yours and obviously the path is yours.

You will have to experiment.

Start with something that sounds doable for you. State it clearly for yourself: What exactly are you not going to ingest? Try it out for a fixed amount of time like a week. See how this feels. See if it changes anything for you.
Then try another experiment, extend the time, etc.

I personally do not eat any ultra processed foods and do not use any kind of sweetener at all. But that is my personal choice, I am happy with that, and do not think at all that this is the best way for everyone.

You will see in this thread different approaches and different results. Try your own and share your journey with us.

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Thank you for the reply. It definitely helps to think about it that way. I was getting a little overwhelmed. This week, im working on cutting out sugar. I went way overboard with the sweets when i quit drinking and again when i quit vaping. I’m also cutting out diet soda. I was drinking several a day. Ive been focused on increasing fruits and veggies and cutting down on ultra processed foods. My job takes me into multiple fast food restaurants every day. It’s so easy to grab a burger and fries for lunch. This week ive made an effort to bring something healthy, even if i sit in my car in the parking lot to eat it.
At this point, im willing to try anything to feel better. I’ve failed with several medications and the inflammation is so bad right now.

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One thing that a lot of people find helpful is meal planning and meal prepping. This might not be the right tool for you, or not the right tool right now.
But some of us found out that if we do not plan and prep we’ll ‘just grab something’ when hunger strikes and this ‘something’ is usually not such a great option.
Fingers croessed you’ll find some relief with your inflammation soon!


Funny you brought up meal planning…kind of the same subject on planning…my biggest issue is that I have 2…probably 3 different eating schedules. 1) when i eat at work differs from 2) when I eat on my 2 days off that I baby sit, differes from 3) my third day off where its a true day off.

Work days are regimented. I eat the same time. Babysitting days, every 4 hours grandson is consuming something, he eats better if papa is eating with him. My third day…changes every time.

When I get “peckish” is on the days it isnt regimented…and thats when i grab a quick treat…

Maybe that is where I start with all this


Day 1 no added sugar!


Day 3 over. No added sugar, no diet soda and no ultra processed food. Ive been drinking one La Croix a day and several bottles of plain water. Being at a McDonald’s today for two hours when i was feeling an afternoon slump was really hard. I said no to an iced coffee and had water instead. I even made cupcakes for an event im going to tomorrow and didn’t lick the bowl. Im not sure what there’s going to be for me to eat at the event. I’ll just have to make sure i don’t get carried away


I’m on day 17 here. I reset and had a lovely frozen coffee with my Gramma before starting a gut health rebuilding regiment. Now I just pick her up one and it makes me happy to see her enjoy it as much as I used to-I enjoy that much much more! :heart:


Reset day zero